I'm 15 with tinnitus. It came nearly 2 weeks ago out the blue, probably due to loud music and places. I will admit that I have abused my poor ears over the years. I got my taste of temporary tinnitus after sitting behind a speaker. Now I'm stuck with it permanently. Went the urgent care and they said my eardrum membrane is pink and I have fluid behind my eardrum. Gave me some penicillin and I'm taking antihistamines to clear up the fluid and here I am still with the ringing. I also caught a cold so that's making it even worse. I'm going to an ENT to see if my hearing is worse now. I have at least 75% of my hearing back now. Still sounds a bit clogged up now. I have hope that my ears are fine because I woke up to silence for 2 days straight for a few minutes. Any other similar stories?