Your Thyroid Can Make Your Ears Ring!

This is an interesting thread on thyroid T and balance.Had thyroid check few years back,maybe get another revisit,as I got balance after the T ,will watch this thread.Love sent to all
This is an interesting thread on thyroid T and balance.Had thyroid check few years back,maybe get another revisit,as I got balance after the T ,will watch this thread.Love sent to all
Hello Marlene, I have strong feeling our T is related to Thyroid!, my doctor said my levels are okay, I had Thyroid problems a few month ago anfd my T started.. Please have yours checked out..If you check Google on Thyroid making you dizzy , it will give you lots of info. on it could be accoiated! Thanks..Take care!
Hi Telis, is your T one sound all the time?, mine is. It sounds like crickets in the night!
Mine is a solid tone mixed with a lot of other sounds....I'm sure my tinnitus is not thyroid related for the most part, mine came on after taking ototoxic meds. But, as I may be having thyroid issues, maybe it is making the tinnitus worse.
Thanks Ali,yes I will do ,my eldest sister had thyroid trouble ,I know she was on some kind of meds,all she wanted to do was sleep,till they found thyroid doing it. Makes you think will give her a call ask if she had balance/ dizzy she's fine now.My cousin had under thyroid never know if it goes in family's genes,she had hers removed as her neck swelled up.think I was tested due to weight loss and anxiety,yes the connection would be there Karen to says this.
Will read up on it ,when you get the No test is neg,you dismiss thyroid as cause,but it's a hormone which I've always believed was at my root core to my issues,it's getting Drs to listen,what's being said,clues are there.
Thanks Ali,God Bless x
Mine is a solid tone mixed with a lot of other sounds....I'm sure my tinnitus is not thyroid related for the most part, mine came on after taking ototoxic meds. But, as I may be having thyroid issues, maybe it is making the tinnitus worse.
Mine is a solid tone mixed with a lot of other sounds....I'm sure my tinnitus is not thyroid related for the most part, mine came on after taking ototoxic meds. But, as I may be having thyroid issues, maybe it is making the tinnitus worse.
I did take ototoxic med too, microbid.. check Google, it said it can cause dizziness also T..who knows! take care!
Oh yes my Tinnitus was definitely caused by misdiagnosed Hypothyroidism.. Went on for months untill i saw another Doctor who re checked my blood tests .. By then it was too late and my body was in melt down.. Very loud tinnitus started one morning when i woke up .. I take 225 mg of Levothyroxine..
My doctor ran a ton of blood tests and I am now on some sort of thyroid supplement.

Anyone have this issue?

Im sure this isn't the primary reason for my T, but maybe I will see some reduction when this is resolved?

The Thyroid angle is interesting; makes me want to get mine checked. Thanx for posting

On a side note, I visited an individual in the hospital who claimed Addison's disease as one of his many ailments. Having not a clue, I looked it up and ended up reading an article about adrenal glands (the victim of Addison's disease) and learned they are the only organ with a direct connect (nerve line) to the brain (so we can respond to dangerous situations in a rapid manner); all other organs communicate their status/needs via blood stream or chemical balance. I don't have Addison's disease but there is a possibility of adrenal fatigue/adrenal saturation

So, I got thinking and researching a little and it definitely seems like there is something to adrenals and T.

1. Adrenals have a direct nerve line through the spine (I also have a lack of cartilage between C-5/6/7)
2. I have somata-form T (physically based vs. idiopathic)
3. Hearing loss causing the ears to be hyper-vigilant (straining to hear); wherein we may actually hear our own internal processes (like a hyper nerve system)
4. Typical adrenal saturated life-style (the American/Western civilization experience)
5. T is generally worse when during times of fatigue/stress

Chronic adrenal saturation locks the central nervous system into a quasi fight/flight mode (permanently high state of awareness).

This led me to another article (attached); I'm not sure the credibility of this guy and what he is saying (he talks about Craniosacral therapy -- a practice not without approach) and I wouldn't claim to agree with everything he says, but he does raise some interesting points.

The adrenals (and their well-being) is likely one of the key components


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@Mark McDill ,

What you've learned is of interest to me, because my tinnitus got worse suddenly four years ago, after taking a blood pressure drug. I'm hypothyroid (have been for about 30 years), and right after the tinnitus got bad, I was tested and found to have adrenal fatigue.

Four years later, I am pretty sure I've gotten over the adrenal fatigue, and am feeling much better. As a result, my tinnitus seems better, too. I definitely think there is a connection, and it makes sense that the adrenals would have a direct connection to the brain (fight or flight, as you mentioned). Somehow all of this does appear to be connected.

I'd like to know if there are other tinnitus sufferers out there who have experienced adrenal fatigue, and if their tinnitus improved as their adrenals healed.

Thanks for exploring this idea!
@Mark McDill ,

What you've learned is of interest to me, because my tinnitus got worse suddenly four years ago, after taking a blood pressure drug. I'm hypothyroid (have been for about 30 years), and right after the tinnitus got bad, I was tested and found to have adrenal fatigue.

Four years later, I am pretty sure I've gotten over the adrenal fatigue, and am feeling much better. As a result, my tinnitus seems better, too. I definitely think there is a connection, and it makes sense that the adrenals would have a direct connection to the brain (fight or flight, as you mentioned). Somehow all of this does appear to be connected.

I'd like to know if there are other tinnitus sufferers out there who have experienced adrenal fatigue, and if their tinnitus improved as their adrenals healed.

Thanks for exploring this idea!

Agreed; getting control of the fight/flight mode was the first step toward habituation. It adds up; it is definitely 'A' component.
I'm an old avionics maintenance technician (worked on B-52 and B-2 bombers); the technician in me wants to have a doctor simply cut that adrenal-cranial nerve to see if the situation improves :LOL:. Until then...


Sounds like a good idea to me! I wish I could have done that so I could take back those four years of my life!

Is there anyone else out there who has experienced adrenal fatigue along with their tinnitus? If so, do you still have it? If not, did your tinnitus improve as your adrenals healed?
The Thyroid angle is interesting; makes me want to get mine checked. Thanx for posting

On a side note, I visited an individual in the hospital who claimed Addison's disease as one of his many ailments. Having not a clue, I looked it up and ended up reading an article about adrenal glands (the victim of Addison's disease) and learned they are the only organ with a direct connect (nerve line) to the brain (so we can respond to dangerous situations in a rapid manner); all other organs communicate their status/needs via blood stream or chemical balance. I don't have Addison's disease but there is a possibility of adrenal fatigue/adrenal saturation

So, I got thinking and researching a little and it definitely seems like there is something to adrenals and T.

1. Adrenals have a direct nerve line through the spine (I also have a lack of cartilage between C-5/6/7)
2. I have somata-form T (physically based vs. idiopathic)
3. Hearing loss causing the ears to be hyper-vigilant (straining to hear); wherein we may actually hear our own internal processes (like a hyper nerve system)
4. Typical adrenal saturated life-style (the American/Western civilization experience)
5. T is generally worse when during times of fatigue/stress

Chronic adrenal saturation locks the central nervous system into a quasi fight/flight mode (permanently high state of awareness).

This led me to another article (attached); I'm not sure the credibility of this guy and what he is saying (he talks about Craniosacral therapy -- a practice not without approach) and I wouldn't claim to agree with everything he says, but he does raise some interesting points.

The adrenals (and their well-being) is likely one of the key components
Ive. Had several visits to this guy .. He's a very nice fella and the treatment was very relaxing.. But sadly did nothing to alleviate my Tinnitus..
Hey guys, just want to post this as I know how it feels to feel bad. I also had tinitus but it did improve quite a lot after starting levothyroxine and then only every now and then when switched to levothyronine (T3) as it turns out I can't convert T4. However I was still very ill as I have been since a child and have been diagnosed with multiple issues such as IBS, sleep disorders similar to narcalepsy,and many more and was about to start insulin for late onset type 1 diabeties and adrenals were failing. I came across two very recent research articles suggesting gluten as the possible main cause and I decided to give it a try not really thinking anything would change and was more of a last ditch attempt - absolutely everything dissappeared and sugar levels went back to normal as did adrenal glands - my thyroid was already pretty much fully damaged so not a lot I can do about that now but did lower dose of meds by 1/5 so did save the last working part. I cannot really believe the difference it has made - I actually feel human! I would implore anyone with any form of autoimmune disease thyroid/diabeties/addisons/ etc to give it a go just for a month! it may not work for everyone but does seem to be a major trigger with latest reseach to back that up especially inregards to thyroid and diabeties and it made me realise that it does have to be something and you just got to figure out what it is. The research done was by swedish or norway government (can't really remember) and another by harvard university so valid stuff! Sorry don't mean to preach but if I see any threads mentioning it I think it's always worth it just to help the one or two who are in the same position I was :eek:)
I've had tinnitus for a few months in my left ear, just a hissing noise. It was only in the evenings and stopped when I went to bed. My TSH a few weeks ago was borderline, but because I complained of weight increase and feeling tired plus dry skin on my legs (forgot to say I'd been like that for 5-6 years) and recently constipation and a little hair loss my doctor put me on 25mcg of levothyroxine. I've only been on it for just over 2 weeks but now the tinnitus is all day and I feel sleepy, with hot flushes and itching which I know are side effects. I feel worse, not better.
I don't want to go on a higher dose, tinnitus or not, because I also have cardiovascular disease, which thyroxine can make worse, and cause angina which I don't have at the moment, and don't want either.
So my question is what else can I do to get rid of this continuous hissing noise? Thanks
Hi, Wicked,

I can certainly sympathize with you on the hissing and the thyroid condition, because I have both. I've been on Synthroid for many years (about 30) now. Usually, the doctors want to keep you on the lowest dosage possible, that will keep your thyroid functioning, so I think it's likely they won't raise your dosage.

From my experience, the best things you can do to minimize the hissing noise are to try to mask the sound as best you can (stay out of totally silent environments, when possible), and distract your mind. It has taken me quite awhile, but my tinnitus has gotten calmer since I've been practicing distraction. I don't know of anything else that works as well.
I'm also taking a supplement called NAC (N-acetylcistene) that minimizes any additional damage to your ear, and may even help the tinnitus be slightly calmer.

Good luck, and I wish you a quiet evening,

There are so many possible causes for tinnitus, it could be many things. What other types of symptoms do you have?
Also, do you know what might have caused your tinnitus?

There are so many possible causes for tinnitus, it could be many things. What other types of symptoms do you have?
Also, do you know what might have caused your tinnitus?

I have no clue, it started while playing some video games, my ear made a subtle pop then just started a high pitched ringing. The tinnitus doesn't bother me, but I've been having other symptoms like pins and needles in feet, some joint pain, fatigue, occasional headaches, muscle spasm and a slight constant dizziness (not vertigo).

I've had an mri of the brain which came back clear, saw an ENT who said it may be a viral issue. My general practitioner also thinks it's vestibular neuritis which is clearing.

I'm not convinced though, to me, it almost feels like a circulation issue of some kind, but my blood work came back clear.

I've got an appointment with a neurologist but that could take a while as waiting lists are long. I've also considered lyme as a possibility but I don't recall any tick bites.
Also, another thing I've heard about is Candida.

I'm not sure if Candida issues are quackery or not as symptoms are very vague, but for the past 3-4 months I've been having recurring penile thrush. I've been monogamous with my girlfriend and she doesn't have it, so it seems to be an issue with me.

Again, don't know if there's any evidence of Candida being a real medical issue but it is something I've come across.

Sorry for the essay.
That is strange, and it sounds like the symptoms could be somehow all connected, since they all began at the same time. I've read up on candida, too, and apparently some people have a lot of symptoms connected with that.

When my T and PT first started (five years ago), I had a lot of strange symptoms, too. In my case, one of the main problems turned out to be adrenal fatigue. My adrenals are now much better, and I feel better overall. That has made such a difference in being able to cope with the tinnitus.

I'm glad you have an appointment with a neurologist. If the neurologist is unable to help, you might consider going to a naturopath. I went to one when my tinnitus was new, and she helped me feel better, and get over some of the worst of my adrenal problems. A naturopath would also take you seriously regarding the candida, and could give you something natural to help heal it.

Good luck, and I hope things begin to improve for you!
Thanks for your advice Karen.

I am considering the naturopath route if I can not get an official diagnosis.

The tinnitus on its own does not bother me, I am able to sleep with the ringing there, but I do fear that it may be causing issues outside of my conscious control.

Time will hopefully resolve these issues, but if it doesn't, I will just have to manage.
The tinnitus doesn't bother me, but I've been having other symptoms like pins and needles in feet, some joint pain, fatigue, occasional headaches, muscle spasm and a slight constant dizziness (not vertigo).
I've done a lot of reading about mercury toxicity (eg. from amalgam fillings) in the last six months and that list of symptoms is more than a little familiar. I'm not saying that is your cause, but it might be worth investigating. There is lots of info available via google. Some of it is probably dubious and some less so. This site has a lot of detailed info that mostly looks reputable:
Thanks for the info dboy. I'm willing to explore anything.

I had quite a few fillings done in 2013 so who knows really.

Thing I find odd though is all of my symptoms happened very suddenly, these weren't ongoing lingering issues or anything like that.

Currently not sure if my issue is to do with my ear, neck, brain, spine, enzymes or some other thing but my next step is to see a neurologist.

Maybe I should get a mercury test of some kind if that's a thing?
I had quite a few fillings done in 2013 so who knows really.
When did your symptoms start suddenly in relation to having the filling placed? Having the fillings put in (or taken out) apparently causes a much larger absorption of mercury into the body than you get just by having them day to day. Some people do apparently find that this triggers illness for them. I don't want to scare you, but I do believe this is a real issue for some folks as our ability to process mercury out of the body varies considerably from person to person. Some get sick while some do not.

There are tests but simple blood or urine tests are not considered worthwhile. They measure what is passing out of your body (or currently circulating), not what your body is unable to process and excrete. It is what you do not excrete that is the main problem. A DMSA provocation test is a better bet I believe.
When did your symptoms start suddenly in relation to having the filling placed? Having the fillings put in (or taken out) apparently causes a much larger absorption of mercury into the body than you get just by having them day to day. Some people do apparently find that this triggers illness for them. I don't want to scare you, but I do believe this is a real issue for some folks as our ability to process mercury out of the body varies considerably from person to person. Some get sick while some do not.

There are tests but simple blood or urine tests are not considered worthwhile. They measure what is passing out of your body (or currently circulating), not what your body is unable to process and excrete. It is what you do not excrete that is the main problem. A DMSA provocation test is a better bet I believe.

Well symptoms started 3 weeks ago. I have one large visibly metal filling in my upper left tooth, which was done in 2013 by my dentist.

The tinnitus is also on the left ear. Not really sure what to do to confirm or rule out if this is my issue. Ran a quick google search and there are holistic dentists that can take them out in my city.
Well symptoms started 3 weeks ago. I have one large visibly metal filling in my upper left tooth, which was done in 2013 by my dentist.

The tinnitus is also on the left ear. Not really sure what to do to confirm or rule out if this is my issue. Ran a quick google search and there are holistic dentists that can take them out in my city.
I can't really advise you what to do other than to suggest some more research. If you can afford to have them out then it would be something to try. That list of your symptoms that I quoted earlier does sound like a lot of the symptoms associated with mercury, but it could equally be other causes too.

Like many things, you pay your money and take your chance. I just paid about 1000gbp to get mine out. Fingers crossed.

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