Hello. I was curious if your still using Gabapantin and klonopin and how they are working for you? Or if you have found any other med cocktails as I'm struggling with severe catestrophic tinnitus that only seems to get relief from Gabapantin, benzo, baclofen)
I took this year's flu and Covid boosters on Thursday afternoon. My tinnitus was spiked a bit Thursday night and Friday, but today (Saturday) it is back to my baseline. I'm grateful for health care that protects me from getting seriously ill from viruses!
Because T is on the edge of the damaged frequenties (possible interaction inner and outer HC's?) my hope is eventually T will reduce because more HC's die due to aging. Maybe I'm at peak T. At least I still have hope.
ENT said to me it isnt a surprise I havent heard in few weeks because I had so much fluid in ear and eutachian tube issues. The fluid was removed with myringotomy, now from other ear.
Hey buddy - I had my appointment with Dr. Stefane Maison at Mass Eye and Ear and signed paperwork to join a future trial for CIL001 if it becomes available. Dr. Maison mentioned hidden hearing loss or cochlear synaptopathy as possible causes of my tinnitus and hyperacusis. Their auditory research lab is top-notch, and I hope they keep getting funding to advance their work in this noisy world.
(2 of 2) Was definitely inflammation and not a sudden death of thousands of cochlear hair cells like I originally feared. Still gets annoying sometimes, but a little rest, some water, and stretching my neck and jaw, and I'm better.
(1 of 2) Four year mark: right now it's kinda like if I had just listened to a tape on a walkman and it's at the blank part at the end and I forgot to switch it off but there's some tape hiss. I listen to whole albums in the car and it's mostly great, with occasional annoying moments.
At least you were able to find a doctor. Mine won't and I'm afraid I'm going to suffer another major episode and then end up taking my life because of it. I don't even know what to do now except call emergency services and arrange for them to take me to hospital if this happens again because it will be the only thing that can save me from doing something to myself that would put an end to me.
Well I went from the post below to entering that time of the month and BOOM. Instant spike, increased reactivity, decreased mental and emotional tolerance, increased depression. As if this time isn't annoying enough
Doing some better than 2-3 months ago from major spike in August. Last day of work is January 3rd, just trying to make it until then with so much paperwork and a large student caseload. Going to do my best to enjoy the holidays
Hello brother going through the same mine started after prednisolone injections from my arm before that i had mild tinnitus, now i have severe t, dysacusis, hyperacusis and burning pain in my ears hundreds of floaters i am only 29 whats your problems rn?
I avoid speaking because it elevates my T. My voice isn't used to speaking anymore, it starts cracking after a conversation of 15' at normal levels. Yesterday I had a 45' conversation one to one and T is blasting so loud it hurts, left side of my head feels numb.