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headache, pressure in the head, pain in the ears without sound, pain on sounds and worsening noises, anxiety, depression. I've never been in such a mess as I have been since my ear problems.
clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have generalized panic disorder ocd.
i've been taking it for more than 2 years now every day. after half a year i noticed that T would worsen way more often than in the years before. T started to get really extreme while trying to taper it (5%/month) and even though i reinstated it eventually, the tinnitus would not get better or stabilize after, like at all. i wish my doctor would not have prescribed it. (1)
it's a gamble. to think i would not try ashwaganda or antidepressants but somehow i was ok with taking that shit every day until it was too late to quit... f me. if you need advice try deepseek, it seems like it does not have problems sharing medical insights. i hope you get better! (2)
You have nox mate? If i can watch tv go outside with plugs do you think i have nox?
I actually "forgot" about the incident below and i didnt spike... Weird. Last 2 days i been feeling energetic and in a good mood! :)
A severe tinnitus / noxacusis patient has 2 options. Euthanasia or torture for the rest of his life.
It looks like we are similar. Severe worsening T and benzo withdrawal. Hope you're ok
I'm not ok :( Are you tapering atm?
Yes I am. I'm not on either :(. So many alien tones in my head that don't sound like ringing or hissing at all. There are pure brain damage like tones
3 months in. We got hissing, shrieks, long lasting pure tones, static, wind, rattling like a snake. It's all just chaos and all the sounds take turns every few seconds / minutes. Never the same. Hard to get used to but I'm getting better at not reacting/ignoring. Volume wise it's hard to tell because some sounds are louder than others and some days it all seems louder/ quieter.
Sat in the back of my friend's revved up car not warned how goddamn loud it would be - Having a noise increase :/ I still don't really feel all that polite jamming my fingers in my ears every time its loud, but sometimes you need to I suppose!
I got some relief using an EarPopper. I think there is some inflammation in my left Eustachian tube possibly causing the tinnitus.
Hi Dan, did you have multiple tones? Were they in head and ears?
Yes multiple tones in both ears, head sometimes.
For anyone who likes to lurk profiles and see how things have ended up. Know I'm a rare case. I made a lot of mistakes. You won't end up like me. I can almost guarantee it. I'll be gone soon. There isn't hope for me to get better. I'm trying to stick this out but it's not possible. Noxacusis is a bitch. It shouldn't exist.
Was wondering if you are swiss? I'm based in Basel and suffering similar symptoms, and have come to similar conclusions.
Urk. Was out in the factory and had a conversation with one of the workers, he didnt know the question so he yelled at the top of hes lungs straight into my face on hes coworker like 15 metres behind me for hes attention.... I could litterally feel my peltor earmuffs vibrate from hes scream. Thank god i had both earplugs and earmuffs in. I hope this wont spike me...
Can't even urinate in peace. Office has a full blown music playing in the restroom