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still bad cannot comprehend daily panic attacks is my life. what should i do benzo's rest of my life? i see no other way out
Kenneth you are very similar with me online doom scrolling messed me as well took methylprednisolone for nothing i got visual snow and tinnitus alongside with debiliating other auditory issues. Im suicidal i have 5 year relationship its not gonna work
i have same issues with you mate. Im only 29 how old are you. I am also football fan. :( Im sure we have same reason to be here same medication same issues i might off myself.
I'm a huge arsenal fan for about 15 years. Only thing i look forward to is watching arsenal play every week but im loosing interest slowly in that as well. I just don't feel anything anymore in life.
im a besiktas fan 29 years turkish league i cant even watch games right now i used to go stadium happiest days
Feeling like a cripple. Very angry today. Soundmachine turned itself off tonight, so i woke up from my T. Work is hell today. It's so unfair, the other folks do not have T from this event! Why is my body this fragile?!? Getting more and more intrusive thoughts, that my life is screwed forever.
Mark F.
"What's wrong with you all?" We don't have much choice in this tinnitus crap. BUT...we DO have the choice to toughen-up and quit complaining, and get on with life...or, stay stuck in self-pity and misery...or kill ourselves. I know I choose option #1. What will you choose?
I'm sorry if my reaction came across as if i wanted to attack someone. I'm not particularly emotionally stable at the moment.
Mark F.
It's ok. You are still very new to this condition. I know it sucks. But please hang in there! Have hope that the saying "time heals all wounds" is true. I understand all too well the feelings of regret too. Keep posting. You are not alone.
Does anyone else suffer from hearing loss and tinnitus from birth?
Nope not me, i got mine from ear medicine
@henkess how did that happen? What was it?
I dont know, just a reular medicine for ears and i got tinnitus =( Its a common side effect i think on ear medicine
Currently having side effects from my hearing aids but it's okay because its temporary! I know I'll get better soon.
Wow, I did forget my T Anniversary in 2024. 8.5 years now. I'm so used to it now, it's like an old friend.
have you had it 24/7 since it started? Is it severe?
Yes, well 99.9% of the time. If I get really, really shitfaced drunk on red wine, it'll turn it off, but at that point I'm too drunk to appreciate it. lol. I haven't tried that in a long, long time! My T sounds exactly like a boiling tea kettle screaming, but I don't notice it anymore unless I intentionally choose to listen to it. My mind habituated and tunes it out of my awareness....but it's always there.
Wow that's great. Was it severe?
Hey are you doing Matthew ? Hope all is well with you bro
Thank you so much for asking. I am doing great. I live a great life with a little bit of hearing loss and tinnitus, I hardly realize I have it nowadays. Although when I get sick and congested my hearing loss and T is very noticeable. Currently dealing with that right now haha but I'm doing much better than initially
Yeah man same here my T spiked a couple days but like you I was congested and had sinus issues . I just take Claritin and nose spray and it went down to where it is barely noticeable. Thank god we are doing better bro continue healing my friend it truly is a blessing . 🙏
If my right side TMJ and ETD let up, i'm sure i would experience ✨some✨ sort of relief.
Actually found this intressting find. My earplugs are 23 mm long and i always insert them fully into the ear (so much that i have problem getting them out)
. So in this case it would mean that i dont get any occlusion effect i guess?
I was out in the factory and had to "talk loudly/almost shouting" for like 30 seconds with earplugs deeply inserted. Im currently under at spike and abit anxious about all this "occlusion" effect. I always use Foam earplugs and it sound "quiter" when i speak then without them.
Foam earplugs is the best of hearing protection . Best noise reduction, less occlusion when properly inserted, well hidden, etc.

The only drawback—they can get quite painful after wearing for a long time.
@BrOKeN_1 I work at Volvos Engine manufacturing. I Work as a Quality inspector so i am only out in the "loud factory" like 1-2 hours each day. It is a challenge but im happy im not out in the factory 8 hours per day. I work evening shift so i got the office all for myself so i dont have to hear people yelling and stuff in the office area :)
@ZFire I also prefer the "foam ones" best. Got some costume molded but the occlusion in those just insane. Only downside is that it can be hard to hear with foam earplugs so i prefer EAR EXPRESS if i wanna be able to talk (like at birthdays, out in the store etc). They are also extremly fast to insert which is a big plus! I use Moldex "spark plugs" 35 SNR whenever i dont need to talk to someone.
How are you?
Me too :(
How are you doing? My doctor prescribed gabapentin and took 300mg of it last night to start off with, it spiked so much i literally wanted to end it so bad. The noise literally made my head vibrate, I haven't slept in days.
@vikaspratap im sorry. I spiked from gabapentin for several days. I'm not good either.
Hi Mark, how are you doing in the meantime?
Mark F.
How are you doing?
I'm not feeling well. I just can't manage to accept what I've done to myself. I'm angry and frustrated most of the time. Knowing that it will be like this forever robs me of the will to live.
Mark F.
I know the feelings. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's all we can do sometimes. I have lived thru some horrible things in my life. Things I thought would never get better. But with time (in a couple was almost 10 years), they DID get better!
I had a very quiet head today and got quite a few things done. I wish today was repeatable but my history says it's not very likely unfortunately.
Yesterday, I went a bar where people at my table got loud, and the tinnitus is less intrusive today. I worry I'll be paying for it in a few days.
It's really intrusive today... Like on the first day. It will not get better. I know it. I hate this life.
Damn it, it's worse now. Three spikes in one day. How is this even possible. :(
Sounds like my average day aswell... :p It will get better! :)
@Sodlin it did actually get a bit better, thanks. Trying to keep the hope up.
On days when you feel spikes, it's best to avoid getting flu shots, COVID shots, or any vaccinations that might make you feel worse. It's more beneficial to receive these shots only on good days
Yep I saw. If you look at the timelines it was approved approx 11 months after closing phase 3 and because of all problems with pain management drugs I can imagine this being very strict.

It's good to keep 11 months in mind for XEN1101 after completion for a fast track approval.
Well it seems that I recovered some, but not back to where I was prior... I never thought I would find myself wishing for my old T back. I always wondered how I would be able to deal with worse... I guess I am finding out... You just do, because there is no choice. Still hoping it improves with time again.
"You Just Do".. I couldn't say it better myself. God knows how we can manage to keep it together with tinnitus that makes onset look laughable. I can only attribute this to time served.. hope your day finds you distracted in more pleasurable activities. :)
I've often asked myself recently what little things I was annoyed and worried about back then.

I had no idea.
I do this myself. How trivial those things really were. T gives you a completely different perspective on things.
Hey, has your T caused by hearing loss above 8kHz i remember reading something about it months ago. Was able to create account recently wanted to ask it and how are you wish u're ok
@hunu92 yeah my right ear is over 10,000 sensorineural Cochlea high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus. It's also bad in left ear. Mine is 24/7 in my head. When I first got it I thought I was going to kill myself. But I have managed to deal with it and start doing things I use to and yeah it's worse than it was before. I think mine was caused from covid.
same for me i've got hearing loss between 10k-18k at my right ear nothing under 10k it's like brand new when u look at normal audiograms... it's sad that got undiagnosed because of that. hope it'll get better for all the people in the forum maybe we'll be able to see magic drug renews every single thing in our life time.

wish u blessings