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Lovely how unfair things can feel and you're just supposed to pretend everything is fine. I'm tired of pretending.
Wind in right ear static somewhere (maybe left) and EEE or Ewwwa EWwwwah in left ear that both come and go.

It changes so much still 😩 last night wasn't great. Wine is not my friend.

Taking more hydroxyzine than I'd like. :/ don't wanna make it worse but I need help sleeping still I guess.

Can make it louder when yawning or bending head forward.
Im still in this UBERspike. I start to think more that its my reaction + tension from the incidents that spikes me, makes no sense that dropping a catcage door that made like 100-120 DB send my TT from 4-5 to a solid 8/10. Its crazy. Anyone got tips how to adress the jaw and neck? :) Tried to go for a walk today but felt more like i was running away from people with dogs so that didnt make me more relaxed.
Wind and static today. So weird. Occasional pings an Eeeeees. had a fairly quiet day other than the gym and kids wrestling practice yesterday and didn't mask last night, took 50mg of hydroxyzine to sleep and got a lot of sleep. Been taking ginkgo and iron again. Lots of variables. Staying positive.
*knock on wood* having alot of good days lately. Pain and noise tolerance is up. Anxiety and depression are at a low ebb. T is still loud and all encompassing but doesn't seem to be in the driver's seat for now. Wishing everyone here better days.
My distortions are gone sadly reactive t started and noxacusis (ear pain) hopefully i improve pray for me <3
Sound trauma :( Ive been home bound for the past few weeks now. It originally started with only loudness hyperacusis about a month and a half ago but then the nox kicked in about 2 weeks ago
@delta784 @Alexis413 I have no idea what noxacusis is like since I deal with distortions and reactivity, but I really hope both of you see improvement over time!
Thank you @TheCapybara. It means a lot. It's been a brutal journey and its hard to see an end to this. I remain hopeful that we'll get better with time
hello are you turkish by any chance?
hey i'm also turkish… do u guys have any hearing loss?
I keep myself busy as much as possible so i'm excausted in the evening and sleep well (VERY important). I don't answer phone calls, attend meetings or whatever. I avoid going to shops as much as possible. My wife is very caring and understanding. She goes to visit friends and family. But it always breaks my heart when she sends pictures at a dinner table in a restaurant f.e. It could have been us two together...
I feel you! ill hope we will all see an improvement soon! :) I also sleep very well in silence even tho i got loud tinnitus. Have hard time sleeping when im in a spike and anxious tho
Seems i can't reply on previous messages to answer your questions. I have mild T and H since 2004 but this escalated 2018. I have had periods of improvements but basicly this is just a roler coaster. But lately symptoms just have increased. I'm lucky I'm self employed (IT) and work from my home office. But I noticed a lot of computerwork is not good so i help my daughter in her art studio.
Why is alot of computer work "not good"? Is it because it makes you get tension or do your ear handle the computer sound poorly? Maybe your symptoms "increased" bc sitting at the computer (i think that is atleast alittle part in my case since almost all my sounds are extremly somatics and i sit at a desk ALOT (around 10-15 hours a day).
I really don't know but I have the feeling. Maybe it is a bad posture? My neck? The screen? In my case facial nerves are definitly involved (tingling in face and on skull). My T is somatic sensoric too (neck, jaw...). I notice when a reduce screentime and do more physical work i'm usually in better condition.
its a hard thing becuase since im scared of all other things i sit like 90% of my awakening time at the computer and i seems to get spikes from it aswell (also think its the posture since i got speakers on supppppperlow). But at the same time since its my only "safe space" its hard to get away from it.
How do you guys handle flying with T and H? Does it worsen you? Any tips or precautions? Thanks in advance
Noise cancelling headphones with light music playing - or if it is still too loud. Earplugs with noise cancelling headphones on top. Have had pretty good luck. I fly 2-3 times a year from Canada to southern California.
Read about your incident with the "toilet lid slam" you had. Did you get a spike from it and if you did, did it go back to baseline? :)
Hi Martin,
I've read your story and can really relate. After a period of health issues and anxiety, I've developed a high-pitched sound/hissing. I had mild tinnitus for 5 years, likely from a sinus infection, but it's now stronger. I can even change the sound with neck or jaw movements. It's tough knowing there's no cure, just CBT and therapy. How have you been doing? God bless.
I have the same thing jaw and neck movement change the sound sometimes for the better no always though. At the moment it's gotten so bad I get 2 or 3 different sounds at the same time. Hopefully one day we will vet so.e kind of relief. Could you tell me what is CBT. I only just joined this group needed to.find some support I'm going nuts and local doctor is no help at all...
Today my boss "rewarded me" for my hard work by taking hes palm and smash it on my shoulder 5-6 times really hard and said "GOODJOB *name*!". This is the EXACT same person i said that i have very hard for people talking loudly close to me or clapping their hands. Its make me so frustrating and sad. Cant tell if im spiking since im already in a spike from the catcarrier incident....
Even now, on one of the few occasions when I go anywhere, I still catch myself talking at normal volume to people and pretend that everything is normal with all the consequences that entails. If a conversation in a room is at 50dB, how much dB would that make at your vocal cords? 70 or 80db? This is enough for me to suffer from burning ears, facial/skull sensations and migraines for days.
@HighleyTall How long have you had it? Have you improved? Is it "hard" to live with another person and having this condition? I cant imagine having a girlfriend with this condition, dont seem fair for her to live the same isolation i live in atm.
@HighleyTall i understand what you mean. At my last worsening 2 years ago i couldnt hold meetings or have conversations before getting "tired" in my ears. Now i can handle that pretty well if its just a 1 on 1 conversation. Cant handle multiple people talking at once tho.
With the help of a little sleep meds (think the insomnia was due to high levels of B vitamins) and stress reduction, I'm back to sleeping and my T had been lower @ week 5-6

Still hissing, ringing squeaking? and occasional pure tone for a minute or two
Are im the only one stuck in this cycle? Loud noise ---> anxiety and louder tinnitus for like a day to some weeks ---> i forget about the incident or calm myself ---> Tinnitus back to baseline (or gets better) ---> new loud sound etc etc.... Is my reaction my problem for my spikes? happens like 1-2 times a week.
You're not the only one, I'm stuck in that same cycle as well but it's between months, not really weeks but yeah its annoying :/
@HighleyTall it might be but its weird it always seems to "go away" at the same time as i calm myself.
@orenge01 yea. Just wished wished i could "not care" and not freak out everytime i hear a loud sound.
Was feeling like my spike and anxiety calmed abit so i took my cat for a drive in the car (to get him used with it). When i came home and took hes cusion out of the cage the giant metal door fell down 1,5 metres and hit the wooden floor with two bing BANGS.... Not sure if its pure shock or im having a "new" spike now. Feels like so many stuffs happens so cant tell what spikes me and what not lol.


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Went and saw Nosferatu and have had a noise increase since :/ That's on me for not having my earplugs in the entire time. But also: Why are cinemas so goddamn loud? Or can they mix the movie so it's not going to deafen me every time something interesting happens...!
Man.. I would give so much for natural wellbeing. That is such a precious gift of life. My only hope, is hope, that it can be so one day.. these past years have been so harsh.. pff.. i feel like the only way i can continue is with the hope of it healing.
Keep that hope up, I'm sure the time will come some day :)
That's one thing I really miss - going to the cinema. Glad it went well for you.
Hey Brooklynfall! Just checking in to see how things have been with you! You left on a good note so hoping no news is good news but just wanted to check in! :)
Hey thanks for checking in! I didn't realized I had notifications turned off here, so I just saw this. Things have been pretty great, tinnitus-wise. I guess I last posted around August of last year; around that time the hissing started to really go down and stay down - and I would say I was tinnitus-free from about September to really just a few days ago.
The hissing came back unfortunately a few days ago, and I'm trying to find the reason but I will say, in the interim I started taking Prozac which has really helped my anxiety including in this moment. I have been using a nasal spray over the last couple days - called ProFi, one of those respiratory disease-protective sprays.
May or may not be working, but as I think some people get their tinnitus spiked by Flonase or other nasal sprays, I think this might have done it for me. But it's all good, thank you for asking! I'll try to be patient and wait for this spike to calm down.
Sadly I knew I would be back here some day. That it would get worse eventually, but I hoped it wouldn't. A simple thing I thought, a middle school orchestra concert, it shouldn't be to bad, and it wasn't until 4 days later. I still don't know if this is a spike or the new normal. Somewhat milder day yesterday, followed a terrible day, with reactivity and my brain just doesn't want to deal with it.
Hey marqualler, I've been looking through your posts and have been finding a lot of inspiration from you as a newbie tinnitus sufferer! Only being 23, I haven't found many people around me who understand and people like you make me feel a lot less alone and a lot more hopeful! I just wanted to reach out and let you know! Here's to a gentle and quiet 2025!!!
Hi @lillieg thanks for reaching out! I'm glad my posts made you feel more hopeful. Cheers to 2025, you got this!