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  • I've been blasted away from all the interactions here. Thank you so much. Feels good to not be alone. wishing us all good t/h days.
    the reaction of all the people around me are ridiclious. "i have it too, it is a small ringing in a silent room." I wish..
    It seems like it is just destiny for so many of us to continually get worse. It's very disheartening. I hope it gets better for you or that you manage to overcome its current state.
    thank you for your kind words. I hope, it will be getting better for ALL of us.
    back then i habituated pretty fast to it and almost forgot about it. Since the worsening 22 it was another story, but managable. And now..
    I think, it is a permanent one. It is going very long now and when i wake up, it is really unbearable. I wish i was to my lovely little t 17
    it is still going very strong, maybe i felt out of habituation
    I've head spikes that last 2 weeks and then calm down again. It's tough whilst it's happening. Just remember your old coping methods and try using masking etc if you need to for sleep.
    thank you for your comment. yes, i stick to the rules. But i need to vent. And unfortunately i can only vent here. I am very glad that this board exist. It is a condition, no one really knows shit about, unless you have it.
    I hate this disease. sure, you have good days and bad days. But this... it is ridiclious. I don't even want to deal with it. But i have to..
    should i take predisolone? my doc would me describe that. It is 6 a.m. here. What to do when you have had a really bad increase?
    please help me. It is so loud i can't hear anything but this right now. It wasn't so bad..since.. since.. ever?
    Sorry to hear. What caused yours?
    it was idiopathic. Just began without a obvious reason.
    Oh that's just horrible :-(
    ..but the constant volume increase is very troublesome for me. All i can hear is the voice in my head right now. I try to relax but i cant
    I have a very severe spike which is getting louder and louder. It began several hours ago. I was not panicking at first..
    a nasty spike tried to intrude my brain. it is very loud, but i feel, i should let him in. Anxiety is a beast i yet learn to tame.
    Sound that you begin dealing with T?
    It deal with it for several years now. But you are correct, i have had a worsening in August 2022.
    unfortunately my tones are much louder in the Summer. sucks.
    For me the surronding noises in summer are masking better my T
    I think it depends on the bloodflow. But every T is different. Back in the day when i only had one tone, i was not glad with it. Now i wish every day this will be my new normal. But it isn't. And i must accept this.
    love to all the people here <3
    Much love to you too my german brother, stay strong and stay safe. on another note
    My pops was just talking to me reminiscing about how in the 80s when he was in the army he was stationed over in germany long story short he had a GREAT time lol
    i think, it would be easier for a lot of us, if the society would finally agree, that our world is just too loud.
    true as that may be thats not even the problem, the problem is have a fcking CURE ALREADY. like my god. Theres no way tinnitus shouldnt have treatments by now in 2020.
    @KoolKat Susan Shore soon

    @Aschenherz Considering most people destroy their ears like using chainsaws without hearing protection and never getting tinnitus I don't think society will ever be quieter.
    Everything is so loud. Cars piss me off so much now. Living downtown sucks.
    had covid. Now my tinnitus is doubled in volume. But we have to keep going and never lose faith.
    I dont understand why they couldnt rigorously test susan shore until they got 100 percent success, while not taking 100 years for one dam trail. i dont like all this unraveling bullsh1t. like it either works or it doesnt. here we are 2023 and we still dont know. I hate this man. everybody else with other conditions gets guarantees that their medication work but we get left in the dark.
    had some pretty rough days lately. Now i am laying here with the biggest spike in my history of T. I am sick of this.
    how are you doing now my friend. did any sound generators or hearings aids work for you? Im praying for you my friend. i been there too. so i feel your pain. cant wait until this is over
    I am so sorry to hear this …
    Do you know why it happened?
    to the people who struggleRemeber, a crisis is nothing like your usual life. All systems are up and you will be triggered by the tiniest bit
    I struggle. every Day. But not as hard as 2 months ago. Time is helping to see it as some part of your body. Not that i like this even a bit
    So glad you are doing better!!!! I'm happy and hope you fully get some type of normal life bk :)
    Great to hear you are doing so much better :)
    i am still on this planet. Hopefully Susan Shore will cure us all..
    It's great to see you posting again! Dare I ask if there has been a change for the better?
    no. no changes. Only bad days and suicidal days right now.
    just checking in brother hope you are doing ok. remember we are survivors brother, fight through my friend. and stay strong. i know way easier said than done but you got this man. we got this.
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