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  • setback. I have had the window open, because i need to get better with the rain. A helicopter was landing at the soccer place nearby. fuck.
    I am usually not the biggest fan of otoxic shit, but the H came at a very bad time in my life. I have so much other Problems right now.
    I guess, i am the Guinea pig for everyone here and trying the drug TrafalgarD suppossed to take for getting rid of H.
    Can you please elaborate a bit more on the medicine? Is there any information anywhere it helps H? What kind of medicine is it? Since I googled TrafalgarD but nothing specific came.
    I can link you the thread after work.
    It is an anti-depressent and therefore russian roulette.
    T is the first time after relapse a little bit calmer and not so reactive. I try to stay away from electronic sound since three days.
    I would give a lot for the H to stop. I cant cope with that. It is so new to me.
    When did you develope H. And do you have any idea why? Hope it clears out.
    2 months ago. Include reactive t, dysacusis.. my tinnitus is nuts till then. A lot of new tones etc. H started after valsalva maneuver, I guess.. my t got loud and I panicked..
    The distortions are the biggest problem.. it gave me a nasty head t, which is brizzling. It feels like 2017 again. Maybe I felt out of habituation. I cant say, when my h went away the first time, but it was not as long as now...
    I thought i was better after harsh 3 years of constant roboter-mode. But now i know, why this forum exists. Relapses. Nasty shit.
    okay, today is a bad day. Mind wanders again. Don't know, how to life with H and T and reactiveness and dysacusis tbh.
    2017 i took Notrypytiline. I thought it doesn't helped. I was wrong. It was curing my H. Thank god for TT and thank god for old messages.
    I accept anything. This is too much, tbh. Yes, I am at the early phase but t and h is just a whole new level of pain.
    I've been taking it for a year now. I'm tapering off it now. Did you have Pain hyperacusis ?
    Not really. I am so thankful for that. I have full ears, headache and fatigue sometimes. But it only lasts for hours.
    From now on only good vibes. All other things aren't useful. Focus on the breath, while H is giving you pain. Be like water. Don't focus.
    Don't you know that you should always be yourself, unless you can be Batman? xD
    :D yes, that would be something.
    I didn't really knew, how good I was with only tinnitus. Reactive t with h is so much more to handle. I am early in, but still
    Best of luck my friend. I pray H with reactivity is short lived for you.
    It seems like I cannot get any sound in my ears. But I am also worried, that silence will make my threshold even lower..
    I dont get this new condition. My tones are so silent, when I sleep with no external sound. As soon as i play something in the background
    I am in it again. H is also back. 6 Weeks. Had 2 good years though. We will see, what happens.
    Hopefully you are able to get the stress under control and the T and H will subside!
    There was someone on the forum a while back who had a similar issue. They said they started listening to their tinnitus again and the anxiety brought them out of habituation or something.
    Thank you for this kind words :) I hope, you also getting better <3
    the T is consuming me, when i think on the future.
    same here :( I can not see a future with this...I have to take 1 day at a time.
    Regardless of T staying the same, worsening or lessening, your ability to deal with it and how you react to it will change. I am very slowly starting to understand that. Good luck and God bless!
    thank u Paul. Well, i can live with it, no doubt about that, but it feels like a rip off of my previous life.
    most insane t these days, don't know, if i can make this with such a unbearable thing in my head.
    u can.Im going thru a perceived increase also;thing is,the T I rated as my worst doesn't bother me hugely now,its there,but guess I'mSTARTING to come to terms with it(never thought that was possible)so this 'new'increase,while it seems terrifying now,should-by that reasoning-become like my 'other'T as well.I know u can do it,we're different but we've all got human brains,and the brain is an amazing thing. God bless!
    maybe i'm lucky. Last three weeks i got 1-2 mild T Days. The others are severe, but Days like today are really awesome.
    had H for two months. horrific days, but it's getting better. some things are still very unpleasant, but it's okay for the most part.
    Lucky you :)
    And the H dissapeared by itself?
    mostly. had sounds for it from some working tools etc. Trained my brain not to overreact on this at home.
    Three days with really Bad T let me left in despair.
    Why this have to exist?
    Spikes that last a while can be really tough. I've had this demon in my life for a very long time. If there's one thing I've learned it is that anxiety and fear make spikes last longer. Try to remind yourself that it's temporary and will go down to a lower level soon. Also, anything that can reduce your anxiety level will be helpful. Take heart,...this too shall pass!
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