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  • do we have low hum success stories on this board? Or success stories to different tones at once? high and low pitched? If not, i am screwed.
    Before bed I hear very faint sounds, and sometimes a spike, sudden inflammation or scary new symptom will occur like my head and ear vibrating ten days ago, but it disappeared as well.
    I can sometimes hear the low hum in the evening, but it doesn't vibrate and is hardly audible.
    I was on the verge of suicide nearly two years ago, but it got so much better though I would never have believed it. Please hang in there, success stories are possible, you will get better. You're not alone and this suffering will ease with time..
    try 2 match 1 of your tones, keep volume low dont use earphones, keep ear away from speaker and as you match the sound tell me if it somewhat covers or overlaps the tone coming from your head. if so HearinAids might help. Also dont do for 2 long n keep volume LOW, just test to see if the masking method would be effective. Real hearing aids are better BTW
    i definitely have sounds where i hear it lesser 180 hz for example. But not that it is "gone"
    Ok so the HZ sounds do somewhat cover the tone in your head right, like it keeps you distracted right, well then lower the volume as low as you can where its just under the tinnitus tone in your head. you want to blend it can distract you. not too loud just right
    open up another tab with tone generator and try to match your other tone and keep the volume just under the tone in your head, maybe u play with it so it blends in. no headphones either. if this somewhat help hearing aids is your best bet
    so basically your suppose to get an extensive hearing test from an audiologist that can pick up
    the small/subtle HIDDEN hearing loss, and then the hearing aid with masking tinnitus function once adjusted is modified to your tinnitus tone and it basically distracts you. I sat on the fence with this for years as i have good hearing but i probably have hidden hearing loss
    some people here having insane willpower.
    tell me about it. WE ARE THE STRONGEST people out there. im telling U if we ever get a cure, LIFE will be EASY. granted their are other illnesses/ lifestyles that are torturous too, but for all other things it will be a BREEZE
    if we are ever cured I will forever be grateful and humbled. im talking after me being cured someone could smack me in the face or steal my wallet for no reason and id handle those situations with kindness. some may say its weak but tinnitus has broke me and taught me humility like no other. just as long im cured im good for life
    You're right @KoolKat. I know there are other issues, problems in life but the thought of a cure for this, it would be so amazing.
    i am ready for a psych ward. I really am. But they couldn't help me 2017. And i really don't know, how i got better back than tbh.
    i am so afraid of sleeping, because this tone is from hell. So loud and intrusive, when i wake up at night.
    Yes, it might take years to get used to, but you will. Just stay calm...
    never knew that drepression can get so bad. Now i understand, why 10.000 people kill themselves every year in germany.
    nah bro the CAUSE FOR OUR DEPRESSION is different from others, now dont get me wrong there are other diseases and disabilities that can rival tinnitus but for the most part our condition well you know..... I envy other people who want to delete themselves over trivial things, i wish the worst thing was my lover left me or i lost my job.
    unless they are sick or have a condition like us, they have no reasons to harm their selves PERIOD. you dont know how mad i get when i see suicidal people complaining and they werent abused as kids, have no one in their family die, basically aint got nothing to really cry about. I wish the worst thing in my life was a BULLY lol
    i have never felt so bad in my life. I have never had so little energy. I know, you all give your best. But my depression will win, i guess.
    I have been there, but you see, almost 9 years of T and counting. T might not get better, but you will get better. That is the way that this condition works.
    Some decisions we make are not refundable. Make good ones my friend. We suffer together to not be alone.
    She erased some wax and now it feels like the vibration is not as strong. But could also be placebo or Luck. anyways, not much vibration!
    i was at an ENT today.. you know what is coming.. NO, SHE REALLY HELPED ME AND WAS ENCOURAGING! best thing in the last three months.
    and yes, i am at full blown panic mode right now. Never thought that i am here again, tbh. I was a naive, dumb child.
    Sorry to hear. I think I might have written this to you already, but I think that if you were able to habituate once, you will be able to do it again! Stay strong my friend.
    you are very kind. But i have never had a low hum, which got so much worse in silence. It is a living nightmare. For me, the H is not the worst anymore..
    Sending positive vibes your way man <3
    i can only hope it is getting quieter with time. Gosh, now the winter is here and we stay indoors for much longer. I am a wreck.
    CW Dragon
    yep, 20F/-5C already here only November. Only good thing is it is easier to sleep at night. 12 hours with earplugs to fully rest the ears.
    the humming is a whole new level. Now i understand, why people kill themself. I have no Quality of Life anymore.
    Feeling your pain and struggle. But just keep hang ing in there. Do what you need to do to keep on pushing on.
    I don't have much to spare these days as I'm fighting a losing battle myself. But since you've recently made this revelation, let me tell you that I'm deeply sorry this has happened to you. It's not fair and it's not right. Try not to maximize the crisis that's going on in your brain, but rather take one day at a time and "it is what it is". Breathe and focus on what makes you smile and disconnect from the sound.
    How can you live with a humming in your brain that vibrates and got louder in silence?
    This is exactly me, but one-side ear with pulsatile reverberations. :( It's reactive to internal body sounds: vascular, voice, and what seems muscular spasms. In certain known disorders, reactive T/H occurs not only by external sounds, but by also from sounds within. Is this same for you?
    it is too new to tell you that. I am having this for a week after a bad cold.
    @Aschenherz Hopefully, it's a temporary spike from ongoing inflammation within. Drink lots water, Vit.C, Vit. B+... and many here use NAC (but I've not tried). @Lane suggestions for congestion issues are helpful. Is the Prozac helping, or made it worse?
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