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  • New to this site. Stumbled upon it w Google searches and your comments as well. Can we connect. I am having symptoms similar to what you've experienced, and have some questions on your journey and testing.
    Just got diagnosed with stage 3 lymes. While I am not happy about it, the positives are that st least I have a diagnosis.
    Jack Straw
    There is a treatment for lymes disease isn't there?
    Yes there is some treatment - mainly antibiotics, and there are some herbal concotions that help. It might take a while but I am looking forward to a decent recovery - there are some issues with stage 3 where odd illnesses endure even though the tests for the bacteria are negative.
    Nobody knows what causes that, but I am focusing on just the next step in front of me,not worrying about the many of possibilities way out in to the future.
    Past 5 days I have developed balance and dizziness. Had vertigo twice in the middle of night. Menieres is looking likely.
    Hope you are doing ok. Have a good weekend & enjoy your family time
    Thank you Pomme. I like your profile mission statement. Have a fantastic weekend yourself.
    Hey @vermillion could it be that its bearable because you are slowly but surely habituating? For me the more tolerance came from more acceptance. I forget mine all the time now. Hang in there, and enjoy your vacation man.
    @Mettafort I don't know. The sounds are louder and more intrusive post 8 months. Sure thing is that i have pass the panic attacks' stage. What i feel i cannot habituate to are the life changes.
    @vermillion I hear you. Time is definitely part of the process. Accepting what is, as hokey as it might sound, is a gateway to a whole new life.
    First night without meds; some red wine. Lets see how this goes...
    First night with no Valium...I guess I still need it. Ambien the night before destroyed me
    Soon, you will be able to sleep without valium help, it takes about 3-4 months to habituate, youll see
    I have been doing ok with 5mg of V, which didnt seem like a high dose. It is only 5 weeks for me so I will keep an eye on the 3month window; thanks.
    9hrs sleep; feel amazing today.
    I would love to find a safe sleeping aid that would provide me uninterrupted sleep. Sometimes i imagine myself popping a whole batch of benzos and sleep for 4 days. Or maybe a coma. Then i get back to reality. Hehe!
    I hear you. The bottle says just one tablet, but I confess, after bad sleep for past 10 days, I did 2. I'M OK!!!! :)
    You deserved a good sleep.
    Interrupted sleep, but a nap helped; now feeling pretty good. Tapering prednisone I think is helping my mood too.
    Hardest problem now is coping with not being able to listen to the music I love.
    @Markku I feel for you. Few weeks before T invasion, i started studying Beethoven on the piano. I used to listen to the sonatas all night long. Few days ago i tried to listen the 'moonlight sonata' while in bed. Next moment i was all in tears... Tinnitus is a cruel thief.
    @vermillion I feel for you. Not too long ago I discovered a Bon Iver track ( that connected me deeply with the father I never met. This track, in one ear, just doesnt have the same emotional experience it did when I first discovered it sadly.
    I do not want to sound pessimistic but not having the joy of music is a serious loss. It would be impossible for T-free people to understand this. Btw great song @Mettafort ! Thanx
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