Recent content by Mettafort

  1. Mettafort

    Nobody knows what causes that, but I am focusing on just the next step in front of me,not...

    Nobody knows what causes that, but I am focusing on just the next step in front of me,not worrying about the many of possibilities way out in to the future.
  2. Mettafort

    Yes there is some treatment - mainly antibiotics, and there are some herbal concotions that...

    Yes there is some treatment - mainly antibiotics, and there are some herbal concotions that help. It might take a while but I am looking forward to a decent recovery - there are some issues with stage 3 where odd illnesses endure even though the tests for the bacteria are negative.
  3. Mettafort

    I dont know yet Holy, though I share your concern...Imguess they are going to napalm my gut...

    I dont know yet Holy, though I share your concern...Imguess they are going to napalm my gut biome - spent hundreds cultivating it over the past 12 months!
  4. Mettafort

    sorry to hear about your lupus; a very dear friends wife had lupus. She managed to have a...

    sorry to hear about your lupus; a very dear friends wife had lupus. She managed to have a transplant and now has her life back. I have to go see the surgery ASAP to get on antibiotics before doing a 12 week intravenous antibiotic schedule apparently. I got he need over the phone so I expect...
  5. Mettafort

    Thanks Holy. Having read the symptoms more closely, I had a number of anomalous manifestations I...

    Thanks Holy. Having read the symptoms more closely, I had a number of anomalous manifestations I shared with my doc well before going deaf. He disregarded lymes and sent me home, multiple times. I am more “peeved” at that incompetence right now!
  6. Mettafort

    Just got diagnosed with stage 3 lymes. While I am not happy about it, the positives are that st...

    Just got diagnosed with stage 3 lymes. While I am not happy about it, the positives are that st least I have a diagnosis.
  7. Mettafort

    What's the Point? No Matter What I Try to Do, I Will FOREVER Have My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis...

    Hi there- Thought I would share a personal story - it is purely my journey with no assumptions nor implications about anybody else. As someone who has T+H, a full 14 months now, I empathize with the inner challenges that you share. Oh I went deaf in my left ear too; no way to even play a...
  8. Mettafort

    How Many of You Have Also Herpes Simplex Virus?

    You absolutely cannot rule that out. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Mettafort

    How Many of You Have Also Herpes Simplex Virus?

    Just wanted to add, if you have the grit for it, applying capsicum cream (0.05%) to a cold sore tingle will hurt like hell, but it works 8/10.
  10. Mettafort

    How Many of You Have Also Herpes Simplex Virus?

    Hi Carolyn- You have a very deep grasp of the science - far more than me. My point about the apoptosis is not about how the virus resides dormant in the nerve cells, but the effect of the cold sore out break itself around the ear. That is, I was stressed at work, lack of sleep, and so I had a...
  11. Mettafort

    12 Months

    @CsaulNol Hi. No. I had no tinnitus - ironically good, intact stereo hearing even after so many nights clubbing as a youngster, and DJing.
  12. Mettafort

    12 Months

    @vermillion Thank you for sharing. Stay strong man. Part of this process I believe is the difficult process of grieving the death of life that once was before the condition started. And one thing I have realized over these past 12 months is this - we are stronger than we could ever imagine...
  13. Mettafort

    12 Months

    I went to bed on a Friday night with a headache in my neck - on the left side. Felt like a stress headache. I woke up at 2am with the room spinning like it has never done so before - it was a weird experience and I immediately felt like I was going to be sick. From 2am Saturday till Monday...
  14. Mettafort

    12 Months

    @vermillion ! Nice to hear from you sir. I went dark, not because of struggles but because for me I found I would gravitate to the darker side of this forum which wasnt good for my psyche. I hope things are good with you sir. How are you doing?
  15. Mettafort

    12 Months

    @jay777 Hi; ha that is actually a very accurate description actually.