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  • Tinnitus almost non existent. I have braces now for 2 months and it's helping my tmj aswell.
    I'd read it can give them some reduction.
    @Contrast Isn't tmj a whole nother issue then hearing loss? As far as I know tmj has nothing to do with actual damage in the ear, so of course tmj tinnitus is easier to repair then hearing loss tinnitus.
    Congrats Carlyi btw :)
    Bill Bauer
    Do you think your T had improved as a result of wearing those braces?
    Im not bothered with my t at all when it stays at its normal shitty level. Never thought i could be happy again but i am!
    My sister now has T. aswell and hyperacusis. Weird thing is, she does'nt care!
    I really believe she does have it, because the way she describes H is exactly what it is. She has been to hardcore festivals for years... She already had issues with her hearing but went there anyway (most of the times without earplugs)
    same here Carlyi! Really, she couldn't care less, my sister.
    Michael Leigh
    The reason your sister doesn't care Carlyi, is because the tinnitus and hyperacusis is still at a low level that she can ignore and comfortably live with. I assure you, the T/H increases to the levels that many complain about in this forum you will know about it ---Fast! Advise her to look after her hearing.

    Artikel klopt wel niet helemaal: "Bij dertig procent van de mensen die hiervan last hebben, ontstaat gehoorverlies" Dit is onzin, T veroorzaakt geen gehoorverlies. Ze zullen eerder bedoelen "bij 30% van de mensen die er last van hebben is er ook gehoorverlies". Maar wel goed dat ze onderzoek doen
    @Rubenslash Sorry beetje late reactie van mij. Ben de laatste tijd niet meer zoveel opzoek naar info. over de T.
    Ik merk wel degelijk gehoorverlies op rechts, maar wel minimaal.

    Ik moet eerlijk toegeven nadat ik gestopt ben informatie te zoeken over T dat het minder is geworden. Hoop dat jullie allemaal ook een oplossing hiervoor vinden.
    Hey Carlyi,

    Ben nieuw op dit forum, heb al 4 jaar last van tinnitus. Dit jaar echt extreem. Ik knars echt heel hard mijn tanden, heb jij dat ook? Ik zag aantal dingen over TMJ bij jou, heb jij hier al mee wat oefeningen gedaan, en werken deze?

    Hier mijn verhaal, beetje krommig Engels misschien maar goed ;-P

    Ja, ik heb heel lang geknarst, ben bijna van m'n TMJ af door elke dag m'n kaken aan de binnenkant te masseren en door dry needling behandelingen, ook stretch ik elke dag m'n nek.
    Zoals ik het lees heb jij T. door gehoorbeschadiging?
    Ja dat zeggen de doktoren, maar daar wil ik eigenlijk niet in geloven. Ben laatst naar het audiologisch centrum geweest, heb een minimale afwijking op rechts. Alle oorhaartjes zijn nog ik takt. Ik knars echt super hard, heb ook een knarsplaat, maar die draag ik af en toe
    Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat de T is verergerd door de laatst vliegreis, wat ik toen mee maakte was niet normaal heel de vlucht kon ik wel janken van de pijn, erge druk op de oren en kaak. Ben nu net 3 uurtjes wakker, weinig te doen en dat maakt het veel erger denk ik. Rook jij trouwens en heb jij wat TMJ oefeningen hiervoor die ik zou uit kunnen proberen?
    My jaw and my neck are feeling so much better, now waiting for the T. to completly fade.
    Hi Carlyi, my T is TMJ realted also. I've been wearing a mouth splint for 12 days now and have noticed a slight reduction in the volume, my neck is still quite sore though. I havent been in treatment that long though. Wondering hwo you are doing with your treatment?
    Hi Carlyi,

    Ik probeer uit te vinden hoe ik kan reageren op jouw bericht, het lukt me alleen niet!! Mijn verhaal is EXACT hetzelfde als dat van jou, eng gewoon.

    Hoop met je in contact te komen!
    Kun je een bericht sturen met hoe ik een privé bericht kan versturen? Kom er gewoon niet uit! Haha
    Hi Carlyi, I was wondering how your T was doing. I've had T on and off for the last 2+ years and I believe it's related to my neck and jaw. I'm trying acupuncture for the first time Friday. Trying to stay optimistic.
    @Kayla L also i got T. not long after my delivery. It could also have something to do with hormones.
    Kayla L
    I've had my ears pop but not on a regular basis. I've also had shooting pain a few times but associated it with a headache. Lasted a second or so. I also grind. I'm hoping my new anti anxiety meds will resolve the grinding. Maybe you need to see a TMJ specialist or a physical therapist ?
    @Carlyi I do sometimes have problems with ear popping especially when I'm swallowing & I sometimes feel a strange head & ear pressure, sometimes I can feel and hear my blood work. I also have a morse code tone which I can stop if I apply pressure on my TMJ. Do all of them sound like TMJ?
    Hi Carlyi, how have you been doing lately?
    @JoyBenz007 Hey Joy. I'm doing better than a few weeks ago. But it's still fluctuating alot. It does dissapear a few times during the day. It goes crazy when i'm driving and tomorrow i'm going on holiday. It's an 9 hour drive so i will see how that goes. Not really looking forward to it. I will try to enjoy my holiday though. How are you doing? Did your spike go down?
    That's so good to hear! My spike was only for 30 min and has not come back since...really weird how that T has been really quiet this weekend and today! I wish it would just go away but my anxiety still seems to get to me throughout the day
    I hope you enjoy your holiday! I know it's hard but I'll be praying that you have more happy moments and hope u don't even worry about the T
    Hi☺Carlyi..I'm hoping with you too! My wish is that as your getting and feeling better... That all your dreams will be realized.☺
    How can i habituate to T. that changes tone and volume every minute.. One minute it's gone the next it's back with a vengeance
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