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  • Oh wow. Enjoy the silence was my favorite song before this infliction too. Too bad I can't listen to it without bursting into tears anymore...
    Yes, I can comprehend. Same here. But it keeps me believing that one day, T is lower or gone and I can "Enjoy silence" again. My favorite song is now everything with crickets. :)
    Hey can you share what sound Therapy u use? Trying to find cricket masking that doesn't cause my T to react
    Martin, you are one of those members who I often think of. There are just some whose stories stick. Wishing you a very happy new year!
    Hi Markku,
    This is really nice from you. Thank you.
    I also wish you all the best for this year and all years coming.
    Let's hope we will find silence again one day.
    Maybe this new device from Susan Shore will help somehow.
    I am still struggling a lot - depending on loudness.
    I hope you are ok and can deal with T most of the time.
    Take care,
    Martin,if you know something about Dr.Michel Golenhofen from Prien,Germany.I have a plan to visit him.Let me know .Danke Schoen.
    Tough day. T like Fleeting T non-stop. Doing the BTS method, but don't know if it works for a head sounding like a power plant.
    Richard zurowski
    Stay strong my friend.
    I'm in the same boat! BTS is tough to accept, when all you can think about, is a head filled with hideous noise. Prayers for you, Martin!
    T on 10/10 today. Louder than shower and my crickets. Trobalt 200 mg helps for some hours (makes me dizzy and seems lowering the volume).
    @Martin69, I wonder if part of your high volume noise is related to stress? I had pre-existing anxiety/depression before tinnitus and am under a lot of stress currently. My noise seems to switch ears at times and goes to my head too. I didn't have the courage to try Trobalt, thought it was too dangerous.
    @Martin69, Could be cervical compressed nerves possibly also. I don't know if you had any neck issues before. Inner ear, brain, neck etc.-- how do you know?
    @Martin69, maybe try some Allegra as you may have some allergies causing ETD. That's what I'm trying currently and so far so good. We have 2 cats and live in a old farm house. Don't want to get too optimistic though. Have to keep experimenting.
    Yesterday my car was stolen (Audi A6). Dealing with such crap and mega T is really tough.
    John G
    I had my car stolen once. Cops banging on my door at 2am... saying "someone just stole your car and we are in pursuit of him". Buddy got away lol. Found car abandoned later on with ignition damaged and fender damage. Older car though
    Sorry to hear that! I got my car stolen last year. They found it in Detroit all destroyed.
    Martin, I feel for you man! When I lived in NYC, I had a few Acura's, they tried to steal. If I would caught them, I'd shoot to kill!

    A6, nice wheels! Unfortunately, it doesn't pay to have nice cars anymore.
    Super loud day today. But put my headset on, crickets on high volume and went running. Felt a little bit better. Tough ride this is.
    Extreme T today. Man, who can stop those firing neurons in my brain?
    same here, every day tho :/ really killing me...Trobalt is nothing than being high
    Thanks guys. Same today. But we met with friends and also I was running some kilometers. I cannot let this sound beat me.
    I wish we could all meet and spend some time together. That's, Martin, Richard, Dan, Telis and all the rest with severe T. We could hoist a few cocktails and share our stories. If only we could beam ourselves to NYC. I know some kick ass bars and great places to eat!
    Today one of my loudest days ever. Hellish.
    I feel your pain Martin! Those loud days, are my norm. }:-(
    And one day after, somehow bearable again. Days like yesterday scare the hell out of me.
    I use to have some low days, But not anymore? I could recharge and face another bad day. Now for some reason, I only have bad days? I'm growing very tired of all this.
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