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  • to gameover: A T Spike is the North Vietnamese Army and I am the French Army at Dien Bien Phu; I am routed, overwhelmed. and demoralized.
    And Lenire is the American army, A false resolution to a dire situation
    To Lurius: Every year I dread the summer (and I used to love it) because the heat also seriously aggravates my T; no idea why - I hate it.
    Temp's apparently going back to "normal" next week, which means 20 c instead of 30 c, so hopefully that will make it more managable. I have this electrical drone going on now and I feel hopeless.
    Don't worry, plenty of desperate people. And you have snakes Phd Harvard professors audiologists peddling those. I met one.
    I give Lenire 1 year before they go out of business from exorbinant costs vs. zero results. So far they only have two outlets in Indiana.
    Ryan Scott
    Hopefully they stay in buisness so they can continue to spend money on R&D.
    How can Lenire expect that anyone has $4,000.00 + just laying around (with no insurance coverage) to allocate for such negligible results?
    Yeah, any price would be too high when it doesn't work. I feel bad for the people that get suckered into it that don't know any better. Hopefully the placebo effect will be strong.
    To silentnight: My pharmacist said that legitimate clinical trials concluded that ginko biloba was no more effective than a placebo. Too bad
    worth a try; yet another supplement for my hoard of failed medications :p
    I really hope susan shore comes through for us, and man i hope that new discovery of the inner ear can also help us. we arent getting any younger and it would be nice to have some inner peace you know.
    To volterra: Brilliant analogy. I am reading a new translation - when you report this condition, everyone regards you as some sort of freak.
    Yes, also for me I feel like a burden, I used to be a stable presence in many people's lives
    To Forever Hopeful: For over 8 years the anxiety from T has felt like a veritable emotional straightjacket or a constant electrical charge.
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