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  • To FGG: "The situation of our time surrounds us like a baffling crime" (W. H. Auden) - yesterday an all day spike made me remember this.
    To AfroSnowman: Lenire should have at least prevented such a severe spike. Regarding your present situation, did Lenire really do anything?
    To twa: I was a Property Insurance Adjuster; I would say that moving water has far less of a chance of freezing than does stationary water.
    To musicblue: I understand completely. In 7 years I only habituated partially. OMG how this condition has undermined me psychologically.
    To kingsfan: I have worn myself out with desperate, hastily developed bargaining and rationalizing when my tinnitus fluctuates.
    To Ricardo1991: His comment about how when a drug is developed it is typically released ASAP (for the revenues) is particularly germane.
    To Gabriel5050: I have been on this site since 02/19 and I had this same observation. I have my own private list of such former posters.
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