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  • Thanks very much, Convolution, for that optimistic report on Dr. Shore; this is about the only thread of real hope I am taking seriously.
    Will Dr. Shore's device actually be available to us by this time next year? Will it be more effective than Lenire?
    • B


    If I remember correctly she said that it depends on the trials' results coming out some time in spring 2022. I personally have quite high hopes on this device.
    I'm excluded. I have Menieres.
    To Brian P: Last night was not as nightmarish as Thanksgiving, but still an ordeal; I think it is aggravated by this freakish warm weather.
    Brian P
    Did Michael Leigh invite you to his Christmas dinner?
    Hopefully the in laws don't cause a spike that will make you void your spiced ham into the toilet!
    How many of you are confident that Dr. Shore's device will be available at this time next year?
    Jack Straw
    Next year in unlikely, but I think we have a good shot in the next 3.
    I know this is an older comment but with the standing up of auricle it seems they are gearing up for commercialization and FDA approval on parallel tracks I hope once trials complete.
    Where will all be at this time next year? To quote Primo Levi, will we be among the drowned or the saved?
    Continuing to tread water and waiting for the lifeboats to arrive, for the majority of us, I imagine.
    To Portugal The Man: A woman I know has at least a 35% hearing loss, and has never experienced tinnitus; does Medical Science know why?
    Brian P
    My dad has about 100% hearing loss in one ear because of army. No T
    This is what I don't understand. I'm no HCP but there's clearly factors that separate us from HL alone. I have perfect hearing up to 16000hz and at 36 y/o, thats normal. Y don't the rest of over 30s have tinnitus too?
    Dr. Susan Shore received a new award (see her site); let's hope that this was partly because of the clinical success of her tinnitus device.
    I know I'm late here it's 5/8/22. Curious about this
    I have Bass hearing in R ear no treble for years. Dx with Menieres a year ago. Excludes me from trying some things so far there's a clinical study coming for Menieres with tinnitus. It's using drug Ebselen
    Regarding Below: I must confess that this quote was posted on here by a lady 2.5 years ago, with bull's eye succinctness and real power.
    To Luke Young: Tinnitus creates such PTSD that I notify my body : "Don't you dare go wrong on me; tinnitus is already too much of a burden."
    Perhaps his weightlessness in zero gravity will alleviate some kind of pressure, and then we can all get on board and circle the World.
    I'm so scared of loud noise worsening this that I carry sound blocking headphones in the car in case an Ambulance or Police siren is nearby.
    I was going recite Keat's "To Autumn" in the Park, but no one would come (not even my wife). I am the Rodney Dangerfield of English Poetry.
    To twa: I dread this freak heat wave that is coming to Chicago; it results in a high-pitched static hiss (along with migraines-what fun!).
    Why hasn't weather connection been addressed by now
    To Kriszti: I've had this for over 7.5 years; everyone I know who has had this for this long is terrified of this possibility you mentioned.
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