Sat in the back of my friend's revved up car not warned how goddamn loud it would be - Having a noise increase :/ I still don't really feel all that polite jamming my fingers in my ears every time its loud, but sometimes you need to I suppose!
Since getting this it has made me want to explore audiology as a career pathway. It's alarming how many unempathetic experiences people have had with the initial realization of having tinnitus. I think about how unprepared I was at first - I think I really needed someone who got it to help me understand more face to face.
Went and saw Nosferatu and have had a noise increase since :/ That's on me for not having my earplugs in the entire time. But also: Why are cinemas so goddamn loud? Or can they mix the movie so it's not going to deafen me every time something interesting happens...!
It's been louder for me for a few days now. I'm grateful that the anxiety isn't here towards it anymore - but it's still annoying to sit through and can be hard reminding myself to try and tune it out over and over again. I'm getting there.
At a bowling alley right now for a friend's birthday and the music is blasting. I hate bowling enough as it is Earplugs with me to look like a doofus as always