Recent content by Alex Senkowski

  1. Alex Senkowski

    Funny Videos Anyone?

    For those who hate furries and love Warhammer. (WARNING: Loud...but hilarious)
  2. Alex Senkowski

    ENT Said If Tinnitus Doesn't Get Better in 3 Months, the Brain Memorizes It, and Never Gets Better

    All I know in my experience is that the T in my right ear has become more quiet over the last few years. I haven't simply habituated to it, it IS quieter than it was 5 years ago.
  3. Alex Senkowski

    Metro Hearing and Tinnitus Treatment Clinic

    Thanks for the warning.
  4. Alex Senkowski

    Metro Hearing and Tinnitus Treatment Clinic

    The doctor mostly talked about how tinnitus works and how a regimented treatment of sound therapy and CBT can help minimize it. That's it. I don't know what the specifics are until I begin the 'treatment', and I can't afford it right now. Problem is I would have to be paying the full amount up...
  5. Alex Senkowski

    Metro Hearing and Tinnitus Treatment Clinic

    I don't know why it took me five years, maybe because I was getting used to my tinnitus, but I finally went to the clinic today. The place wasn't very cutting edge and the paperwork they gave me to fill out was of a dubious format with lots of grammar errors. I wasn't there for treatment, just...
  6. Alex Senkowski

    Help! Getting Suicidal

    My tinnitus is only severe during the occasional flare-up, otherwise it's more quiet now than it was 5 years ago. Oddly enough, it has switched ears. It's gotten quieter in one ear but louder in the other. It's not severe, just really annoying when I'm closer to silence than I was a few years ago.
  7. Alex Senkowski

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    Yeah, but I didn't look so great under the hat.
  8. Alex Senkowski

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    I feel for you. I have no advice except for what I gave Bam: do whatever you have to do to keep your mood up. As long as it isn't toxic to your health.
  9. Alex Senkowski

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    Sounds like you have a lot of great things in your life. Ironically, those things also give you more reason to feel stressed by your T. When you're with your friends and generally living it up, that annoying tone kicks in and you start obsessing over WHY it can't just go away for a little bit...
  10. Alex Senkowski

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    My T is the result of otosclerosis and hearing loss. It was catastrophically bad 5 years ago and every night with it was The Dark Night of the Soul but spread out over several months. I don't think my thoughts will ever again approach the level of darkness I was nurturing during that time. But...
  11. Alex Senkowski

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    A tiny dose of Remeron at night and lots of cat videos during the day.
  12. Alex Senkowski

    Things are cool. The T seems to be shifting back and forth every few weeks between noticeable...

    Things are cool. The T seems to be shifting back and forth every few weeks between noticeable and comfortably dull.
  13. Alex Senkowski

    Is This Now It? Or Can It Go Away If You Have Mild Hearing Loss?

    I have moderate-moderately severe hearing lose and yet my T comes and goes. Sometimes it's bad for weeks, then it recedes to a comfortably dull level which lasts for about as long before shifting again. It's fine right now and I can go at least half-a-day without noticing it. I'm not an expert...
  14. Alex Senkowski

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    I was on Clonazepam for only a couple of months, and when I stopped abruptly, my T spiked like a motherfucker. So I started back on the prescribed dose and created a tapering plan that would last the rest of the year. It was slow, but it worked. The slower, the better.
  15. Alex Senkowski

    My Own Fault

    Don't get too depressed about it. That starts the cycle of getting anxious and making the T worse. I've recently gotten over a bad bout of T that lasted weeks, then it receded back to the comfortable baseline a few days ago and I've been feeling great. T is becoming pretty damn common nowadays...