Recent content by Alexandor

  1. Alexandor

    Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    I got my booster three weeks ago and wanted to share my experience. I had Moderna for my first two shots, and got spikes each time. They subsided back to baseline over a 2-3 week period. For my booster, I decided I'd try and supplement with liposomal Glutathione, ALA and NAC, as I read these...
  2. Alexandor

    Is Paxlovid (Ritonavir/Nirmatrelvir) Ototoxic? Can It Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I've been prescribed Paxlovid, the Pfizer COVID-19 Antiviral treatment, which is a combo of Ritonavir and Nirmatrelvir. I've done some digging and can't find anything about either of these two drugs causing tinnitus or being ototoxic in any way. I wanted to check here and ask if anyone else...
  3. Alexandor

    Exercising with Hyperacusis

    The strange thing is, I've experienced the occlusion effect before (getting a haircut with earplugs in) and it was so unpleasant I had to stop the haircut immediately. But during basketball I didn't experience anything close to this. Nothing sounded loud at all except my breathing but even that...
  4. Alexandor

    Exercising with Hyperacusis

    thanks for your response Telis!!! When you had this problem, how long did the muffled hearing/full ears feeling last?? It didn't cause any long term problems right??
  5. Alexandor

    Exercising with Hyperacusis

    Thank you for your reply!! I went to the gym to play basketball today, and it was way too loud for me!! The squeaking of the shoes, the bouncing of the ball, people yelling and clapping. All of these sounds really bothered me! So I put in ear plugs and played anyway!! Now my ears feel really...
  6. Alexandor

    Exercising with Hyperacusis

    Since I got hyperacusis six months ago I have stopped exercising completely. I used to play basketball multiple times a week, go to the track two or three times a week, and go to the gym four or five times a week. I would love to get back to these activities as I'm sure they would provide a big...
  7. Alexandor

    Having a Rough Day :(

    I don't have any TMJ issues. Just the T, H, and TTTS.
  8. Alexandor

    Having a Rough Day :(

    Thanks for the response!! I guess it's just hard for me tto tell which sounds are actually damaging and which only seem damaging due to my hyperacusis. Either way, I wish I had another explanation for my hearing being muffled. ahhh the anxiety continues
  9. Alexandor

    Having a Rough Day :(

    I appreciate the responses!!! My T is pretty much back to baseline but I'm still struggling with my hearing being muffled. I'm still really worried that I caused permanent damage to my ears by being so careless. Uuugh
  10. Alexandor

    Having a Rough Day :(

    Hello all!! As much as I hate to admit it, I am in desperate need of some reassurance today. Be for I get into why I'll give you a little background on myself. My name is Scott!! I'm currently living in Tampa, Florida, USA! I have had mild tinnitus for around two years now due to a night out at...
  11. Alexandor

    How to handle regret??

    I have had tinnitus for the last 6-7 months after a night out at a club with friends. I never really enjoyed going to loud nightclubs but I decided to join my friends this one particular night. It resulted in my tinnitus and definitely changed my life the past 6-7 months. Although the tinnitus...
  12. Alexandor

    Tinnitus Louder the Past Days? :(

    Try not to worry too much! My first few months with Tinnitus were a roller coaster. It was all over the place as was my anxiety. I'm not about 7 months in now and although it still bothers me at times I would say the majority of the time I don't really notice it. Trust me, it gets easier to deal...
  13. Alexandor

    Focusing on My Tinnitus Again?!

    Thanks for the reassurance NeoM!!
  14. Alexandor


    I hope you are able to forget about your tinnitus completely, and enjoy the time out with your friends! Good call on bringing along the ear plugs just in case. I often find that just having them with me relieves a great deal of my anxiety. Good luck, and happy holidays!!!
  15. Alexandor

    Focusing on My Tinnitus Again?!

    So for the past month or so my life has gotten back to normal. I have been enjoying music again. I have been able to go out to restaurants without worrying about the nice level. I even went to the movies (Wore my ear plugs of course). My T was so low that I never thought about it. The only time...