Recent content by Anna_01

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    Going to Loud Venues with Tinnitus (TMJ-Induced Tinnitus)

    Ears update: I went to the open bar last night. At first I didnt put my ear plugs in. I judged the volume by whether i could hear the person next to me talking without shouting. I measured the volume to about 71db on my app. Went to a louder part of the bar (forgot to put plugs in) but Im guess...
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    Going to Loud Venues with Tinnitus (TMJ-Induced Tinnitus)

    Thanks for your reply- the comment you made on the MRI was promising. I work in a noisy retail environment as well. Fridays are quite loud at night as there are bands that play outside and it can get a little harder to hear at times, but still not spike. I worked yesterday for 9 hours and my T...
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    Going to Loud Venues with Tinnitus (TMJ-Induced Tinnitus)

    Hi, thanks for you response. I am seeing the neuromuscular dentist on monday to get the tests done but won't actually receive the consult until end of November with the specialist. I have no plans at all to go to night clubs or concerts. I was mostly interested in going to outdoor bars wearing...
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    Going to Loud Venues with Tinnitus (TMJ-Induced Tinnitus)

    Thank you for your reply! I am still wanting go out to places, I have to give it a go and see if I do have a spike due to sound. I'be been in loud situations before, e.g. at work bar functions that were loud/MRI machines and haven't had a spike, so Im hoping my T is 100% jaw related and won't be...
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    Going to Loud Venues with Tinnitus (TMJ-Induced Tinnitus)

    Hi everyone, I've had tinnitus for 10 weeks now. It has gone down in volume but still there in quiet rooms. Does anyone with TMJ induced tinnitus find they have spikes after going to loud venues or drinking coffee/alcohol etc? I'm seeing a neuromuscular dentist in a couple weeks time to...
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    23 and New to Tinnitus

    Update: it's been 5 weeks now. T is still there but has turned into a more high pitch hiss/ running tap type of noise. I went to another dentist- she noted my jaw pops on the right side and it deviates to the right when opening. Visited an ENT today- he said it's unlikely the drill caused any...
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    Socialising in Noisy Environments?

    Not going to give up my life :) I just likely won't go to clubs (wasn't a fan of them anyway) and stick to bars instead. I'll definitely pick up a pair of those earplugs, regardless whether my T stays or goes...I'm always going to protect them in loud environments from now.
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    Socialising in Noisy Environments?

    I did use headphones before my T onset 2 weeks ago. Didn't think I had the volume excessively loud though. E.g no one else can hear my music if I had my headphones in. Would go to noisier bars maybe maximum of 5 times per year, but haven't been to night clubs/concerts in the past 4 years. I'll...
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    Socialising in Noisy Environments?

    Hey! Night clubs aren't really my thing, I much prefer bars where you can sit and talk so works for me :) I wore my ear plugs last night. App said the volume was around 75-85db. Have had no spike as of yet (morning after).
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    Socialising in Noisy Environments?

    I'm not sure what has caused my tinnitus. Whether it be stress or possible TMJ. My hearing test came back near perfect for my age range but I know there can be hidden hearing loss.
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    23 and New to Tinnitus

    I'll get onto seeing a TMJ specialist and start ruling things out.
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    23 and New to Tinnitus

    I went back to my dentist when I noticed the ringing but obviously she denied the descaler could have done the damage as I was only in 10 minuets and she has never heard of that happening. I've been trying to avoid loud environments, unfortulantrly I work in one though (retail) so I just wear...
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    Socialising in Noisy Environments?

    Hi everyone, Just wondering how everyone goes out in public to nosier environments, like sporting events, bars, birthday parties etc. I'm in my early 20's am not ready to give up my nighttime social life because of tinnitus. I told my audiologist I was worried and he told me not to worry about...
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    23 and New to Tinnitus

    Hi Greg, thanks for your message. You provided some really good input! I never thought about my jaw could be stressed. I actually woke up this morning and realised i was clenching! Im going to have to get a mouth guard. Is it worth seeing an ENT? I've already seen an audiologist and he...
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    23 and New to Tinnitus

    Thanks for your reply! I know I should be avoiding loud environments. I've been wearing my ear plugs in noisy areas like the train. I don't want T to rule my life and miss out on events because of it either. I will take not to stay as far away from speakers as possible and listen to my ears if I...