Recent content by autobot

  1. autobot

    Do Noise-Cancelling Headphones Help?

    @Michael Leigh, I wonder what should I do in the following situation, and you seem to know a great deal about that: I suffer from tinnitus. I work at a small factory, sometimes there's a lot of noise. Sometimes it's quiet. I sometimes listen to podcasts/music, via earphones. Given that...
  2. autobot

    The Complexities of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    @Michael Leigh I get what you're saying of not avoiding noise too much. But: what i have a really terrible attention span. i really need silence, or white noise or very specific non-distracting music. Those would add so much to my quality of life, at work(music is always on, at medium...
  3. autobot

    Dylan, you wrote in another post about using ear muffs with music in a noisy environment. As...

    Dylan, you wrote in another post about using ear muffs with music in a noisy environment. As long that there's some music, and not too loud of course, it shouldn't increase the tinnitus ?
  4. autobot

    Borderline Personality Disorder Makes Habituation Impossible

    @IAmCalifornia Supplements: Magnesium mostly. i also take omega-3 and folic acid, so maybe they're somehow related.
  5. autobot

    Borderline Personality Disorder Makes Habituation Impossible

    @Contrast I suffer too from BPD and tinnitus. for me meds and supplements really helped reducing emotional sensitivity, and with it sensitivity to tinnitus and some level of habituation. Hope you'll find some good solutions and feel better.
  6. autobot

    Using Earmuffs Together with Pink Noise / TRT

    I live near a noisy road (4 the floor, so maybe not ear damage noise, but still very annoying and hard to concentrate, makes me angry often). My previous solution was using earmuffs with good sound isolation. I understand it may not be a good idea to use the on their own (I hear louder...
  7. autobot

    People with Little to No Concentration, What Do You Do for Fun?

    Linearb/Mentos, in my case i'm taking other meds(bipolar disorder), so i don't think i can improve my concentration much. i've tried before tinnitus. didn't work. my concentration wasn't good,my brain was tired, and easily distracted by noise(probably with hyperacusis). And can i read ? yes...
  8. autobot

    People with Little to No Concentration, What Do You Do for Fun?

    Just trying to accept tinnitus. I will probably end up with terrible concentration much of the time. My previous hobbies we're around reading: books, web forums, and a bit of TV and music. What things can one enjoy with little to no concentration, and that doesn't cost much?
  9. autobot

    What Can I Take for High Triglycerides?

    Eric, there have been a few small research papers about anti-cholesterol(hyperlipidimia) drugs helping with T. know anything about that?
  10. autobot

    Lipitor & Tinnitus

    I've read somewhere that Qcor10 or some similarly named vitaming helps with T and statins.