Recent content by Bacus

  1. Bacus

    9 Months of Pure Hell, and Now, Some Relief

    Friend, I wish u nothing but the best, as u indicated that u had some improvement in the last few days, which is a good sign, I am positive that u will come down to the "unnoticeable " T in a matter of a short time. Please keep us posted of your progress and what in your opinion has helped...
  2. Bacus

    Christmas parties

    Amelia, I read your post when it first came out, their were no comments then. and I was rooting for u to go to the party, but lacked the words to put in in print, I am a techno peasant , feel uncomfortable writing blogs. Please do go to this party, your husband will be proud of u, it meant so...
  3. Bacus

    Cool Fish I Caught on Saturday

    Hudson, great catch mate You deserve to be proud, enjoy eating the beast ( u can eat it I assume)
  4. Bacus

    Alcohol and Its Effect on Tinnitus

    Hi,Leo , When I have a scotch or two in the evening , it certainly brings my T down a notch or two. But when I drink vodka it has an opposite effect. Experiment, until u get it right. CHEERS
  5. Bacus

    Hearing Aids

    Oops, I meant to say two weeks not five, sorry.
  6. Bacus

    Hearing Aids

    One more voice endorsing hearing aids, I have been using hearing aids for about 5 weeks now. Prior to this my tinntus was very, very, bothersome. Now it is at an acceptable levell. I have to admit that I went back to the gym at the same time of using hearing aids, I am not sure if its the...
  7. Bacus

    Which battles do you fight?

    Read all the above , all of us ( with vocal tinnitus) can relate to this. There is a saying that comes to mind. I am not sure where it originated from. When you experience physical or mental pain it's like being shot by an arrow. When on top of the physical or mental pain , you resist it...
  8. Bacus

    Not sure I can make it...

    Hi Ralph , I am also from Canada,southern Ontario, and I understand your frustration, especially with the lack of knowledge ,and the long wait to be seen by the health care professionals. Trust me ( I have been there) it is normal to feel, at the onset of tinnitus, total despair and...
  9. Bacus

    Worried and Going Nuts

    Hi Sherri, Thank u for the info, I live in southern ontario , and I believe that u are also from Canada, Do u know where I can source the An Shen from locally? It seems like its really working for u. Happy to learn that your T has been calm. Mine seems like it "disappears" for a day and...
  10. Bacus

    Worried and Going Nuts

    Hi, sherry, How long have u been taking An Shen Bu Xin Wan, and is it comparable to ,say, sleeping tablets or antidepressant . One of the benefits of this herb it says that it lowers the tinnitus ,have u experienced that, Iam desperately looking for something natural to sleep, been on elavil...
  11. Bacus

    Hello All. Just Found Out Mine is Going to be Chronic.

    Hi, Izmir Sorry to hear about the distress your t is causing u. I am experimenting with hearing aids and its too soon to tell. According to the audiologist it helps approx. 60 percent of her patients ( reducing the T ) You being from India , have you considered seeing an Ayurveda doctor...
  12. Bacus

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Hi, Thanks Golly and Marku, really appreciate the advice. A brief history about my tinnitus . Hopefully this might help someone I am a young sixty plus guy who operated / owned a small business till the end of march 2013. I am what u will a techno illetrate, I prefer getting info from...
  13. Bacus

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Sorry, I meant to ask if I can stop taking this medication now without any side effects or do I have to taper off. Bacus
  14. Bacus

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Hi, I have been taking 10 mg of elavil for 6 days now, and I have definitely noticed a spike, for a longer period, Mekhail, how long did u take anti depressant and did u stop cold turkey Thank you Bacus
  15. Bacus

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Thank you Golly, Hopefully, this is a temporary situation, I will continue taking elavil which also contain a small amt of lactose with no side effects Hoping it is a temporary spike. My pharmacist is not sure if both the lactose ie anhydrous and monohydrae that is contained in remeron...