Recent content by Banksy

  1. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    I get clicking sounds when I yawn or swallow, mostly on the left side where the tinnitus emanates from. I managed to get three hours sleep last night after taking Zopiclone. This torture has to end. I saw a specialist last week and am now being referred to a super-duper specialist, although...
  2. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    Hi all, I haven't been around, I'm just too miserable. I was pretty sure my tinnitus came about from a sinus infection which I then believed became ETD. Although now things look even more depressing. I had an appointment at UCH London ENT department last week. I got a phone call follow-up...
  3. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    Thanks to everyone for their help, it really is appreciated. I drop in for a read every week or so for inspiration and guidance. I have another ENT appointment with another specialist, this time at Guys although that is not until August. Got to hang in there with this absolute torture. Many...
  4. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    @Jammer, thank you my friend and good luck to you.
  5. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    Hi all, I've still got the jet engine tinnitus but I've got other issues as well. Does anyone else have ear pain, ear and head pressure (what I believe is called ear fullness)? I also have clicking, popping and crackling. I'm a year in with this torture which has knocked me sideways, getting...
  6. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    Michael, many thanks for your input. As you have 25 years and 3 months more experience of tinnitus than me, I will definitely be taking your advice, you're very kind. I'm kind of using this site as a lifeline at the moment, a place where I can reach out to others because I really need it. I...
  7. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    Wow, what can I say apart from thank you, to all who have replied. I thought I'd give it a couple of days to see if anybody replied and I'm totally blown away and still can't believe that there are strangers out there who care. It put a lump in my throat but don't tell anyone, I don't want...
  8. B

    My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection

    How do you cope, how does anyone cope with this torture? My tinnitus started after a sinus infection about nine months ago. The sinus infection wasn't my first or a big deal but the tinnitus started and now I'm at the point where it is not life changing but life ending. Every waking second is...