My Life-Ending Tinnitus Started After Sinus Infection


Jan 18, 2023
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Unknown but possible ETD
How do you cope, how does anyone cope with this torture?

My tinnitus started after a sinus infection about nine months ago. The sinus infection wasn't my first or a big deal but the tinnitus started and now I'm at the point where it is not life changing but life ending. Every waking second is defined by the tinnitus. A brutal high pitched ringing that resonates through my skull.

I love my wife and kids but don't know how much use I am like this, they know I'm suffering but have no idea how much. Living like this is no life and I've now realised that I've got no fear of death but fear living like this.

I have head pressure, ear aches, sometimes blurred vision and hate every fucking minute of every day.

I have a suicide plan. A sentence I never thought I'd say.

Is it possible to continue to function year after year with this torture? I'm nine months in with tinnitus and don't know how long I can go. It never stops. It is 15 kHz or 16 kHz and loud.

Any tips or guidance will be greatly appreciated as I'm so lost.
I'm in the boat with you, six years downstream. Two things I'll note -- 1. the tinnitus WILL settle down and 2. you will learn how to cope with it. The first year is the worst, as it gradually declines. It's really not close to the worst affliction you could have; it's just another one of the millions of things in life that you can't control.

Reads like your sinuses might need work. What does your ENT say? Do you have rhinitis and/or nasal blockages? Allergies? I find that sinus drainage and inflammation directly impact the volume of my tinnitus. Here are the things that have helped me tolerate it:

1. Flush you sinuses daily. I like the Navage system, which can be used up to four times. The eucalyptus solution is really good.

2. If you have drainage, I find that thinning the mucus works better than drying them with antihistamines. Mucinex and Eustachian tube massage work great, as does eating a meal. My quietest time is after dinner.

3. If your tinnitus is waking you up at night, try moving to a chair and sleeping upright or reclined. Hold an electric razor or a masking sound from your smart phone up your ear.

4. Speaking of maskers, download the TinnitusPlay app referenced on this site. Amplitude Modulation Crickets and Neuromodulation work best for me. They drive my tinnitus to nearly zero for 30 seconds so--enough to give me a mental break and reassure me that a cure is possible.

5. Exercise to get the blood flowing and reduce the inflammation in your head. I believe in lifting weights to exhaustion and short High Intensity Interval sessions. Weightlifting has been proven to reverse depression. Remain upright and active as much as possible

6. Make sure you're getting your rest. I take 3 mg of Melatonin at bedtime and find it very helpful. Don't fight naps when you have the opportunity to take them. Fatigue is one of my biggest foes in this fight.

7. My ENT says that Bio Feedback works the best; it's just not available in my area. It's basically learning how to ignore the noise, which we all figure out how to do on our own through the years. Some days, I can go nearly a full day because I'm focused on other things. Try to focus away, on your family and other things that are important to you.

Hang tough, be patient, and remember that you have a destiny to fulfill. Do it for your kids.
I am sorry to know of the difficulties you are going through @Banksy. If the onset of your tinnitus is solely related to a sinus infection and possibly ETD, then an ENT doctor should be able to treat these conditions as this is their area of expertise and hopefully the tinnitus will reduce. Nine months is a long time to be enduring such discomfort. You have my deepest sympathy, because I know how debilitating tinnitus can be when it's severe.

You haven't mentioned whether you are still under the care of an ENT doctor? If you aren't, then please see one as soon as possible. Talk to your family doctor and explain how you feel. You might be advised to take prescription medication to help reduce stress. I strongly advise that you give this consideration because stress makes tinnitus worse and tinnitus can make stress worse, it can become a vicious cycle if stress isn't managed. Medication can also help to prevent you slipping into depression. If possible, try and see an audiologist that specialises in tinnitus management as counselling can be helpful.

Exposure to loud noise is one of the most common causes of tinnitus. Although your tinnitus is related to sinus and possibly ETD, I want to ask, before the onset of the tinnitus, did you ever regularly listen to audio through headphones, earbuds, headsets or bone conduction headphones? If you did, then it's possible your tinnitus may also be noise induced. If you are oversensitive to certain sounds, this could indicate you have hyperacusis. This condition often (but not always) accompanies noise-induced tinnitus.

I am only surmising because I don't know whether you regularly used any type of headphones or were exposed to loud music prior to the onset of your tinnitus. Try to avoid being in quiet rooms and surroundings especially at night by using a sound machine by the bedside. More about this is explained in the links below.

All the best,

New to Tinnitus, What to Do? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
Tinnitus, A Personal View | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
@Banksy, I'm so sorry you are suffering so much. We hear you, we understand. Just know that at 9 months I was still in full panic mode. Now, at 1 year, it's a little easier. It still sucks and I still suffer, but the panic is slightly less. Time really is the best healer/habituator for this condition. Make sure you are taking care of your ears. Look for the little joys in each day - they're there, trust me. Hold onto them. If you weren't here, you wouldn't get to experience any of them.

Have you had any period of time, even just one second, where you were able to be neutral/ignore/not hear your tinnitus? If so, that's your hard proof that it can be done. In the future that second should stretch to minutes, hours, maybe even longer. If you haven't experienced this yet, you will.

Have a look around this forum. Many people here, even some severe cases, have been able to live fulfilling lives with tinnitus. There's no reason to think you are the exception at this moment.

Lastly, I read you have kids. In my darkest hours, I use this hypothetical to get me through: If your kid told you they were suffering with the same tinnitus you are now, and you had the ability to take it away from them permanently and give it to yourself, would you? I would, and my son is literally the one who gave me tinnitus. So I figure, if I would take this on so my son wouldn't have to suffer, then I must be able to handle it. There's no reason for me to feel I can take it on in that hypothetical and not now. I'm not sure if this would help you, but maybe some similar thinking would.

I hope you feel better soon.
How do you cope, how does anyone cope with this torture?

My tinnitus started after a sinus infection about nine months ago. The sinus infection wasn't my first or a big deal but the tinnitus started and now I'm at the point where it is not life changing but life ending. Every waking second is defined by the tinnitus. A brutal high pitched ringing that resonates through my skull.

I love my wife and kids but don't know how much use I am like this, they know I'm suffering but have no idea how much. Living like this is no life and I've now realised that I've got no fear of death but fear living like this.

I have head pressure, ear aches, sometimes blurred vision and hate every fucking minute of every day.

I have a suicide plan. A sentence I never thought I'd say.

Is it possible to continue to function year after year with this torture? I'm nine months in with tinnitus and don't know how long I can go. It never stops. It is 15 kHz or 16 kHz and loud.

Any tips or guidance will be greatly appreciated as I'm so lost.
Get some anti-anxiety pills for the tough days. Klonopin works very well for me.
Wow, what can I say apart from thank you, to all who have replied. I thought I'd give it a couple of days to see if anybody replied and I'm totally blown away and still can't believe that there are strangers out there who care.

It put a lump in my throat but don't tell anyone, I don't want people thinking I'm going soft. If I'm honest it's you guys, strangers, who have restored my faith in humanity in a few paragraphs.

I've seen various doctors and ENT specialists who prescribed various drugs, sprays, just too many to list.

Nine months ago I didn't know what an Eustachian tube was but researching forever and aligning my symptoms I'm convinced ETD is my problem. I mentioned this to a couple of doctors but they didn't seem interested in my 'Google diagnosis' and dismissed it.

I found a private specialist who agreed with me and is hopefully going get me seen for balloon dilation although this could be a long time waiting as I'll have to go through our National Health Service.

Until then I've been referred for some kind of CBT but that is not until August, which shows you the state of the UK Health Service.

This all sounds quite positive but it doesn't change day to day living. The volume of my tinnitus is brutal and increases when I chew, talk, yawn and even gets louder if I'm driving and hit a bump in the road which shakes my body.

Even if I do manage to get the balloon treatment, apparently there are no guarantees it could make even the smallest improvement so it doesn't fill me with a lot of hope.

What does give me hope is what you guys have said and however this turns out that I might be able to live with it.

Your comments really are a turning point for me, I really mean that and I cannot express my gratitude for your input.

Peace and love to all.
I've seen various doctors and ENT specialists who prescribed various drugs, sprays, just too many to list.
Hi @Banksy.

I know you are feeling desperate for help at the moment but I want to give you some advice and hope you give it some consideration. I have had tinnitus for many years and corresponded and counseled people with this condition.

You mention that you have been seen by various doctors and ENT specialists that have offered you treatment. If these medical professionals are from the NHS, trust me, they know what they are doing. You will get the best help and long term aftercare for tinnitus under the NHS that no private practice can match in the UK. Please do not pursue private treatment for your tinnitus even if it's through the NHS, as it's risky because the tinnitus can easily be made worse!

Tinnitus is not something to mess around with and I advise that you follow the advice of your ENT doctors and GP. You might be referred to Audiology to see an audiologist that specialises in tinnitus managment.

I have been an out-patient under the NHS for my tinnitus for 26 years and have very good treatment.

Take care and I wish you well,
Hi @Banksy.

I know you are feeling desperate for help at the moment but I want to give you some advice and hope you give it some consideration. I have had tinnitus for many years and corresponded and counseled people with this condition.

You mention that you have been seen by various doctors and ENT specialists that have offered you treatment. If these medical professionals are from the NHS, trust me, they know what they are doing. You will get the best help and long term aftercare for tinnitus under the NHS that no private practice can match in the UK. Please do not pursue private treatment for your tinnitus even if it's through the NHS, as it's risky because the tinnitus can easily be made worse!

Tinnitus is not something to mess around with and I advise that you follow the advice of your ENT doctors and GP. You might be referred to Audiology to see an audiologist that specialises in tinnitus managment.

I have been an out-patient under the NHS for my tinnitus for 26 years and have very good treatment.

Take care and I wish you well,
Michael, many thanks for your input.

As you have 25 years and 3 months more experience of tinnitus than me, I will definitely be taking your advice, you're very kind.

I'm kind of using this site as a lifeline at the moment, a place where I can reach out to others because I really need it.

I never thought a noise/sound could floor me but it has and I'm looking for an inner strength. I'm very grateful to have similar people to talk to, I now know I can overcome this, knowing that I can reach out and find people like yourself. I'm going to drop in to this site regularly and maybe chip in with an occasional update if I have something to report.

Many thanks my friend.
I live happily with catastrophic multi-tonal reactive tinnitus that spikes permanently every week. You'll be fine. 9 months is nothing. Took me a while to get better. There's promising treatments coming soon.
Honestly, how? How do you manage not to panic? I'm struggling real hard not to panic during the day.

How loud is your tinnitus? Can you mask it?
I live happily with catastrophic multi-tonal reactive tinnitus that spikes permanently every week. You'll be fine. 9 months is nothing. Took me a while to get better. There's promising treatments coming soon.
I have the same tinnitus as you. Is it just ignoring it? Going about your life without caring? Please let me know how you do it as I'd like to free myself from the cage.
I have the same tinnitus as you. Is it just ignoring it? Going about your life without caring? Please let me know how you do it as I'd like to free myself from the cage.
Pretty much yeah. Worrying about it won't help it improve. Some level of stability is required to not suffer, though. If I'm careful enough, I can not spike for a month. I do, however, partake in various "risky" for us activities such as small parties, drives, shopping (with earmuffs ofc).
Honestly, how? How do you manage not to panic? I'm struggling real hard not to panic during the day.

How loud is your tinnitus? Can you mask it?
My tinnitus is louder than voices. I can't hear what people are saying sometimes over it. Masking is a long forgotten distant memory. A 80-90 dB 1927 shower (which I do not use due to its volume) is not even close enough to mask my cacophony.

I just suck it up and deal with it, live life to the best of my abilities. Some good treatments are coming and I'm not going to waste my life worrying and being anxious. I can only be careful to not spike, and wait.
Pretty much yeah. Worrying about it won't help it improve. Some level of stability is required to not suffer, though. If I'm careful enough, I can not spike for a month. I do, however, partake in various "risky" for us activities such as small parties, drives, shopping (with earmuffs ofc).
Sounds like we share the same approach. Mine was measured at 73 dB in 2016; I wish it was still that low. It's screaming like a jet engine.

Although I avoid parties, I still gotta shop.

I just dropped the toilet lid four days ago, so you know how that goes - still waiting for the spike to settle, not much else to do.

Take care brother.
Hi all,

I've still got the jet engine tinnitus but I've got other issues as well.

Does anyone else have ear pain, ear and head pressure (what I believe is called ear fullness)? I also have clicking, popping and crackling.

I'm a year in with this torture which has knocked me sideways, getting through each day is my life, which in truth is no life. Is everybody the same with this? From the moment I wake up from my 3 or 4 hours sleep, I'm consumed with this shit. I don't recognise myself anymore and the life I had is disappearing by the day.

It's 11am on a Sunday morning and I should be looking forward to the day but I'm not and can't because everyday is tinnitus day.

Sorry for the moan but I'm losing this battle.

If anyone else has the symptoms I mentioned, I'd be interested to know.

Love and silence to all.
Hi all,

I've still got the jet engine tinnitus but I've got other issues as well.

Does anyone else have ear pain, ear and head pressure (what I believe is called ear fullness)? I also have clicking, popping and crackling.

I'm a year in with this torture which has knocked me sideways, getting through each day is my life, which in truth is no life. Is everybody the same with this? From the moment I wake up from my 3 or 4 hours sleep, I'm consumed with this shit. I don't recognise myself anymore and the life I had is disappearing by the day.

It's 11am on a Sunday morning and I should be looking forward to the day but I'm not and can't because everyday is tinnitus day.

Sorry for the moan but I'm losing this battle.

If anyone else has the symptoms I mentioned, I'd be interested to know.

Love and silence to all.
I've had your symptoms off and on for the past five years and it has ruined my life completely. Getting 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night makes the tinnitus worse and I feel like a aimless, tired zombie each day. I used to be highly intelligent and could converse on most subjects but no longer. Tinnitus has robbed me of that and I feel the brain fog getting stronger.

But I've come to expect that each moment will suck and life is only worth living for my wife and family, so I've come to a point of acceptance that has given me just a bit of comfort, strange comfort. It is what it is and there's no point in complaining any more. And life as I know it goes on.
Hi all,

I've still got the jet engine tinnitus but I've got other issues as well.

Does anyone else have ear pain, ear and head pressure (what I believe is called ear fullness)? I also have clicking, popping and crackling.

I'm a year in with this torture which has knocked me sideways, getting through each day is my life, which in truth is no life. Is everybody the same with this? From the moment I wake up from my 3 or 4 hours sleep, I'm consumed with this shit. I don't recognise myself anymore and the life I had is disappearing by the day.

It's 11am on a Sunday morning and I should be looking forward to the day but I'm not and can't because everyday is tinnitus day.

Sorry for the moan but I'm losing this battle.

If anyone else has the symptoms I mentioned, I'd be interested to know.

Love and silence to all.
This all sounds like bad ETD, and it sounds like your histamine went really high after your illness and has been an issue since. I would consider looking into anti-histamine foods as well as supplements like DAO that help control your histamine. OTC antihistamines don't always work in these kinds of cases, they didn't help me when I had ETD issues this past summer.

So sorry you are dealing with this.
Hi all,

I've still got the jet engine tinnitus but I've got other issues as well.

Does anyone else have ear pain, ear and head pressure (what I believe is called ear fullness)? I also have clicking, popping and crackling.

I'm a year in with this torture which has knocked me sideways, getting through each day is my life, which in truth is no life. Is everybody the same with this? From the moment I wake up from my 3 or 4 hours sleep, I'm consumed with this shit. I don't recognise myself anymore and the life I had is disappearing by the day.

It's 11am on a Sunday morning and I should be looking forward to the day but I'm not and can't because everyday is tinnitus day.

Sorry for the moan but I'm losing this battle.

If anyone else has the symptoms I mentioned, I'd be interested to know.

Love and silence to all.
Welcome to the forum @Banksy. Sorry that you are hurting so much from your tinnitus. Other kind members have given you great advice. I can only share with you my experiences. Your symptoms can be sinus problems, ETD, or TTTS because of the clicking symptoms.

I have deep empathy for what you are going through. Many of us have been where you are now. I had ultra high-pitched dentist drill like tinnitus on my right ear and a rumbling jet-engine like tinnitus on the left ear. My left ear suffered sudden hearing loss and lost all hearing. Severe hyperacusis also hit me twice, when even the soft voice of my dear wife hurt me. I couldn't stand driving noises from the engine and road noise. Couldn't go out to eat nor socialize with others. I suffered relentless anxiety and panic attacks from the tinnitus because I had suffered from anxiety and panic disorder and PTSD for decades prior to tinnitus. Yes, it was a nightmare for me the first year, having to depend on medications such as benzos, antidepressants and sleeping pills to survive. Dark thoughts were often dangling in front of my tired and stressed out brain.

I never thought I could habituate and enjoy the good life again. But the love for my family helped me soldier on. Reading success stories from others gave me hope. Today I live a normal and enjoyable life, travelling, cruising, fishing, gardening, eating out with family and friends, etc. Time has done some miraculous healing. The brain has gone through a miraculous healing that it can completely ignore and habituate to the same loud tinnitus without any negative emotional suffering.

I am not the lone case. Many members wrote their success stories to prove that things can improve in time. I wrote my success story too to share some helpful strategies, those I learn from others and some from my own experiences. For brevity I list the link below to the story. I hope it can help you.

Don't worry too much about the future and don't project a life of suffering ahead. Things will improve definitely, particularly since your tinnitus may be from a medical cause of your sinus, and you are lucky without the dreaded hyperacusis. So don't despair and keep up the hope. Take good care. God bless your recovery.

From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis
I had more or less typical annoying noise-induced tinnitus for about 9 years. In the fall, I had an ETD episode that ramped it up quite a bit to the point of not being sure how I could go on. I was on the edge of going to the emergency room a couple of times except I knew they wouldn't do much but sedate me. I did take a tranquilzer if it got really bad, usually half doses to sleep, and used CBD oil in the evening before bed or if things got bad.

I've been to a regular doctor twice, ENT twice, and a tinnitus specialist clinic once. Pretty much the consensus is "Learn to deal with it." I did start a low-dose SRRI (generic Lexapro) which helped a lot. I still have what feels like ETD symptoms, some of the clicking/popping/fullness but there is no measurable pressure from the tympanometry tests. I'm also using a bit of pink noise sound augmentation.

Taking care of my overall health and reducing my anxiety toward it has worked wonders, as well as the natural gradual habituation. So even though constant at around 3/10 now and with hyperacusis, I am pretty happy with life and confident things will get better. I know it's hard to ignore, but it's just something that's happening and not who you are. My attitude is "Tinnitus does its thing and I do mine." I'm also confident more treatments and neural discoveries are just ahead and I'd hate to miss them.

Keep hope.
Thanks to everyone for their help, it really is appreciated.

I drop in for a read every week or so for inspiration and guidance.

I have another ENT appointment with another specialist, this time at Guys although that is not until August.

Got to hang in there with this absolute torture.

Many thanks. Love and silence to all.
Thanks to everyone for their help, it really is appreciated.

I drop in for a read every week or so for inspiration and guidance.

I have another ENT appointment with another specialist, this time at Guys although that is not until August.

Got to hang in there with this absolute torture.

Many thanks. Love and silence to all.
I'm in a similar situation as you (massive spike after a sinus infection), albeit much less time into it (1-2 months) and thankfully, my tinnitus is mostly bearable. But it is such a disgrace how long people in the UK have to wait to see any form of specialist about problems such as this (without paying insane private fees). My sister also developed tinnitus from a cold last September, and she still has not even had a hearing test! We are suffering together, but we are both thankful that our tinnitus is not as debilitating as it is for many.

I hope your symptoms improve and you have a good experience when you finally see a specialist!
I'm in a similar situation as you (massive spike after a sinus infection), albeit much less time into it (1-2 months) and thankfully, my tinnitus is mostly bearable.
Did you take any ototoxic medication for your sinus infection?

It's important that you check if there is inner ear damage.

Additionally, strong sinus infections (as well as otitis media) can change Eustachian tube function (due to inflammation), and can take up to 6 months to work properly again (sometimes the dysfunction is chronic). It is important that you visit a well trained ENT or Otologist as soon as possible. Early intervention is important also for the Eustachian tubes.

ETD-induced tinnitus is very annoying because it is highly reactive. I can understand you. But I am sure you will be fine!
Thanks to everyone for their help, it really is appreciated.

I drop in for a read every week or so for inspiration and guidance.

I have another ENT appointment with another specialist, this time at Guys although that is not until August.

Got to hang in there with this absolute torture.

Many thanks. Love and silence to all.
Hey, any updates?
How do you cope, how does anyone cope with this torture?

My tinnitus started after a sinus infection about nine months ago. The sinus infection wasn't my first or a big deal but the tinnitus started and now I'm at the point where it is not life changing but life ending. Every waking second is defined by the tinnitus. A brutal high pitched ringing that resonates through my skull.

I love my wife and kids but don't know how much use I am like this, they know I'm suffering but have no idea how much. Living like this is no life and I've now realised that I've got no fear of death but fear living like this.

I have head pressure, ear aches, sometimes blurred vision and hate every fucking minute of every day.

I have a suicide plan. A sentence I never thought I'd say.

Is it possible to continue to function year after year with this torture? I'm nine months in with tinnitus and don't know how long I can go. It never stops. It is 15 kHz or 16 kHz and loud.

Any tips or guidance will be greatly appreciated as I'm so lost.
Whatever you do, do not take any medications for this. Anyone who tells you to take meds for this is off their rocker. Most meds are ototoxic and can make tinnitus way worse and cause hyperacusis. Stay clean and keep working out and lower inflammation in whatever way possible.
Hi all, I haven't been around, I'm just too miserable. I was pretty sure my tinnitus came about from a sinus infection which I then believed became ETD. Although now things look even more depressing.

I had an appointment at UCH London ENT department last week. I got a phone call follow-up appointment today and was told they think I've got Middle Ear Myoclonus.

My tinnitus has been off the scale and now things make sense as to why it's so bad.

I don't know what's next. I'm so desperate I can't explain. I spend every hour wearing a joggers' Bluetooth headband pumping out a 15 kHz masking sound from YouTube.

Life is so shit I can't bear much more. If only I had the courage to end it...
Do you hear a clicking sound in your ears?
I get clicking sounds when I yawn or swallow, mostly on the left side where the tinnitus emanates from.

I managed to get three hours sleep last night after taking Zopiclone.

This torture has to end. I saw a specialist last week and am now being referred to a super-duper specialist, although not holding out any hope.


One of the many health professionals I've seen in the last year has put me forward for physiotherapy. What kind of physiotherapy is there for Middle Ear Myoclonus?


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