Recent content by Bassplayer

  1. Bassplayer

    I Was Right

  2. Bassplayer

    Bad Tinnitus Tips

    Well T taught me to make a choice. Either let our physical disfunction fuck up our life and those around us...or.... I’ve been there. Once we start to put our effort into helping others, magically we start to help ourselves.
  3. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    Well you appear pretty intelligent so whatever you end up nice! :)
  4. Bassplayer

    I Was Right

    Again that’s the problem with not meeting people face to face (I do do that BTW) . I suffered and have come back to help ( still not sure if it was wise :—/ ) Can everyone see now why most ‘normal’ people who have moved on don’t bother coming back?
  5. Bassplayer

    I Was Right

    So are you successful in using their weekness to satisfy your ego then? Your ego is everywhere on this forum. Ego is the final hurdle.
  6. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    I don’t believe I’m one of the ‘lucky’ one’s. For one it took me a lot of of will power and for another I started to realise my impatience was a factor in slowing healing down Faith, love and hope...yes!
  7. Bassplayer

    Bad Tinnitus Tips

    I wasn’t taking about two ‘physical parts’ of the brain but thanks for confirming that logic and emotion are in both hemispheres. As for the Egyptian thing. No idea realky but I do think T is a gift. Well I now see it tells me when there is a threat.
  8. Bassplayer

    I Was Right

    Which things do you you think I should keep to myself ?
  9. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    As others know on here...I do genuinely care. No facade on my part anyway. I genuinely want to help others but also recognise that some people have other motives. I suppose this is the problem with not communicating face to face with people.
  10. Bassplayer

    Bad Tinnitus Tips

    Bewitched? Hmm... seems a troll theme there...anyway I digress... The alternative is that you could carry on doing what you enjoy doing (i.e sport), therefore taking your mind off the T (so allowing the brain to adapt). There are two parts to our brains. The logical and the emotional. The...
  11. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    Do you know what, I have wondered if you are the same person? Your posts are very similar. I have given my opinions already about those who make money out of helping people ‘move on’ and help them to be happy. It’s better than making money out of causing misery! In the ideal Utopian world...
  12. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    If you can point me to where I said that I’ll bite . :-)
  13. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    I agree with all of this (I was that person!). That is why I’m trying to help them. At the same time there are trolls, users, sympathy freaks, those who make money out of other peoples suffering etc. That’s why I ask questions like ‘Why are you REALLY on this forum’. Do you want to help, do...
  14. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    I have met people who don’t want to move on because they enjoy the sympathy. ‘Poor me syndrome’ it’s called. We’ve all probably used that one in our past. Fortunately most people move on.
  15. Bassplayer

    Habituation Isn't a Myth, It Is an Impossibility

    Well then they still hear the noise. In the early stages we feel we have no choice but listen to it. Later we realise that, by being preoccupied with other things, we start to find the noise disappears from our consciousness for periods of time. ‘Moving on’ builds on that realisation. If you...