Recent content by Benjamin Greenberg

  1. Benjamin Greenberg

    Musician with Reactive Tinnitus and High-Frequency Sensitivity from COVID-19

    I have a similar set of issues. I have been dealing with tinnitus for 25 years and hyperacusis for about 20. This past April, I contracted COVID, which has caused near deafness in the higher frequencies, making my experience even more challenging. I was a professional musician but had to change...
  2. Benjamin Greenberg

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Am curious if anyone who has had this surgery done could let me know how it went for them? I have incredibly reactive tinnitus and probably mild hyperacusis overall except that even low-moderate volume noise (75 dB+) can cause a long-lasting spike in tinnitus and pain; has been getting...
  3. Benjamin Greenberg

    Am Gonna Try Surgery for Hyperacusis

    Does anyone know of someone who has actually tried this surgery? I have pretty extreme sound-exacerbated tinnitus and am losing functionality in my life and career. Have had to cut myself out of most if not all social activity. And, I just learned that I may need some major dental work done...
  4. Benjamin Greenberg

    An Improved Model of Measuring Hyperacusis Impact and Outcomes

    With hope this work may lead to more accurate outcome measurements that can lead to more effective research and treatments for those of us enduring Hyperacusis, I am proud to announce the publication of the Inventory of Hyperacusis Symptoms (IHS). Some innovations include much improved initial...
  5. Benjamin Greenberg

    Study on the Lived Experience of Tinnitus Exacerbated by Sound

    hi @kelpiemsp - we had several phases of validity checking with supervised methodological overview that was sought to ensure validity. All done by hand and color coding. Interestingly the themes matched almost entirely between reviewers, and configuring the fine points and deciding on names felt...
  6. Benjamin Greenberg

    Study on the Lived Experience of Tinnitus Exacerbated by Sound

    Hi Steve, thanks! I'll do my best: Basically, I reviewed and analyzed 418 responses from over 300 participants, and found that the experience of tinnitus made worse by sound can be characterized by themes of loss, isolation, psychosocial impact, communication difficulty and lack of...
  7. Benjamin Greenberg

    Study on the Lived Experience of Tinnitus Exacerbated by Sound

    Here's my latest study, the first follow up to my dissertation. Thanks much to everyone from Tinnitus Talk who participated!!! Loss, Meaning Making, and Reconstruction of Narratives in Adults Enduring Tinnitus Exacerbated by...
  8. Benjamin Greenberg

    My Dissertation on the Sound-Sensitive Tinnitus Subtype

    A lot of people on this forum helped me recruit for this study and were wonderfully supportive through the whole process ... just went live on ProQuest today, looking forward to any feedback and hope that this offering can be helpful to all of us whose tinnitus is exacerbated by exposure to...
  9. Benjamin Greenberg

    Need Help with an Ongoing Hyperacusis Project

    thank you everyone we are close to 500 now.
  10. Benjamin Greenberg

    Need Help with an Ongoing Hyperacusis Project

    Already past 300 participants ... feeling super grateful ...
  11. Benjamin Greenberg

    Need Help with an Ongoing Hyperacusis Project

    The support so far has been awesome, wow ... last night, I was watching videos of myself in my former life as a musician and can't believe how much I have had to change as a result of T & H ... thanks so much for those who have participated so far, am hoping to get as many responses as possible...
  12. Benjamin Greenberg

    Keep on moving forward and learning from mistakes

    Keep on moving forward and learning from mistakes
  13. Benjamin Greenberg

    Need Help with an Ongoing Hyperacusis Project

    Hi Everybody, Having severe tinnitus and hyperacusis for close to 20 years now and losing my former careers of music and education, I wanted to share with you all a project that I've recently been updating and refining. As part of my dissertation that investigated the impact of sound...
  14. Benjamin Greenberg

    Wearable In-Ear Maskers and Tinnitus

    Hi Everyone, it's been a while! I recently tried out a new set of digital GHI simply tranquils (after losing my pair of 7 years at an interview...); it didn't help my tinnitus at all ... I went back to the analog version, but they had to build it again from scratch! I was told that they are...
  15. Benjamin Greenberg

    Investigating the Impact of Sound Sensitivity in Tinnitus

    Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who participated!! The survey have 420 total hits and 277 completions, which for a dissertation is a pretty great sample size. Much gratitude to this community for all the wonderful support, but the survey is now closed and analysis begins... If anyone will be at...