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  • Went to the cinema yesterday for the first time since T wearing ear defenders and had no issues. Remember to live life as normal as you can!
    I'm also trying to do this as much as I can. Going out with friends, playing video games, it all helps. Avoiding loud sounds has helped too, my baseline is super low now. 7 months in.
    When you say ear defenders do you mean the full on ones that look like headphones?
    Update: recently I've been living life as normal (ear plugs when needed) and my T has had no spikes or issues. It gets better guys :)
    Anyone here get anxious about possibly having something else more sinister wrong with them? Recently I'm really worried about MS :(
    Ilias T
    Not really. I think my problem is more in the head. After cleaning my room, fixing my door, and getting some work done, took pressure of my head, and my tinnitus was reduced for very short minutes up to 90% today. Eat enough, drink enough (water), sleep. On top of that, move away from negativity.
    All the time. MS is a consistent fear of mine. But, so far, it's just health anxiety.
    I'm going through it right now. I hope your outcome was positive. Reading my mri it says the white spots/matter are "prominent" for my age. It could be MS for me. Let's see what neurologist says. Get an mri done. I'll be praying for you.
    my bro popped a balloon next to me and made me jump. Curiously I googled how loud they are, it said 162 DECIBELS? should I be worried?
    @Tweedleman well although it did make me jump, it definitely didn't hurt my ears or even cross my mind that it could potentially make my T worse UNTIL I googled it, it definitely didn't feel THAT loud, such a quick sound!
    @Bill Bauer i know - I'm hoping that's not the case. Thing is, although it made me jump I didn't think it was THAT loud until I googled it and I started to worry? Weird. No idea they could reach that level of noise.
    What happened to your T, did the spike go down? I faced a similar issue today
    Been going through a spike recently and not sure why, so exhausted from it :( times like this I just wish things were different
    Michael Leigh
    You have noise induced tinnitus caused by earphones. If you still use earphones even at low volume this will be the cause of the spike, or listening to music through speakers too loud. The most common cause of tinnitus spikes is sound. If you are using earplugs a lot this is not good and can make your ears more sensitive.
    It should subside! I hope you feel better soon <3 My tinnitus has days where it spikes for no reason at all.
    Hi Beth! So sorry you're going through this. Sometimes I think that if at least it was consistent I could get used to it...maybe. Hoping you're spike goes down soon *hugs*
    If you're still wondering what type of social gatherings you could attend, I'll share mine. Boardgame nights are my personal favorite, people just talking in a nice tone , and enjoying the game. Movie nights. minigolf, bowling with protection in pocket if needed. Dinner parties (barbeques etc.) Ice skating, and of course many sports to choose from. Cheers :)
    Can I still go to clubs or raves with protection? I'm only 21, and i used to love partying. Is it ok if I get proper full protection muffs?
    I would not risk it even with double protection. The adjusted protection level provided is surprisingly low. You said you had spikes from everyday noises as well, I think it's too big of a risk.
    • B


    The problem is not even a possible worsening per se. Those you read on TinnitusTalk are _some_ stories. I personally know three people with moderate tinnitus who, after 20 years, keep using chainsaws without protection. BUT. After you read the stories... you cannot really unsee them. You are aware that something really bad _might_ happen if you are careless.
    • B


    Also, you might want to consider silent discos.
    Anyone know how to deal with head tones? I have a constant headache and pressure because of this new tone in the front of my head ;(
    @Ilias T i can't really put my finger on it, it's like a new tone/sensation in my head. It's not in my ears!
    Ilias T
    Well I don't know why it happened. Sometimes I do get sounds stuck in my head but they go away. I can silence them too
    @Ilias T this thing has been here for a 5 days now, I hope it passes, I was just starting to manage my T :/
    Can't bare Low tones... especially in my head, wish it would localize to my ears :(
    Ilias T
    Trust me the ears aren't any better hahahahah (atleast mine aren't)
    Sorry your struggling @bethadtr. It's a never ending battle. X
    Thanks @Steph1710 you truly are too kind, just wish things were different. Hope youre taking care x
    I ask because I wore my plugs out the other day and was talking for hours, I've now woken up to a new tone in my head. Coincidence or?...
    For what it's worth, I also wear earplugs for hours at a time, and I can't honestly say the Occulasion effect has given me new tones or worsenings. That's just my personal experince, though.
    No, plugs have never given me a spike. I really think new tones just kinda appear and go. I've had all sorts of random tones pop up. However, they do dissappear after a while, and I'm left with my 3/4 normals sounds.
    What kind of ear plugs are you using? Ones that can be deeply inserted will give you the least occlusion. In my experience foam and custom molded plugs are the best for this. Plugs can also be vented to allow sound to escape but that doesn't seem to be a common feature.
    GENUINE QUESTION: can you make your T worse when you wear ear plugs and shout / scream/ etc? aka 'the occlusion effect'..
    Also curious.
    It's not a good idea to try, but I don't see any reason why it's not possible. Plenty of times, people get setbacks from far less.
    Occlusion effect SPLs vary in amplitude between patients from as little as 5–9dB to 25–32dB, with peaks at different frequencies (Fulton & Martin, 2006; Killion et al., 1988; Mueller et al., 1996).
    Update: think i've actually got away with no further damage! BIG RELIEF. Just ordered some plugs, not taking anymore chances :)
    Ilias T
    I still remember the times I drove my bike to school and have an ambulance come behind me. I would rather fight off some wild dogs.
    Update: slight increase in tone in both ears but a lot less worse than I thought it would be. Hoping it settles :(
    out shopping and a loud tone went off to announce something. I was right under the speaker, the sound lasted 1/2 secs, should I be worried?
    Probably not. Take some magnesium, maybe. You'll be fine.
    Thanks everyone, I just panic. I hate that the smallest things could really ruin me. I didn't have ear protection on unfortunately as the store was silent :( @Kriszti. My ears currently hurt a little but trying not to panic, also took some magnesium about 1 hour after @aot. Pray for me!
    It's best to wear ear pro whenever you go out. I use 20DB filtered plugs. But that's just my opinion, and others might disagree.
    I must say getting T in a pandemic has been a blessing in a way, don't feel as sad missing out on parties and gigs because we ALL are...
    • B


    For me parties and gigs were unpleasant (to say the least) even before t, but that's me creepy antisocial hehe
    I said the same thing. Developing T at a time when we can't go doing anything - even work, was possibly the best time ever to get it. I'm actually truly thankful it was that way. I can't imagine what it's like to develop it when you're at uni, or just started a new job etc.
    I get a lot of anxiety thinking about having to go back to the office every day.
    My T is switching ears? One day it will be prominent in my left ear, the next day the right. Is this common?
    Yup. Mine does that all the time, so I'm guessing it's a common thing.
    This is something I've experienced as well, although it is typically my right ear that is louder than the left.
    What is that, where it sounds like it goes back and forth between ears for a few seconds???
    Fleeting T is so terrifying sometimes :(
    • B


    I used to have some fucking scary episodes, right after my onset.
    It is. Even if I "know" that it's propably not staying, scares the sht out of me all the time :( so loud, so shrill, so very frightening.
    Yup! I hate fleeting T. In fact my T was almost non-existent, then one morning I had the loudest "fleeting" T that came and didn't go.
    How close are we to a cure/treatments?
    @bethadtr In terms of items specifically for tinnitus? Hard to say. The current projects in that respect are either being very quiet, taking their sweet time, or not showing much general efficacy.
    If you have hearing loss, either measured or hidden, you could find a treatment or potential cure in FX-322 or OTO-413. I recommend you check out those respective threads here on the forum for more information there. Promising stuff indeed.
    going through a spike... could be Covid
    I'm sure you'll be fine Beth. I had quite a big spike when I had a nasty virus. Though I appreciate it wasn't covid. But I'm still sure you'll be fine. Xx
    Are you having any Covid symptoms? I know if I were in your situation I would be paranoid and checking my tinnitus constantly. Have you managed to isolate yourself from your partner?
    Has anyone here who's had Covid noticed a change or spike in their Tinnitus? My partner is in fact positive so now I'm worried :(
    Not personally but that has been widely reported.
    Ed209 had a spike, but it went back to baseline.
    Got COVID and there was no noticeable change in my tinnitus.
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