Recent content by borris

  1. B

    Tinnitus Caused by an ENT Specialist

    Yes they all stick together saying they perform this proseger every day with no problems but because they stick together its just too hard to prove. I'd love to stick thet thing in there ear and say now you keep still.
  2. B

    Six and a Half Weeks Now

    I don't know if my T is getting better with this new positive attitude but I certainly do feel better about it. I am learning to think less about it and the less i think about it the less i tune into T so once again thanks for reprogramming my way of thinking.
  3. B

    New Funding Opportunity for Tinnitus Research / Investing in Tinnitus Research

    Yes makes you wonder if millions of people have this hideous infliction why the is so little research, I guess its because you cant see or feel the sufferers pain so it must not exist.
  4. B

    Six and a Half Weeks Now

    Thank you so much your artical is the most positive thing I've heard in a long time I will hold on to your words and be as positive as I can be. Thank you Regards Borris
  5. B

    For those new to this demon

    Thanks I am going to take your advise It's not a cure but the only option I have heard that might make my life more bearable.
  6. B

    Tinnitus Caused by an ENT Specialist

    Hi I'm just wondering how many people have got T from going to a ENT specialist and had there ears cleaned with those things they spray water in your ear and sucks it out at the same time. I had mine done and the gurgling sucksion noise was that loud that I was pulling away but the doctor...
  7. B

    Maybe irrelevant but.....

    Yes I know your right laughter is the best medicine but I just find it so hard these days as my T has completely changed my personality Its only been 12 months but I find it hard to even remember the happy person I used to be, But I will work harder to try and be the person I used to be, I miss...
  8. B

    New Funding Opportunity for Tinnitus Research / Investing in Tinnitus Research

    Anyone with T would give allot more then $1 I'm sure I would
  9. B

    How I Won Against Tinnitus

    Hi I was just wondering if you can tell me some more about Serrapeptase I've had T for about 12months now and have try'd a few different thing but non of the really work. I would appreciate any info you can give me on this product as I know allot of the stuff out there is snake oil.
  10. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    The reason the procedure is loud is they squirt water into your ear then at the same time it sucks the water out, and I suppose if you got a lot of wax in your ear then the noise wouldn't be so load but if your ear are clear as mine were then its gona be bloody load, I gotta admit I too am a...
  11. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    Yes Steve I have made inquiry's about suing but no solicitor will touch it, because they use the same proseger every day, that's how they make most of there money,they clean your ears whether you need it or not, Its about $140 a ear and its covered by medicare so they don't mind ripping off the...
  12. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    Hi Teri Yes It's sad when a ENT specialist tells you in round about ways your life is over as you know it, you may as well go kill yourself, Well they don't really tell you that but they certainly plant the seed. I just hope my T don't get too much worse because the thought is never too far...
  13. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    Hi valeri, Yes I know that feeling of hopelessness My T has changed me from a carefree and happy natured person to a grumpy old man, Its now been 12 months and although I think I'm copping a bit better then in the beginning I'm still very focused on the T and most of my idle foughts revolve...
  14. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    Thanks Karen Sometimes a hug is all one need, hugs back at ya
  15. B

    Hello Tinnitus Friends

    After a year of searching for help I stumbled across this forum and after reading allot of your posts the one thing we seem to have in common is our ENT experience They seem to trivialize our condition, but I would love to stick something in there ear for a month that would let them feel and...