After a year of searching for help I stumbled across this forum and after reading allot of your posts the one thing we seem to have in common is our ENT experience They seem to trivialize our condition, but I would love to stick something in there ear for a month that would let them feel and experience the torment we go through, My story started when I had a sort of flapping in my left ear so I made an appointment with a ENT
I will copy and past a letter I drafted to send to the ENT but never had the guts to send,
Just thought I'd like to let you know how much grief you have caused me since I visited you on 26 of June When you flushed my ear, on the way home I noticed a high pitch ringing in my left ear which got loader and louder it's been 5 months now and the ringing is constantly still there, my doctor sent me for CT scans and I have been to another ENT specialist from Gosford who sent me for MRI scans which came back with no abnormalities to my brain or ears I have suffered so much anxiety and depression that now I am on antidepressants and being treated by a psychologist, A few of weeks ago I spent 7 day at Maitland and John Hunter hospital getting angiogram thinking I was having a heart attach but it turns out I am most likely suffering from anxiety issues. I have never felt so miserable in my life, I feel this is going to destroy my health as I am so angry all the time. When I came to see you I really had no problem and was nearly not going to come to see you as my original problem resolved itself, but my wife said it took 3 months for the appointment and that I should get checked anyway which is the biggest regrets of my life, I never asked you to clean my ears and you didn't even tell me what you were about to do or why, When my doctor checked my ears he could see both my ear drums so I don't understand why you needed to flush my ear. When I was pulling away from you flushing my ear you could see you where causing me distress but still you insisted I keep still. The suction noise was very loud and I believe that is what has caused the Tinnitus, I have never had this high pitch noise in my ear before I came to you. So I don't believe its just coincidence. I know you do this presager every day and in most cases it does no harm but I am convinced that in some cases it does cause tinnitus and if you do some research you will find that it can cause tinnitus. They say in time I will get used to it and it won't bother me as much. I just hope it doesn't get any worse as I've had serious thought of ending it all. Just needed to let you know how much you have affected my life. And I wonder how many other people's lives you have destroyed in the same way. If you want to talk to me about this matter I'd be more then happy to hear from you, My number is ---------- or you can email me at borrisbb@yahoo,com But I'm guessing your time is too precious to bother yourself with me.
I'm sure there are other people who have been affected in this same way but you never get to hear about it, You make it too hard for people to talk to you without waiting months for an appointment. That alone tells me you're a joke, I can't imagine, anyone with a serious ear condition should wait months to see a ENT.
Well thats my sad story thanks for reading, And lets hope for some of us one morning we get up and the noise is gone,,
I will copy and past a letter I drafted to send to the ENT but never had the guts to send,
Just thought I'd like to let you know how much grief you have caused me since I visited you on 26 of June When you flushed my ear, on the way home I noticed a high pitch ringing in my left ear which got loader and louder it's been 5 months now and the ringing is constantly still there, my doctor sent me for CT scans and I have been to another ENT specialist from Gosford who sent me for MRI scans which came back with no abnormalities to my brain or ears I have suffered so much anxiety and depression that now I am on antidepressants and being treated by a psychologist, A few of weeks ago I spent 7 day at Maitland and John Hunter hospital getting angiogram thinking I was having a heart attach but it turns out I am most likely suffering from anxiety issues. I have never felt so miserable in my life, I feel this is going to destroy my health as I am so angry all the time. When I came to see you I really had no problem and was nearly not going to come to see you as my original problem resolved itself, but my wife said it took 3 months for the appointment and that I should get checked anyway which is the biggest regrets of my life, I never asked you to clean my ears and you didn't even tell me what you were about to do or why, When my doctor checked my ears he could see both my ear drums so I don't understand why you needed to flush my ear. When I was pulling away from you flushing my ear you could see you where causing me distress but still you insisted I keep still. The suction noise was very loud and I believe that is what has caused the Tinnitus, I have never had this high pitch noise in my ear before I came to you. So I don't believe its just coincidence. I know you do this presager every day and in most cases it does no harm but I am convinced that in some cases it does cause tinnitus and if you do some research you will find that it can cause tinnitus. They say in time I will get used to it and it won't bother me as much. I just hope it doesn't get any worse as I've had serious thought of ending it all. Just needed to let you know how much you have affected my life. And I wonder how many other people's lives you have destroyed in the same way. If you want to talk to me about this matter I'd be more then happy to hear from you, My number is ---------- or you can email me at borrisbb@yahoo,com But I'm guessing your time is too precious to bother yourself with me.
I'm sure there are other people who have been affected in this same way but you never get to hear about it, You make it too hard for people to talk to you without waiting months for an appointment. That alone tells me you're a joke, I can't imagine, anyone with a serious ear condition should wait months to see a ENT.
Well thats my sad story thanks for reading, And lets hope for some of us one morning we get up and the noise is gone,,