Recent content by Boxdra

  1. B

    So Long

    :( You where one of the members who's opinion I trusted
  2. B

    Support vs. Telling the Truth

    All your information is fine, but still its not what your saying. Your saying thats 'all' people will. But like I said, I know people who did not habituated, so saying that everyone will is false. I don't know why you say you don't want to post here anymore, but thnx for posting.
  3. B

    Support vs. Telling the Truth

    Nice to see all the replies. First off, I did not meant to make a distinction between the truth and being positive. Like I said, sometimes its both. But, the goal is different. With one you try to change the emotional State, with the other you try to give an objective picture of what we know...
  4. B

    Going to a Funeral

    Sorry for your loss. You should def bring your earplugs. Organs can be really loud if they are big. Sometimes they hit the huge bel, that can get really loud to. I have temporary work at funerals so ive been to a loottt
  5. B

    Best ear plugs to wear to a wedding?

    Custom 33 db plugs are better I think. The musicians only go to like 25.
  6. B

    TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) and Tinnitus — The Connection? Discuss!

    What kind of spasms doe you have? I seem to have some of the problems you have. Did you also have Sharp sensations in your arms and feet?
  7. B

    Not A Clue.

    The Youth likes extreme things. Our culture sees youth culture as the leading culture. Thats why we need to buy good clothes (even if your older) and you buy creames to look younger. Everybody want to be young. A lot of times churches or other places try to follow this culture as well.
  8. B

    Tomorrow Is 6 Months... Does That Mean I Will Always Have Tinnitus?

    For me its also been half a year. Time goes fast I guess. Never ever expected to get this condition, and still cant believe how weird unexpecting life can be. Mostly I can live with it and am not bothered by is. But sometimes I still panic a little. Also hope that there may be a cure one day : )
  9. B

    Musicians with Tinnitus Support/Advice Thread

    Do you teach in a high school? Because a lot of teschers also get T because of the loud noise in the classroom. I also got a degree in education, but i'm not going to teach without protection. Those kids can scream!
  10. B

    Support vs. Telling the Truth

    Why is this topic removed from the support forum? This topic was created to think about the best way to support people. How can this not be relevant? When I said a moderator could edit my post, what I was trying to say was remove the part about the woman.
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    Support vs. Telling the Truth

    Your right, i'm sorry I used that story to make my post. I would get it out, but I cant anymore. A mod can edit my post. Now Lets forget about that and go back to the issue, or else it will get attention. I am a type of guy who wants to hear the truth. When I got tinnitus I wanted to hear the...
  12. B

    Hearing Protection and Tinnitus: Keep The Tiny Hair Cells Safe — Discuss!

    Difference between elacin custom music and ACS pro 17 I was looking into custom earplugs, and most are pretty simular. Anyone experience with ACS? In was wondering what the difference is between these earplugs. From pictures it looks like the ACS ones are smaller and draw less attention. How...
  13. B

    Shower Question

    Mine is also louder, but its temporary
  14. B

    Support vs. Telling the Truth

    I agree! When I had it, a ot of people it me it would go away. There is nothing wrong with being positive, but how do you know? Same thing with other subjects. I think people should hear the truth first. I think that positivity without the truth will do damage. The truth is more important...
  15. B

    One in Five Teenagers Has Permanent Ringing in Their Ears, According to Study

    My mom went to some loud events lately. She know how I hate my tinnitus, and she knows life becomes harder. But when ahe goes, she does not care. She does not use ear protection. People don't realise how bad it is till you have it.