*knock on wood* having alot of good days lately. Pain and noise tolerance is up. Anxiety and depression are at a low ebb. T is still loud and all encompassing but doesn't seem to be in the driver's seat for now. Wishing everyone here better days.
Sorry to hear your still homebound my friend. But glad to hear you have gotten a break from the pain. Small improvements are better then none I suppose. Be well.
Feeling Raw today. Failure to distract or mask on all levels. Just a spike... just a spike. Hope all my friends here are coping well enough. Much Love!
Curious how you gauge it as less intrusive even though it has worsened? When my T worsened and became unmaskable it became incredibly intrusive yet I became subjectively less emotionally reactive.
Seems cliche af. But Mondays are always hell on my tinnitus. It's definitely my work schedule adjusting back to graveyard shift after the weekend I assume. But dammit it's like slowely acclimating all week just to go back to square one. *sigh*