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  • Few months later you are no longer active on TT, i hope that means you are alright now :)
    Hi @Casper how are you doing? I see your 10+ months in. How is your progress? I'm 14 months in and have seen lots of improvement. It has faded a lot and it's to the point I don't think about it every minute. It still has some to go, but I have actually read stories of T taking 2 or even 3 years to fully fade. I hope we will both be posting our success stories here in 2018.
    @jjflyman, thanks for the update! It's great to hear that you're doing well. I am starting to habituate. There are times where I forget about it, and when I hear it again, I don't really care. I also believe that I have TMJ issues, and hope that I'll see improvement after I address them. I hope that your improvement continues! I think that eventually you will recover completely, but yes, we have to be patient :)
    Ten months today. I'm happy that most of the people who were new when I joined the forum have moved on. A little sad that I haven't.
    Thanks for reading casper I hope your doing well.
    If you want, you can message me under "Inbox" and then "Start a New Conversation". That way you will not be limited to 140 characters and you can give more detail.
    Both ears have the pressure and heavy feeling. But my left seems to never pop. With certain sounds being uncomfortable to. Do you get this at all?
    Yes. I've had this since about three weeks after this whole thing started. You may want to ask the dentist to check for TMJ symptoms. Also check for sinus issues. How long have you had the symptoms? It seems that it goes away eventually for almost everyone.
    Hi I'm amy. How are you? Cool profile picture. Just read your post. I have fulliness to and like you my test are normal. Ent has put me on serc to see if it helps but so far no good.
    On Sunday it was so quiet I couldn't hear it even while plugging my ears, then again today it's the most bothersome it's been since July.
    That is the nature of the T beast
    I hope it calms down soon. The past month has been especially good actually, I have no idea why I woke up to much louder T this morning.
    Eight months now, and I'm still struggling to accept this as my life from now on.
    From your other posts it appears your T is fading. Give it time, it is so darn slow to heal. I bet in another 3-4 months you will look back and see a lot more improvement.
    Hey @jjflyman, a few weeks ago I was sure that it was fading, but now it seems to back to the same level as before and I haven't noticed any progress since. I just wish that it would remain stable at the improved level for once.
    Two weeks ago I thought it was fading for sure and I even enjoyed brief moments of silence, but it's now back to the same level as before.
    I experience this too, Casper. It feels like a slap in the face when it comes back, but I guess we need to see those quiet moments as a sign of fading. Maybe one day we will only have the good old 'only bothers me at night' tinnitus. Thats my only hope and goal. I would consider myself cured if I got there.
    Hey man, how is your reactive T now? just read your old post and i basically have the same. Is it just as reactive?
    Hey @Salih, it's not completely gone, but to be honest I don't really think about it anymore. Sometimes I can still hear a whistling from the car or my computer, but I don't think it's as bad as it used to be. It also seems pretty random, and not correlated with food, tiredness, or stress, as far as I can tell.
    So did it calm down in volume/reactivity aswell or did you just habituate to it?
    @Salih, this may sound dumb to you, but I'm really not sure. Back then I would obsessively listen for it, these days I almost never listen for it anymore. I think it's a bit of both, because it doesn't react to running water or passing cars anymore, but even when I can hear it in the car I don't always notice it.
    I ran my blender (with earmuffs), and it maxed out at 100dB according to SPLnFFT. There was a time I would run it every day without issue.
    A 100 db blender!!?? Damn that's a loud one
    Yes, it's the Ninja Professional 1100 Watt. Even though it's seriously noisy, I didn't experience it as uncomfortable at all wearing Peltor X5A's. I also measured using my phone, and I think apps tend to exaggerate the noise level sometimes.
    Some clown set off a firework for no reason in the middle of the day. It was about 300m away and up in the air. I should be fine, right?
    I have no idea. It was still light outside. I only heard the explosion and saw the cloud of smoke. It exploded above a high school parking lot, so I'm guessing some school kids were behind it.
    Probably right, but I wouldn't worry to much about it my friend.
    I agree. It's not like I could've done anything differently.
    Seven months in, and the T itself doesn't bother me as much anymore, but I really miss my old carefree self.
    Agree with Lex, it is perfectly normal for us to grieve....we have lost somebody and something: Our old self and Silence...and that is very harsh....but hopefully we will be able to go on and be happy again, i wish that for us all.
    @Lex, @TheDanishGirlKD, at this point I don't even know what moving on would look like. Even if my T went away completely, there's no way I could go back to the carefree life I had knowing what I know now. I suppose we have to find a way to be happy despite the challenges. Let me know if you ever figure it out.
    I guess moving on would mean accepting your new life and the limitations that come with it, if there's any. Nothing in life is permanent, after all. You learn how to adapt and hopefully, find happiness and fulfillment again. Good luck!
    Doing a little better after some rough weeks :) I've been working from home, maybe that's helping?
    Six months today, and I still can't believe this actually happened to me :( To make things worse, it's so reactive now I hear it everywhere.
    I'm almost at the 6 month mark to, new noise joined the party. Stay strong, you've come this far.
    Thanks @Paul10. It was certainly easier to handle when I could just drown it out with some music or a fan. Now it just rises in volume until I hear it over the ambient noise. I hope things improve for you.
    I'm almost six months in and today was one of the loudest days yet... I thought it was supposed to improve over time :-/
    There'll be bumps along the way, sometimes you'll be fighting against strong currents, others will be smooth sailing. I've learned to not compare myself to others; T is so unique. 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, they journey is very individual.
    I'm glad that you are always so positive @Paul10, despite your own T. I think what makes it tough for me is that, in the beginning, I told myself, "Just hang in there, it'll probably be gone by six months". Now it looks like I'll have to change that to "by the end of the year", and I'm not even sure I can believe that.
    It's best to avoid timeframes I find. I just remind myself how nice it will be when it does resolve. We just have to find the positives in every day while we're on the journey. It might sound odd but I also think about people who spend 20, 30 years in prison or even on death row for crimes they didn't commit, and how inspirational their stories are when they come out. If they can 'do their time', so can we.
    Today T is the loudest it's been in a long time. No recent noise exposure, so hopefully it's just stress...
    Maybe it's just because there's more ambient noise in summer, but T has certainly been less noticeable the past week... Hope it continues.
    First few months are like navigating a minefield --- worried that every new noise/activity can somehow make it worse.
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