Recent content by cflkb

  1. cflkb

    I Can't Do This Again!

    So sorry to hear that. Maybe it might be good to get everything out in the open with your husband? Have a heart to heart about what and how you feel? Maybe you're both in different places in life and just aren't understanding one another. You're in a difficult place and I wish you well. I've got...
  2. cflkb

    Really Need a Bit of Help... I've Developed a Fullness in One of My Ears

    Please share your experience after your ENT visit. I got one scheduled for April 3rd. I have what I can best describe as hearing the washer/dryer on high spin cycle next door or it feels like I am hearing a really really fast vibrational noise (not a physical sensation, just a fast vibrational...
  3. cflkb

    Low Engine Rumbling Sound

    Best thing to do is try and find ways to distract yourself and your mind or exercise. Wish you well!
  4. cflkb

    Really Need a Bit of Help... I've Developed a Fullness in One of My Ears

    If it's ET, it can be tricky and can take time to get it cleared up. Good luck.
  5. cflkb

    Low Engine Rumbling Sound

    Hi. I am having the same experience, but in my left ear. My T sounds like a really high pitch EEE in both ears and about a month ago, I started hearing this low rumble sound as well. At first it wasn't too bad then it got really louder to the point thathat I really believed that I had my...
  6. cflkb

    Sad Day

    Good luck with your exams. We're all allowed to have bad days. It's the nature of this curse. BUT you do have to allow yourself to bounce back and realize that you are in control of your life and not T controlling you. Easier said than done especially during the bad days...
  7. cflkb

    Free of Tinnitus. Or Winning the Lottery?

    It's a hard call. I would love to say that I would rather get rid of my T than win the lottery, but with my financial situation, having that type of money would serve me and my family much better than helping myself.
  8. cflkb

    In Need of Some Positivity Please

    Jaybeee---hang in there. It's the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my entire life. I'm going on 6 years and the first few months-year were the worst for me. But in time, I've learn to deal with it, even though there are many bumps/lows on this T-road. Mine is loud---can't tell you how...
  9. cflkb

    I'm a Bit More Worried Than I Usually Am :(

    Hi. My father in law has tinnitus (served in Navy) and he's 66 now and he has it bad---BUT he has habituated to it and doesn't let it affect his life. So, not all tinnitus affects everyone the same way. I would suggest, like everyone has, protecting your ears when you can, and just live for each...
  10. cflkb

    Pressure from Ear Muffs

    Summ---that's a shame your doc would come to that conclusion without a battery of tests. That's why I do not like ENTs, we'll, some of them at least who don't run tests but instead assume that's what you have. I've had this hum/rumble since winter but I don't bother going to an ENT. I've just...
  11. cflkb

    Pressure from Ear Muffs

    Summ---I would certainly go see an ENT, especially if you're having vertigo. It could be something simple or it could be something else, but it's better to be safe when dealing with vertigo.
  12. cflkb

    Does Tinnitus Get Worse Over Time?

    I'm sure it's different for everyone so there is no black or white answer to this question since we all experience different forms of T. I know people who have said it's gotten worse, and I know someone--my father in law, who says his didn't, and he's very hard of hearing (almost 70). All I know...
  13. cflkb

    Low Hum Turning to a Vibration When I Focus on It

    Hans---thanks for that article. Although it says ear plugs did not decrease it, it does sound like what I am hearing. I wish there was some way to tune it out. It seems to be louder than my high pitch noise, but they both work in tandem to drive me crazy....
  14. cflkb

    Low Hum Turning to a Vibration When I Focus on It

    Along with my high pitch noise, my rhythmic vibrational hum started a few months ago and I think it's here to stay unfortunately.... some systems it doesn't bother me, but other times it gets so louder than my T noise.... it's strange though ----when I cup my ears, the vibrational noise...
  15. cflkb

    Tips for Getting Through the Bad Days?

    I usually try and watch something on TV to help take my mind off of things, especially if the weather is bad and going out isn't an option. Play video games or hang out with friends even if it's just hanging out at home. Good luck and we'll wishes to everyone.