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  • Love getting a spike because your reactive t hates the sound of traffic and wants to punish you for daring to go the shops five minutes away
    @Bill Bauer most probably, I just dislike wearing them because all I hear is the sound of my own footsteps & I find it disorienting
    @Charburchar, I know what you mean about hearing own footsteps, however, I always wear plugs to town/shops etc. To me, it's not worth the risk not to have them in. Hope your spike has faded by now?
    @Steph1710 You are right, its not worth the risk. I did wear my old on-ear headphones to the shop today (without music of course). I'll probably start doing that for local visits. It seems to have faded yes :) thankfully!
    Is this lock-down hair we're seeing? :p I like it!
    Tis indeed! I haven't had a haircut since March! Thank you Steph :p
    You got such good hair. Might as well grow it whilst you have it. You might be bald in five years time ;)
    Haha I hope not - all the men in my family still have their hair! I am going grey though..
    Twice now in my right ear noise has sounded tinny like it's coming from a broken speaker. Only lasted for about 5 seconds a peice but scary
    I think I'm going to see docs about my ear cracking/what I assume is ETD. It's just constant. Hopefully the tests are not intrusive
    Yeah I might jump on board and see a doctor about this too. My right ear is permanently blocked and crackles every time I blink. I can't pop it either. The pressure drive me up the wall.
    Gareth Davies
    I managed to get temporary relief but gently wriggling my targus - it opened a gap resulting in a reliable POP.
    But it doesn't work for me anymore :/
    Might for you though?
    (It's strange. I'm temporarily deaf but the noise is better; might be because the pressure is currently low though...)
    @Gareth I'll see what the ENT says. I no longer get ear fullness of any sort, just constant cracking. I hope yours get resolved!

    @Steph That sounds terribly frustrating. I think an appointment would be worthwhile! See what they have to say.
    Wow, just experienced a vibration/spasm inside my right ear which lasted for about 30 seconds. Another symptom to add to the list!
    Thank you Steph! That means a lot. I'm sure you'll do great :) You're clearly a very determined person yourself completing your exams with T. It isn't easy!
    Still have your sights on Cambridge? Oh I have no idea, still trying to work that out. And how strange that we have experienced the same symptoms back-to-front!
    @Enkidu man that really sucks. So strange how anxiety can do that to your ears? If it happens again I might try that myself (put in an earplug)!
    I was reading your posts and saw you said you've noticed some improvement since following a routine. Could you share what you have been doing? I've had T for almost a year now but recently my left ear has been hurting. Very worried that it is H. I also get reactive T / H which is annoying but it's the pain I'm very scared of!
    Hi Zigs, when I had H I did not use ear protection around the house - I carried on as normal and hoped my ears would adapt, which luckily they did. I also went out for a walk once a day to the park or sat in the garden a lot to expose myself to normal outside noise. However I would always plug my ears at the sound of motorbikes or loud vehicles.
    Bear in mind that although this worked for me, it might not work for others. I did this because my H developed during lockdown when things were very quiet and I spent all day in my room studying. Because of this, I believe my ears adapted to the quiet and couldn't tolerate ordinary noises. That's why I made sure to expose myself to ordinary noises every day.
    I hope things work out for you!
    Can anyone with PT "feel" their ears move with each pulse? Is this just what PT is?
    Thanks Steph. When I put my finger in my ear I can "feel" the pulse, in the same way you can "feel" it on your neck or temple. Very weird. Hope you're well.
    Was browsing through threads and saw your comment @Charburchar. I'm going through the same thing? I can't 'hear' my pulse unless I try but I can feel it?! Did it turn out okay with you? I'm unsure if I've developed PT or not :(
    Hey @bethadtr! I'm sorry to hear that you're going through the same thing. Unfortunately I still have it. How do you feel it exactly? For example, if i put my little finger in my ear I can feel the pulse, but I can hear it at night when things are quiet and my ear is on the pillow. What's it like at night for you? Sorry for the late reply, btw!
    >The H has improved since I first developed it

    H ought to stop being a problem 12, possibly 18 months after the onset. After 2-3 years you ought to be back to normal, at least as far as H is concerned.
    I've spent 5 years in higher education learning to become a teacher only to develop T and H as I'm about to graduate. A cruel world indeed
    @Kriszti Yes that's definitely an option.

    @Lucifer I'm sorry to hear that dude. I hope so too. I'm optimistic for the future with so many regen drugs on the horizon. The sooner the better, for all our sakes.

    @Christiaan I'm sorry :( What did you teach? Do you think it's possible to teach with mild T?

    @Tweedleman Man that sucks, I'm sorry to hear. Fuck this condition!
    ey there @Charburchar . Yay, it's alright to work as a teacher with mild T. On what kind of school are you going to teach? I taught French and English at a secondary school. The kids were fun, but there were places that were off limits for me. Like the playground/schoolyard. There were lots of screaming and overexcited kids running around:)
    Hey @Christiaan thanks for the response. I plan on teaching sociology at secondary school. I only have mild T and if my H continues to improve over the next year I think I'll go for it. I guess I'll just have to stay away from the playgrounds!
    Also, unless you can pin your H down to a specific loud or continued noise exposure, recovery will be most likely. Count ourselves lucky v the full version of H. No more trolling!

    Just think of the guys in army combat and what they endure. I'm 42 so may recover.
    Great to hear!

    I've always suffered from insomnia, but stressed out worrying about the damage I may or may not have done.

    Getting over the guilt of wearing buds on long 4hr bike reads will take time. My case is mild as does seem yours. Only notice it indoors.

    You look a young guy and will make a full recovery in time.

    So glad you're recovering. A strong life lesson to us both: look after our lugs!
    A life lesson indeed! Thank you, that's appreciated. I hope your H improves. It really is an awful condition.
    Hi Charburchar,

    From Edinburgh.

    I have similar symptoms to your H, largely a cause from Ear Bud overuse.

    All the usual vibes to plates and switches noises indoors etc. Outdoors is fine.

    Also low occasional drone in other ear.

    Like you, I have had a meltdown, off work and sleeping just 3hrs a night with pills.

    How's your sleeping?

    Hello Andymo, I'm so sorry to hear you've got H. How long have you had it for? Did it come out of nowhere?

    My H has cleared up a lot since my post, though I still have a mild case of it. My advice would be to *not* use earplugs or any other ear protection around the house. I continued as normal and luckily my ears adapted. I wish I could offer better advice, but this worked for me.
    I tend to sleep fine, but occasionally wake up in the night and it takes me a while to get back to sleep. What is keeping you awake? The H?
    I get hyperacusis, crackling and pulsatile tinnitus in both ears but noise tinnitus only in my right ear. Weird
    T is so weird. I only had it in my left ear to start with and now it's almost completely gone in that ear but is now in the right ear and three different tones.. Driving me insane. How you coping atm? Are you back studying yet? X
    It's crazy how it can change so much after the initial onset isn't it! I hope you're able to cope with the changes. I'm doing ok, just frustrated more than anything. I'm going to get back to studying next week x
    How healthy is it to take lots of different supplements at once? I take a general A-Z supplement, magnesium, tumeric, B12 and vitamin C
    That's good to know -- I'll continue taking them as per then. My T is ok thank you Steph. How is yours? Any improvement over the 3 weeks?
    It's okayish. More of a hissing sound rather than anything else atm. It's a lot less annoying. I'm not sure if I'm habituating or it's actually fading. Had a few slip ups. My other half has accidentally shouted in my ear twice -_- it bloody hurt! But I'm not having to use sound apps as much now, which is nice. Has yours lowered in volume at all?
    I see, the change to hissing seems to be quite common from what I've read on here. I'm happy to hear that it's a lot less annoying for you. Ouch, I've also had a few similar slip ups. I don't know if mine has lowered in volume to be honest, I try not to listen to it!
    I've discovered that I now have pulsatile tinnitus and a clicking in my ear. One thing after another..
    Haha, thanks Steph!! I hope you're well. How are you coping? I get the click in my right ear. What a nightmare!

    Hi Auron, I only noticed the clicking when I was reading in silence, and it seemed to stop and start depending on where I moved my head. Right now I can't hear it. It seems to come and go. Very odd!
    • C


    So sorry to hear it. I'm surprised it's continued to worsen after initial onset.
    Thanks Capstan, I'm surprised too, I seemed to be doing all the right things! It's the hyperacusis that gets to me above all, compared to that this pulsatile & clicking noise is a walk in the park. I hope you're doing ok Capstan, good to hear from you.
    Tinnitus just completely disappeared for about five minutes.. but then it came back.
    • C


    Great sign. You may have a shot at it going away!
    I've had that before. Weird stuff.
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