Recent content by christinefisher

  1. christinefisher

    3 Years with Tinnitus — the Phases and the Habituation

    I do not have TTTS but yes, the Hyperacusis is still present. I do hear much louder from my left ear. I lower the volume at my headset at the left side and I always have earplugs with me. And if I go to a bar or live concert I always put it on my left ear, cause otherwise it may be too loud in...
  2. christinefisher

    3 Years with Tinnitus — the Phases and the Habituation

    Yes, at the first 3-4 weeks I started to have a lot of anxiety and cry spells. I was close to depression. The first thing that helped me, was finding this forum. I talked with some people around here and saw they had managed to live a happy life despite this problem, and this gave me courage...
  3. christinefisher

    3 Years with Tinnitus — the Phases and the Habituation

    A loud sound effect (gunshot) at a theatrical play. The whole play was quite low on volume and suddenly from a speaker the gun shot came and it was very loud. Many people closed their ears the same time with me. But I guess I was already sensitive and the trauma was caused. My sister was with me...
  4. christinefisher

    3 Years with Tinnitus — the Phases and the Habituation

    Dear @Markku I do remember our talk that first day I joined the forum, and you cannot imagine how much it had helped me... The whole forum and you in particular... Feeling that there are people who understand and are there for you to chat is a great help! For me it was the first step to stop...
  5. christinefisher

    3 Years with Tinnitus — the Phases and the Habituation

    3 Years of Tinnitus Today is exactly 3 years from the day my tinnitus started... I saw the Facebook Anniversary post of a check-in at the theater I attended and where a loud sound effect (gun shot) caused me this issue... It reminded me that sometimes, a simple decision like going or not at a...
  6. christinefisher

    New House, New Noises — Habituation Progress Needs a Restart :(

    I only have one bedroom but I could go to the living room instead to sleep, but the sound is also noticeable there. Lower but still noticeable so it does not solve so much the problem :( I will ask them to turn it on a little earlier at the time I am still awake and I can listen to music or see...
  7. christinefisher

    New House, New Noises — Habituation Progress Needs a Restart :(

    Thank you both for your replies! @linearb : I will try to see if we can work on this with my neighbor, I hope I find someone willing to help and solve the issue, at least make it more manageble. I can also propose to use it before nighttime if possible when I can still have the tv on and cover...
  8. christinefisher

    A Health Survey for Those with Chronic Conditions (for My Graduate Program)

    Done! Most times, I feel like the real supporters are zero. Yeap, other family members know the issue, so you can say 1-2 supporters, and you may talk with them (maybe at the start only) and for the basics from time to time, but most times you may feel alone on this. :(
  9. christinefisher

    New House, New Noises — Habituation Progress Needs a Restart :(

    Hello! Just needed to share some of my newly developed issues with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. I suffer from T for 1 + 1/2 year now, after a sound trauma. It is at quite low levels, so I listen to it during calm and silence hours. Lately, I realized I hear more from the same ear, so I have...
  10. christinefisher

    This Yoga Posture Helped a Little

    I hope it will help you and offer a slight relief! It is a quite difficult position, so you may need to make some extra stretching before to warm up a little bit and make it in a nice way without the danger to hurt the neck. I tried some others before that, so it may be the whole exercise cycle...
  11. christinefisher

    This Yoga Posture Helped a Little

    I just wanted to share this yoga posture that I recently found out: I have T for1 1/2 year now, it is quite low and I only listen to it during nighttime and silence moments. The last 2 months though it was a lot louder without any obvious reason. I tried this yoga exercise (I started with some...
  12. christinefisher

    Went to a Loud Wedding and Recently Acquired Tinnitus (Only 17 Years Old, No Support)

    Dear Rani, I hope your Tinnitus to gradually fade; it is still early and chances are with your side to completely disappear. Keep strong and be sure you are not alone. This forum has helped me and many others to accept this issue and try to stay positive. You are not alone and unsupported. Yes...
  13. christinefisher

    Tinnitus: Ringing in the Brain | Josef Rauschecker | TEDxCharlottesville

    Exactly what I also understand.. whanever I pay attention or start to talk for my problem it is always louder :( when I have happy activities I don't hear it that much or simply I ignore it.. I see brain parts as muscles and the one we focus on it becomes stronger .. So we sould try to train...
  14. christinefisher

    Tinnitus: Ringing in the Brain | Josef Rauschecker | TEDxCharlottesville

    I found this talk at TEDx today and found interesting the way that tinnitus is so much affected by feelings... You may have a look:
  15. christinefisher

    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Exactly the same for me.. T is louder I think but it makes me feel somehow happier - and this counts too in life :) It is a spice and ha sorry several positive effects: