Recent content by Cyberdrink

  1. Cyberdrink

    New Study Finds Acupuncture VERY Effective for Tinnitus?

    @Telis Sweet! thanks. i'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say.
  2. Cyberdrink

    New Study Finds Acupuncture VERY Effective for Tinnitus?

    @Telis thanks for the info. i'm wondering... if you read the article i linked above, it has certain acupuncture points that the study apparently found effective. any way you could show it to your acupuncturist and see if he/she has been trying those? maybe we can get some good info... maybe...
  3. Cyberdrink

    New Study Finds Acupuncture VERY Effective for Tinnitus?

    @Aaron123 True... either way though, if their results are truthful that kind of success rate is out of this world awesome (for those who have cervical tinnitus).
  4. Cyberdrink

    New Study Finds Acupuncture VERY Effective for Tinnitus?

    @RaZaH i hear that! it's borderline ridiculous the things i would do if i could be guaranteed a cure. however, what i found interesting about that article is how it actually included the specific points that were most effective. one could print those out and take them to an acupuncturist and...
  5. Cyberdrink

    New Study Finds Acupuncture VERY Effective for Tinnitus?

    any thoughts? i'm not sure if i'm buying this... these success rates just seem far too good. although this is a recent "study" - dated FEBRUARY 15th, 2016 "Two separate groups were tested with the acupuncture point prescriptions. Both groups had an acupuncture needle retention time of thirty...
  6. Cyberdrink

    Does Noise-Induced Tinnitus Become Worse Over the Years?

    this info brought me some peace... hope it does the same for you. noise induced T is almost always stable over time. (see link #1). link #1: "Stability Over Time The vast majority of patients with noise trauma described their tinnitus as...
  7. Cyberdrink

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus After Noise Exposure?

    @RaZaH it may bring us some peace knowing that just because we didn't notice our T right after the noise exposure, it is still probably caused by noise exposure... at least that means it probably wont get any worse (as the vast majority of T caused by noise exposure is stable over time). see the...
  8. Cyberdrink

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus After Noise Exposure?

    @RaZaH interesting... i think this is more common that i initially thought. at first i thought the slow/delayed onset meant that my T could not have been caused by my noise exposure (chainsaw use and log splitter use for hours without protection). so dumb! it was so loud my ears were seriously...
  9. Cyberdrink

    Delayed Onset of Tinnitus After Noise Exposure?

    hello all. sorry for the frequent questions! i'm just trying to get my thoughts organized regarding tinnitus and this forum is proving to be extremely valuable. thank you so much to everyone! so i've talked with some people (both in the open forums and in some private conversations) that report...
  10. Cyberdrink

    8 Months of Tinnitus with Little Relief... YOUR ANSWERS MAY GIVE ME SOME PEACE!

    @erik "The dorsal cochlear nucleus The DCN has been implicated as a possible site for the generation of tinnitus-related signals owing to its tendency to become hyperactive following exposure to tinnitus-inducing agents such as intense sound and cisplatin.47 OHC damage triggers plastic...
  11. Cyberdrink

    Extra Tinnitus Tone I Only Hear When Laying Down

    i dunno... please don't take this the wrong way. i know how frustrating it is to have someone try and tell you what your T sounds like, or if they give you some "answer" that you know to be inapplicable in your situation. I also notice some noises at night that i don't hear during the day, but...
  12. Cyberdrink

    8 Months of Tinnitus with Little Relief... YOUR ANSWERS MAY GIVE ME SOME PEACE!

    @Nucleo you seem to also know loads about T... any thoughts on my "delayed T onset" (of 1-3 weeks)?
  13. Cyberdrink

    8 Months of Tinnitus with Little Relief... YOUR ANSWERS MAY GIVE ME SOME PEACE!

    wow... that's actually very encouraging to me. you see something else regarding my T that makes me wonder if it's actually due to the chainsaw noise exposure is that i did not notice my T right after using the chainsaw. yes, while actually using the chainsaw it was sooo loud my ears were...
  14. Cyberdrink

    8 Months of Tinnitus with Little Relief... YOUR ANSWERS MAY GIVE ME SOME PEACE!

    thanks so much for your reply. i don't think you're being a debby downer at all (just realistic and i really appreciate that). i agree that it's probably a mute point. my reasoning for asking was that i'm not totally sure my T is from noise. yes... i used a chainsaw for hours without protection...
  15. Cyberdrink

    Poll: Do You Have a Feeling of Fullness in Your Ears?

    Tinnitus in both ears, but fullness in the right ear only. i do not have ETD (was ruled out at my ENT appointments).