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  • At what point should I lose hope of my current increased volume being a spike and that it's rather an unexplained progression of my tinnitus
    I really feel this comment. My T has spread to my left ear. It feels full and almost feels like it's bleeding. Honestly it feels like my T is so loud that the sound of my T hurts. God please help us.
    What are the chances of impacted wisdom teeth causing worsening tinnitus etc?
    It could play a role in it since the jaw is so close to the ears. Even if your bite is off or teeth move.
    I have had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed years ago. Dentist had a rough time removing them. I always wonder if it contributed. No question it can play a role. I can manipulate my T by moving or touching my jaw.
    Literal daily worsening. Like it's doubling in intensity every single day
    That's horrible. I hope it will reverse soon for you.
    Praying for you. This breaks my heart to see. I am there with you. I have been suffering the same. Please keep fighting for a better day.
    Considering ending my life soon. Tinnitus is murdering me.
    Your spike will calm down, just give it some time. I know waiting seems impossible when every second is hard but time is the healer. You got this. Cry if you must, get mad but don't let T win! It's gonna be okay. ❤️
    L along the way
    Sorry to hear, I've thought of this also some times... i tell myself, to NEVER be impulsive about that one... always give yourself time. I tell myself.. time (with natural lifestyle) is the greatest healer. Things can slowly get better, we ought to have faith in that. Wishing you (& myself too if i may say) strenght & ease
    New high pitched tinnitus tone. I avoid all noise (bed ridden 16 hours a day). What could possibly be causing these new tones to progress?
    This condition is very random, it makes no sense and there is no explanation for some of the spikes. I try and try to unders6 what could I possibly have done to cause a certain spike. Nothing, I do nothing and I still make it worse. Hope it settles
    @cyberspace - I know exactly how you feel. Yesterday I felt good even though I went through 2 major set backs. I was happy for some strange reason. Today I am at my lowest. For the first time yesterday I wore ear muffs all day. Only to wake up to the worst T ever. Next box has my theory.
    @cyberspace - what did you eat yesterday? Yesterday I had red sauce, medium steak and red kidney beans. Also had one bite of ice cream. Way too much protein. It was my most careful day with noise. It can be the food. No question it's the food for me in addition to noise. My nerves and ears are shot beyond repair. I am praying for us .
    Asshole neighbor keeps revving their bike insanely loud. What can I do?
    I have the same issue with my neighbor and his car at 6 am. They don't care. They also want to show off and wake up the whole neighborhood.
    Simply let your neighbor know the situation.
    (2) For example when I use a fan to mask out the lower pitched parts of my tinnitus, it starts a high pitched beeping tone that gets louder
    What I've noticed is that constant exposure over time dies down the reactiveness. If that doesn't work and the fan makes you happy then keep the fan on and focus on the fan noise over the Tinnitus. My Tinnitus was/is the same. I keep doing the fan and notice it's less reactive and I focus on the fan sound more then the Tinnitus.
    I have that too, like morse code.
    @cyberspace i had bad reactive t during the first year I developed T. Thankfully i can tolerate the fan and AC again with the reactive component not being so fussy
    How to mask with reactive tinnitus if tinnitus becomes louder in response to sounds (Becomes louder both short and long term)
    I can't do this anymore.
    Could someone give me a realistic response on why this condition is so ridiculous? No matter what you do it worsens
    Sure as hell seems that way. And all you can really do is hope to build a higher tolerance/endurance. I often stare into the medicine cabinet feeling defeated. And then off to the races.
    L along the way
    Indeed... it sucks so bad... I just try to live healthy & have hope it will heal with time . . pffuhuh
    Have been laying in my bed 14-16 hours a day for 6 months now to prevent my tinnitus from worsening. Getting sick of it, but no alternative.
    @cyberspace - i went on mirtazapine but came off. See my profile for the details of my T. It is sensitive to everything I eat. Every supplement I take makes my ears more sensitive. Not a perception. Unfortunately I am afraid of all meds. I did take Benzo's for a very short time. Also tried some other ADs.
    I spend most of my days in bed too - sleeping. And my sleep schedule is totally messed up. So definitely feel you!
    @MadeleineHope - just seeing your post above. This is insane! We are are suffering incredibly. You are so kind. It's so sad that such beautiful people need to suffer like this. So, so, so SAD!!!!! Makes me angry.
    My life revolves around this condition, and I'd rather it be that way, when my mind isn't on the tinnitus I'm prone to spikes from mistakes.
    How loud would you describe yours? There is no looking for mine. It's in your face all the time. Only do not hear it in shower. If I try I could. If your is low you are doing the right thing. Hope you feel better soon.
    @4Grace After my microsuction it was 6-8/10 for months, now I'd say 5-6/10
    @cyberspace - such great news that it's improving. I am happy it's getting better for you. I wish I could take meds without impact on T.
    You will NEVER win with this condition. Anytime I get an improvement, something occurs to cause a spike.
    This is so very true. After 11 months on my first good day I go to a friends and somebody whistles. Destroys by right ear. Pain and loud humming. Then goes to silent. Then one day later a cup falls in the sink and boom. Back to worse than I was ever. All progress lost. My friend does not know what he caused me. I feel like he ended my life.
    Tinnitus was finally improving after 6 months since worsening, Took my Rx amphetamine first time this year, tinnitus back to square one now.
    Suicidal. Scary how when you're in a crisis there's no help. Hospital they'll just hospitalize and force ototoxic meds. It's all for profit.
    Sometimes medication is necessary. Maybe try a very slow taper up?
    Give it time buddy. You are very young, the younger you are the best your chances for recovery.
    Took a couple milligrams of klonopin I had lying around with some valium. Doubt it's doing anything though
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