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  • Just remember,even when people have visible pains to bear some people still wouldn't care.. I hear your pain ;)
    We feel our pain,suffering loudly in silence.That's like screaming on the top of your lungs in a vacuum
    Which pills do you use?
    Oxazepam,it's really for my anxiety but it makes my head more silent when i take it while i'm not anxious.

    Anxiety itself will make my T spike.so the effect then is not much improvement on my T.
    How did you get your doctor to prescribe you Oxazepam? Do you have depersonalization disorder?
    No,Oxazepam is quite common here for anxiety.
    Needed a break from tinnitus talk,yet tinnitus kept talking.
    Do what I do....scream at the top of your lungs "silence!" and for a few seconds, it's kinda quiet. Try it. It's called, Primal Scream Theraphy.
    Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. ~Stephen Hawking~
    And Hawking has T, amongst all his other issues! That's intelligence & adaptation at it's best!
    Would you like some T?,no i drink coffee to go with my T.
    Me too! Would that be considered, T for two?
    I'm not sure if i can be cosy with me T :p.
    It's like having coffee in a fully operational machine shop! Very peaceful and relaxing. }:-[
    Irony:Brain deficits that are invisible but they can see and yet me hearing one and they do not understand how it feels.
    If everyone in the world would have T the world might be a more understanding place.
    John G
    I don't "understand" what you're saying. Ha ha.. jk
    The trouble with T is no one will understand you but those having it themselves.Hence the loneliness,closing yourself off.
    Don't let T be your end,as long as you have T realize silence can also mean you're not alive anymore,remember that and you'll find strength.
    Yeah or not... thoughts like these have never helped me unfortunately. Being dead doesn't seem too bad. It's the same as going back to "before born" state...
    In this case no,you can't miss being alive when never being born NOW you have everything to lose.
    Tomorrow i'm going to have my frequency examined and a legitimate T testing,instead of an ENT telling me i have a hearing loss.
    If only the brain could ignore dying hairs.Why are you reacting? they're dying stop crying about it lol.
    Yeah, you would think the brain would just give up trying so hard. Enough already, there's nobody out there, to listen to.
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