Recent content by Emma36

  1. E


    I have T for 8 days and just can't get over that I have constant ringing in my ears. I am very scared and needs some advice please on how to deal with it. Thank you in advance Emma
  2. E


    Thank you much for your support. I really appreciate it! Emma
  3. E


    Yes I have they were unsure of what will happen. I'm just convinced it is the otex that I put in my ear and that is it! Thank you for replying Emma
  4. E


    I've had T for a week now and I am feeling worse like there is no way out. I'm not functioning properly. I have two young children and if it wasn't for them I would not be here! I feel like this is the end of my life. Emma
  5. E

    Hello Everyone! :)

    Thank you Michael, for you supportive words
  6. E

    Hello Everyone! :)

    Thank you, Michael. The information you sent was very informative and well written. I am hoping the T is not from the Otex medication I put in and is from the ear infection. I am finding each day very difficult, my two children and partner are the ones getting me through it.
  7. E

    Hello Everyone! :)

    Hello Everyone My T started 19th March. I had a bad infection and went to the doctors where they give me some antibiotics. The next day I woke up with a really blocked ear so put in some otex. I think I put in to much. Later that day the ringing stared and it hasnt stopped since. I'm feeling...