Recent content by Ernesto

  1. Ernesto

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Tinnitus Can Be Cured?

    Thanks a lot @Steffi Did your T worsened a lot? In my case it is much more difficult to cope with it. You are not thinking about having that surgery (myringotomy)? When you sleep, do you feel more pressure on the ear if you support the ear on the pillow? Sorry for my English...
  2. Ernesto

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and Myringotomy

    I think I have a problem with the pressure in the middle ear because I have a crackling noise in the ear when swallowing. And this feeling has coincided with a worsening in tinnitus. Also when opening the mouth I have a strange feeling in my ear. I think it has to do with a Eustachian tube...
  3. Ernesto

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Tinnitus Can Be Cured?

    Does anyone know anything about this?? Thanks
  4. Ernesto

    Tinnitus or Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

    Hi @Agnius, I think your problem could be related to the ETD. And it should be solved if you have a myringotomy surgery (a very small perforation in the eardrum). I think your T has to do with the pressure in the middle ear, and that kind of surgery solves it. I have a similar problem and will...
  5. Ernesto

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Tinnitus Can Be Cured?

    Do you know if this kind of tinnitus can disappear once the Eustachian tube dysfunction is solved? I think I have a problem with the pressure in the middle ear because I have a crackling noise in the ear when swallowing. And this feeling has coincided with a worsening in tinnitus. Also when...
  6. Ernesto

    Left Ear Closes Up and Rings

    could be related to Eustachian tube dysfunction... and if you solve this problem, your tinnitus will probably disappear. do you feel as if the pressure was not properly balanced in the middle ear? for example, do you have a crackling noise in the ear when swallowing?
  7. Ernesto

    Improved Tinnitus with Ear Tube Surgery?

    Thanks @Karl28, I hope you will get better. Do you know which are the symptoms of PET? how is it diagnosed?
  8. Ernesto

    Improved Tinnitus with Ear Tube Surgery?

    Thanks for your answer @Karl28 , may I ask you some questions to see if in your case there was also a link between the Eustachian Tube and tinnitus: - you also had the clicking noise when swallowing? - did you take any measure / surgery to improve the patulous Eustachian tube? If so, did your...
  9. Ernesto

    Improved Tinnitus with Ear Tube Surgery?

    I have been feeling for the last year a clicking / crackling noise in the left ear when swallowing. It seems that this is a sign that the pressure is not being properly balanced / equalized in the middle ear. And it has coincided in the time with a worsening in tinnitus. I already had it because...
  10. Ernesto

    Noise in the Ears When Swallowing

    I think the clicking in the ear when swallowing is a sign that the ear does not equalized or balanced properly the (middle ear) pressure. It is usually related to Eustachian tube dysfunction or barotrauma (because of flying or scuba diving). Most likely the first reason (ETD). Sometimes the fact...
  11. Ernesto

    Swollen Tubes

    Hi Jamie, My case is similar, I had a tinnitus but in the past few months it worsened I think due to Eustachian tube dysfunction. When I use Flonase (also a Nasal spray, I think it is the same than Avamys) I also feel as the popping or cracking in the ear when swallowing worsens... I thought...
  12. Ernesto

    Problems with Nasal Spray Flonase

    I have had tinnitus for a long time due to a hit in my ear but in the past few months my symptoms have worsened clearly. I think it has to do with the fact that I did a work in my house and it generated a lot of dust... there was also fiberglass insulation. I think all that led me to a...