Recent content by Esther R

  1. Esther R

    Lurking on Tinnitus Talk Since 2016 → Now with Pain Hyperacusis from Naproxen

    Yeah it totally sucked, and it was a difficult decision to move back home, but ultimately necessary. I moved home after 4 months of being homebound with hyperacusis. Can't help but wonder if I would have recovered quicker if I had moved back sooner rather than be constantly anxious and on edge...
  2. Esther R

    Lurking on Tinnitus Talk Since 2016 → Now with Pain Hyperacusis from Naproxen

    My hyperacusis/pain is almost certainly a result of 10+ years of concerts/festivals and artificial audio is probably the most aggravating to my ears than the majority of noises. I have not been able to listen to music at all in over a year and it is devastating. I had to move back in with my...