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  • New update: My one ear makes this weird beep or eep sound while listening to others, talking and even walking
    Two reactive tones, I'm really getting scared, can they subside ?
    "Can they sibside" Mine has, but then I've gotten setbacks. I believe they can subside fully and permanently with enough time
    @Steph1710 Hope you're doing good, have a great day ♡
    Hey @Farida thanks for asking. Made me smile :) I'm not doing so great atm. I have a lot of stress at home to deal with. And stress = louder T. However, work is going great. Anyway, enough about me - how are you? Xx
    @Steph1710 same actually, I have this new Typewriter Tinnitus, it's mild but actually reacts to external sounds or ty moves, so I'm actually really anxious about it
    @Steph1710 can this actually be caused by anxiety ?
    Guys while talking, my one ear distorts specific sound, for example when J say l+i, it comes of as "yip" kind of sound. Only when talking.
    The only pattern I've noticed is that it gets worse when I'm stressed or have been forced to listen / talk to people a lot. Certain environments have an impact, too, tiled floors e.g. or naked / merely painted concrete walls. It gets better once I'm alone and in a quiet environment again - so self-isolation really wasn't a problem for me :)
    @Matchbox wow so it's a noticeable improvement for you, that's grand news, I'm sire they will completely dissipate for you.
    @Leila thank you for your trply ♡
    This low-freguency tinnitus I have just keeps on going away and coming back, what is the cause lol
    I suspect some kind of middle ear origin, but can't find a doc to diagnose it or help me with it.
    Guys can this crackling also go away with time ? havin this for 3 months after my acoustic trauma (perhaps related to TTTs ?)
    New whistling distortion in one ear after doing Valsava shit, but it only happens when I talk, I'm freaking out
    So this sound appeared after the Valsalva? I feel i screwed up my hyperacusis as well - it is now worse than it was. I also spiked a tone that i slightly heard yesterday... How much time did it take to subside for you?
    It took one day
    @Farida The main hissing sound I have basically subsided. However, I obviously made the other two sounds ( which used to come and go) permanent. The one I heard yesterday for a few minutes and it went away. However after Valsalva, they have not given me any rest...
    I also have this crackling sound that I can control without even opening my jaw or swallowing it just happens by itself
    Sometimes my ear makes "broken speaker" effect? I wonder if it's caused by TTTs
    @Farida, it also got much better.
    Hi @Farida I think your assessment is right. This is all theory but part of the role the tensor tympani plays is to dampen sound. When that broken sensation happened it really felt like something was rumbling in my ear. I think the sound tolerance has been lowered for when that muscle is supposed to function.
    Good news is anecdotally if you feel something move it seems those cases tend to somewhat alleviate if not disappear all together as time passes. There is a irreversible surgery that is hit or miss than you can do as last resort if it's truly hampering your quality of life.
    Guys, is seeing walls, stuff, things "breathing", moving slightly related somehow to Visual Snow, can this be one kf the symptoms ?
    No, this is an aspect of interdimensional travel.

    Basically, you've somehow teleported yourself into one of the several realms of hell.
    There's one where the walls don't breathe, but bleed.

    Let us know if you find it.
    Maria Francesca
    I have some visual snow and also see surfaces "breathing", but I only notice it when surfaces have certain patterns.
    Ugh whatis wrong with my relatives asking me when I'll have kids, I'm only 20 ffs and don't even plan on getting married at all + T
    I'm 28 years old, and what I most wanted was to leave home and get married and be able to have children, everything has stopped thanks to T.
    20 is very young plenty of time to figure that all out but ppl should respect your life decisions !
    Hey people, wow haven't been here fir a cery long time, my T is pretty much the same everytime really mild - to weak moderate hiss,
    Hey guys, it's a month that I'm experiencing a robotic distortion while talking, is there a possibility of it going away ?
    Yes, I had something similar but with people's voice around late June. I'm noticing improvements this month September.
    Saw an optician today, thess nasty eyedrops for eye dilation made my eyesight really blurry, is this common ?
    Absolutely. But it's supposed to go back after a couple of hours.
    Mine becomes really blurry, but only for a couple hours, and then I m 95% floater free for several hours......love those drops!
    I recently went to an ophthalmologist too. I got those drops too. Kinda annoying because for me they take about 24h for the effect to fully go away.
    What a great day to have a screaming child right next to you ^^
    That's me. I would probably be recovered if my son didn't scream 90-100 decibels near me almost daily lol
    Wow imagine getting just some simple Tinnitus instead of shit ton of neurological visual problems alongside it, because I fucking can't
    Then imagine having severe pain hyperacusis as the cherry on the top (hello me :( ) I am envious as fuck of people who only have tinnitus (unless its very severe and can not be masked)
    I pray for regular maskable tinnitus every morning
    Imagine getting beeps and whistles over most sounds. And then you have friends who say 'just ignore it lol'.
    My vision looks like it's boiling and it makes me sick ×-×
    @Vassili my vidion gets completely blurry until I blink, then it gets back to normal, can it also be tied to VS ?
    My vision look like im on LSD or something like that, always. It seems shaky, like all I am looking at is moving a bit, colours look a bit off + floaters, light visual snow, BFEP, afterimages. It's f***** :(
    Can someone please help mw find out this shit, why ny vision keeps getting blurry the clear the blurry ?
    My VS got much better after 22 months but I think I understand what you are talking about.
    @Vassili were you exposed to any loud sounds during your recovery ?
    Yes, and often. You can't predict everything living in the city.
    got really severe Corona despite being vaccinated twice, Can't breathe at all, it really is the end.. take care everyone.
    Seriously though, I love @Farida, and how I choose to interact with her is no one's concern except mine and her's.
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, @Farida. My Dad also got severe COVID at the start of the year and was rushed to hospital unable to breathe - but he is fine now. Recovery took a while, but he is pretty much back to normal again. I hope your recovery is speedy.
    @Tanni thank you a lot ^^ my father is also a lot better now
    Just got a MRI can gear fine, butbstill echoish hearing is back.. I'm scared
    No problem with hearing, but having some distortions while talking
    Will take some Zinc today
    @Wrfortiscue actually Ibfeel like shit, barely able to keep my balance and want to throw up, cn also be anxiety though, but MRI had to br done in order to rule an acoustic Neuroma, hope I didn't fuck anything up
    Ok.. I'm back with one question, undoubtely having a VS flare-up, butxan it also cause blurry or fluctuating vision ?
    FUCK, a loud car just honked right next to me and I could feel it in ny ear, I've never taken Prednisolone, so please tell me how to do it
    I already took a vitamin that has Magnesium, Zincin it hope it helps
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