Recent content by Fatih

  1. Fatih

    only in tinnitus

    only in tinnitus
  2. Fatih

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    its enough if it reduce my t even a little bit. making any changes is an improvement
  3. Fatih

    Tinnitus Better on a Full Stomach

    opposite for me, my tinnitus better when my stomach and digestive system are completely empty. you can comparison it.
  4. Fatih

    Tinnitus Gets Louder When I Yawn or Shake My Head

    when i shake my head, loud tinnitus gones for a few seconds and when i squeeze my jaw then tinnitus goes louder
  5. Fatih

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    i have 2 different sounds on my fucking tinnitus and loud level is 70db I gave everything for 10 db
  6. Fatih

    Sulodexide Possibly Benefits Chronic Tinnitus

    i'm from istanbul, turkey. and i can try it and also i'll try. i'll let you inform.
  7. Fatih

    Sulpiride Plus Hydroxyzine Decrease Tinnitus Perception

    maybe i'll try them ANJIOFLUX 250 LRU SULPIR 50 MG 30
  8. Fatih

    Tinnitus After Tympanoplasty

    unfortunately yes, almost 1 year.
  9. Fatih

    Ossiculoplasty or Tympanoplasty Experiences Anyone?

    same, nothing changed
  10. Fatih

    Ossiculoplasty or Tympanoplasty Experiences Anyone?

    Hello I had a tympanoplasty type iii (modified radical mastoidectomy) surgery for cholesteatoma in march. Incus, malleus and chorda tymphani are gone. Prosthesis not applied, my new eardrum sticked to stapes bone. Hearing not bad but i havent tinnitus before surgery and operated ear developed...
  11. Fatih

    Tinnitus After Tympanoplasty

    Jut used Sefal Fort, i think it like work. Maybe it was placebo effect on me i dont know.
  12. Fatih

    Tinnitus After Tympanoplasty

    Hello. Firstly, sorry for my poor english. I'm from Turkey, 34 years old. I had a tympanoplasty type iii (modified radical mastoidectomy) operation 3 months ago for cholesteatoma and woke up with tinnitus on just operated left ear .. I hadn't tinnitus before the operation. Doctor is said...