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  • Trying to keep my mind off things so I want to guess some Myers Brigg types of TT users for fun, let me know if you want me to guess yours..
    I'd be happy for you to try and guess mine! :)
    @kuromi , this is a *total* guess because i haven't seen too many of your posts but you seem to have high internal feeling so I'm going to go with ixfp (infp or isfp). My very distant 3rd guess is Infj because your statuses have this quality where you want to talk about your feelings but kind of don't (which admittedly is just a bad Infj stereotype).
    @FGG I had completely forgotten about this but I actually got INFP so you're spot on! :)
    Wondering if they were to divide all the suffering in the world by the number of people what the average level would be.
    It's weird how on average it seems like most people are healthy and happy (at least in my day to day), but with joining support groups I was shocked how many people have horrible health issues, of all ages too :( it's like a whole other side of life you're kinda blind to when you're healthy
    Hang in there, this is going to be in the past some day, hopefully not that long from now
    I had a tick bite last summer and have had some symptoms since then, mild. And my tinnitus is a bit worse. Do you think there could be a connection there?
    It's possible but not my first thought without other major symptoms. Do you have audiogram changes?
    Your friendly reminder that I am (literally) dyslexic in case anyone is noticing all the miswordings and spelling mistakes etc I make :).
    @FGG oh yes! Reading out loud is definitely my weak point. I can't follow a sentence. I guess I'm an academic (though that sounds pretty pompous) so I'm writing a lot. BUT, I'm incredibly slow at that too. Though it's more to do with concentration rather than anything else. Do you have concentration issues? What do you do for work?
    It's so interesting to find out what careers people with "learning" disabilities end up in/choose. Actually, I like writing on Tinnitus Talk, as I have the chance to be informal, and don't have to worry about spelling/grammar too much - like I have to at work.
    @Steph1710 , I was a veterinarian. Haven't been able to practice since my hearing issues. Funnily enough, when I was a kid, I dreamed of being a fiction writer. I have actually written probably 100+ short stories and even a novel I was in the process of editing that I just can't focus on now. My dyslexia isn't at all severe, just "annoying" but reading out loud is seriously the worst of it.
    I have so many conclusions different from the authors. I think it's possible that the cats are so much smarter that they sensed the whole thing being an act. My cat senses everything. If I'm even a little sad, she stares at me intently. She's very attached to me and treats me like her biological mother (I'm also attached).
    I find it funny that the authors are like "woah, let's not anthropomorphize cats and think they knew what they were doing." Yet, they are doing it themselves by thinking someone close to them would never stiff them like that.
    @Zugzug I proudly anthropomorphize all pets.
    Google thinks I'm really interested in the health benefits of bananas now, thanks are in order to the banana thread.
    Not getting my tags. Hit like here if you tried to tag me and I didn't respond and i will check your post history. Thanks.
    I wish there was a service where you could pay someone just to hug you for 15 minutes a day and tell you it was going to be ok.
    It would have been his birthday today :(. But it's been more than 20 years...
    Merry Xmas y'all. Sending love to each of you and hope for healing for us all in 2021.
    Weighted blankets actually *do* make it feel like you are getting a hug. Going to stay in bed all day.
    I probably shouldn't type so many posts while 1) using my phone 2) being tired while having mild dyslexia already working against me.
    For my birthday, I just wish I didn't exist anymore. Pretty sad I guess.
    I can assure you that you're very valuable to this community! Even though we've never met, I know you are smart and caring and I know @Markku feels the same. Hugs from both of us!
    Azith= strial marg. cell ion channel toxicity. No research on treatment. Can only walk thru a long tunnel if there is light at the end.
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