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  • Not sure why but for some unknown reason I started going about life as if my right ear isn't screaming all the time. Trying something new.
    So...that's been working fairly well but there's still some days I rather stay home & quiet.
    Dizzy headed today, haven't had that in a long time.took a meclizine( sp?)not helping.T is hovering at a 7.just f'ing nonstop. :/
    @Joe Cuber. Last nite I was at wits end then woke up today it's been light all day WTH
    @Joe Cuber lol I had to look up somatic I do think for me it's neck related also weather and stress and sleep related. I cant seem to figure out a pattern
    T & H are flaring up & down. I sleep awhile then wide awake awhile, day& nite. I can't figure out what to do. feels like I've hit the wall.
    No I have terrible sleep habits-knowing I pay for it. This is crzy but I have a 6 yr old cat who wakes me up between3-6a.m. I get up from a sound sleep to give him a bite of food then barricade flimsy door so he can't bother me again scratching on door. Husband doesn't budge it's on me.
    Yes. If supper was before 11 pm and I was asleep by 11 pm & toughen my heart & lock Leo cat out till a.m.
    I slept for hours on & off all day. Did not help. Getting a shot in shoulder next week for pain. Hoping for at least a break from T. I'm pushing thru which is more than I did for 2 yr. But still missing out on life today.
    Oh Lord thank You for the days that it's been tolerable. I will get through today. I believe You've got my back.
    Its so weird sometimes T is so loud in R ear, I can like throw my voice & hear bass notes inside my head, hum the scale & end up on L ear
    @Flowergirl No, maybe confused me to someone else. I believe carotid blockage can be evaluated even by simple ultrasound. I'm sorry you're struggling, and do relate. Anything, to help cope, which the reality really, is we have to do it ourselves too.
    @sakrt I was scheduled for a CT calcium scoring scan today & forgot not to drink coffee so had to reschedule you're right it shows plaque.
    T was rough a few days then all the sudden I woke up with a 2 and it's been a 2 all day.
    Learning to ride the roller coaster... If u know you're going to get a break usually after a 9 day then it helps to keep from losing it.
    It took maybe 2 yrs before that started happening.
    @Flowergirl Not been able get break unfort. :( but opposite, worsening, unbearable. Quite emotionally draining trying to cope to (alike Theezy's). A vicious loop-cycle, my loud T. also exacerbates the H. vibrating and pulsing also down to feet nearly 24/7. It's really good yours fluctuates to getting "2" on days. *fingers crossed*
    I said FU to T & went to a get together. the whole d@m time I was smh b/c my right ear was screaming so loud but my left ear had fun.
    Does anyone ever have a super loud tinnitus day but somehow still goes out & has fun & gets thru it? Feeling so thankful right now.
    Hi @sakrt. I am/was a climber so I know all too well about elevation sickness. I'm staying in Cusco for two days before I go up Machu Picchu, so I can acclimatise. I like the idea of a portable oxygen canister. Thanks for the tip. :) Will definitely be photo spamming TT.
    @Steph1710 Fossil hunting you say? A conservator and now a paleontologist. Wow you do it all
    @Steph1710 I can't imagine traveling right now much less adventure. I'm so very happy for you.I'm just now after 2 1/2 yr pushing myself to go out close to home. You are an inspiration
    Thank you whoever likes me out there. "You like me, you really like me" lol
    Just remember us, "the little people", when the Tinnitus Talk fame and fortune (/likes) start going to your head.
    Hahaahaa. We will raise the survivors flag together and drink expensive champagne & we will all be celebrated !!!
    A year ago had vertigo attack husband called 911. Dx with Menieres. Seen countless ENTs. No help. That's my story. The end?
    Short answer:No I just don't know how to post in one paragraph @#$&$#@
    My tinnitus also came after vertigo attacks. Both times. Recovered 100% from the vertigo. Also from the tinnitus first time. Not so lucky 2nd time.
    @Lurius WTH. I feel guilty b/c it's not a fatal disease. But this some crazy stuff. I hate to hear this about you. :-/
    Was told fluid in ear would reabsorb. By Feb bilateral hearing loss & tinnitus. ENT#1 said it was age related. Get used to it.T worsened.
    Hearing came back.I was dx with Graves autoimmune 2014. Then Dec 2018 I had a bad cold & said I was losing my hearing.
    I had a dizzy spell & my eyes were flipping back in my head for some time. That day I rear ended a stopped car. I lost my hearing for awhile
    After seeing my 6th or 7th ENT last week I've decided what brought on T for me was the airbag when it explode & the smell of gunpowder 2013
    I'm now thinking the explosion burned off the hairs they talk about in your ear
    Many of you mention white noise and/or hearing aids/s. None have helped me. Nothing overcomes the high pitched screaming. Bummer.
    I can start the day 'ok' but a nap is reset back to loud T. Wonder why? Also I see weather related posts. I often think that's a trigger.
    If you ever figure it out let me know. Same for me!
    @Ken219 won't it be something if any of the medical research helps us. When that happens we should have one really huge celebration.
    Scanning lots of posts today. We are all all over the place. Hard to find a common thread among many. I saw someone mention nap brings on T
    listened to the podcast of the $1million donor & the MD. If you did too, please message me what it all mean?. Thx! Btw Hyperacusis sux too.
    Habituation therapy appt in June. Just have to keep trying. Any input always much appreciated. Thank you.
    Keep trying <3
    I didn't go. Have decided I have depression based on a real time live discussion on zoom. Waiting to get a therapist. Seems they're in short supply. Hate to say it but truth is I think these past few years have affected my mental health so I'm gonna get help.
    Getting neck scan tomorrw. Osteoporosis showed up some years ago. Hoping there's a connection with neck issues & screaming ear.
    Husband says it's just chiropractor manipulation im wasting $ but PCP says I should get MRI
    Good grief I feel so clunky trying to move around on this board.but after spending the last 4 hrs here I'm getting better (I think :)
    @LilSass ty so much for your post!I've been thinking about my neck for a few days & asked my pcp to refer me to a spine/neck clinic.
    Hi @Flowergirl ! I didn't have a lot of time to respond, but I'm glad you found the link helpful. I had great success with UCC, to the point where I was 95% pain free. Seven months after the vax and I am still living in hell. Pain/migraine every single day. WTF happened? Still working with UCC to try to get back to that place. Wishing you good health! <3
    @LilSass So sorry to read this! healing wishes! I had migraines since age 10,finally went away, outlived 'em I guess. In the end I found if I took 4 ibuprofen at once &went to bed that worked. Now 3 yrs of screaming T. life passing me by. On rare days I live a normal day.
    If a member says they're feeling suicidal, is there a moderator or clinician or researcher, anybody that can reach out to that person?
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