Recent content by gadsie

  1. gadsie

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I think that he means it’s superior even if it works, you get two birds with one stone.
  2. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Thanks. I ate the cream and took a bunch of antioxidants inlcuding those. I’m afraid my tinnitus has permanently increased a little bit but not too bad.
  3. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    I was exposed to loud noise yesterday. I can’t get my hands on prednison so I’m considering eating a corticosteroid cream I have laying around..
  4. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Remind me again what ligma is
  5. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Hey guys, been a while, any legit updates the past 1-2 months?
  6. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    when you forget your earplugs to the supermarket and get a spike
  7. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    I had a horrible surgery today so I’m just in bed shitposting
  8. gadsie

    My Posting Place

  9. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    I have no idea what the actual size of a hair cell is
  10. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    My contribution for today
  11. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    "This man successfully habituated, click here to learn about his awesome CBT tricks"
  12. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Are you happy? Do you have friends? What is your reason to continue living (that is not meant as a rethorical question)?
  13. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Exciting, have you done any prior hearing tests to compare?
  14. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    That’s dedication. Did it do anything?
  15. gadsie

    My Posting Place

    Sorry for missing, but what are you going to do? Inject neurotrophin or IGF in your ear?