Recent content by Gio Makyo

  1. Gio Makyo

    Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) 2016 Conference

    Baguley is full of it. He must be limiting his caseload to the mildest forms of hyperacusis or something, I don't know, but for many people who have it, exposure to loud sounds is not "irritating" or "a stress reaction", but sharp physical pain, stabbing and burning in the ears and around them...
  2. Gio Makyo

    Opioids & Tinnitus

    Thanks for the advice. Dr. prescribing opioids is not hearing specialist, and has been quick to downplay other opioid side effects I've been having (like edema), so not sure he will be of much help. Will probably need to make the judgment on my own.
  3. Gio Makyo

    Opioids & Tinnitus

    Question: does anyone know of any connection between opioid use and an increase in hyperacusis or tinnitus? I've been taking MS Contin (morphine) for about three months now due to Trigeminal neuralgia and other nerve pain brought on by hyperacusis which had brought me to the brink of suicide...
  4. Gio Makyo

    GE Silent Scan MRI

    I can't use your plugs or earmuffs due to extreme air pain from hyperacusis. That's why I'm looking for the quietest MRI possible.
  5. Gio Makyo

    GE Silent Scan MRI

    Has anyone had an MRI using the new GE silent scan technology? It's supposed to be only about 3 dB louder then whatever the ambient room noise level is. That seems hard to believe, given that most MRI scanners are around 100 dB or more. If anyone has had one of the scans please report how...
  6. Gio Makyo

    Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Has Turned Into Chronic Ear Pain

    I've been diagnosed with TTTS. The strange thing is that even as I started to control my anxiety and startle reflex, and see improvements in sound tolerance, the pain kept going in the other direction and spreading. My H has improved some overall, but ear pain is worse I have TMJD Pain now as...
  7. Gio Makyo

    Ear Pain

    Do you have hyperacusis? If so, look into TTTS.
  8. Gio Makyo

    MRI With Severe Hyperacusis

    I tried twice on The Toshiba Vantage. Supposedly peaks at 85 dbs but I couldn't handle it even with plugs cutting 20dbs even. Felt more like 90-100 range. And the worst of sounds for hyperacusis, short, sharp, and metallic. I had to bail both times, still looking for one I can handle since I...
  9. Gio Makyo

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Discussion & Experiences & Questions

    Going in for an MRI this Friday. Machine is a Toshiba Vantage Titan which peaks out around 85db, so they say. If that's treu, I should be able to handle it with earplugs, anything louder and I don't want to go near it given my hyperacusis. Anyone had a scan on one of these Pianissimo machines?
  10. Gio Makyo

    Poll: Have You Had an MRI of the Head?

    MRIs are loud even when hearing is healthy. Use plugs if you get one. If suffering from hyperacusis, think twice.
  11. Gio Makyo

    Poll of Everyone's Tinnitus Levels

    At least two tones in each ear, 50-60 dbs. Hear it above conversation on most days. Haven't been able to listen to anything loud enough to properly mask it yet due to hyperacusis. Shower is my only friend.
  12. Gio Makyo

    Poll: Which Treatments Have Helped You?

    Meditation was only thing that helped when i had it before in milder form. That and time.
  13. Gio Makyo

    It's Just One of Those Days....

    God, I've had maybe three of those days in the past week... Really on the edge.
  14. Gio Makyo

    Those with Hyperacusis and Tinnitus, Please I Need Insight

    Hi Demi, I'm in a similar place right now. Had T ages ago and largely kicked it, but got hit with a new much louder spike with new tones which led quickly to Hyperacusis as well. Same story, being given ADs, refused TRT for now, which I am less than eager to try but feeling desperate. The H...
  15. Gio Makyo

    Any Musicians on the Board?

    Got a link for that?