Recent content by GuitarMan

  1. G


    Well... I wasn't suicidal until reading the last 4 pages of this thread! Sorry guys, there are no magic flying unicorns, no ghosts, goblins, spirits, demons, etc... If the supernatural exists, we will never know about it. Why? Because we exist in the natural world. By its very definition, the...
  2. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    Interesting how those who hold beliefs in supernatural things accuse those who arrive at the conclusion that those things are not real, often after extensive research, of being closed-minded. Believing in stuff for which there is absolutely no evidence despite centuries of searching for such...
  3. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    "Almost as if they were real..."? Not sure what you mean. Demons are mythical creatures and in no way "real" any more than a magical flying unicorn one can conjure up in their imagination is real. My point was simple, assuming for the sake of argument that these imaginary creatures were in fact...
  4. G

    Severe Tinnitus Has to Be One of the Most Mentally Challenging Conditions

    The tests they do that play loud clicking (I think it can reach 100 dB) directly in your ear for 30+ minutes can definitely make tinnitus worse. I only have tinnitus in one ear but by the time the tests were done both my ears were ringing. The new ringing in my right ear turned out to be...
  5. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    Sorry... you lost me. There are no such things as disembodied "entities" that can "attach" themselves to someone. MPD is not supernatural in nature. Like we've discussed above, the mind is a very powerful thing. Invisible entities are not. No amount of seances, ouija board games, sacrificing...
  6. G

    Severe Tinnitus Has to Be One of the Most Mentally Challenging Conditions

    What dosage are you taking? Anything more than 7.5 mg is not indicated for insomnia. With Mirtazapine, the lower the dose, the better it will work for sleep.
  7. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    The "healing" ions are the negative ions. They are not magically released by the earth and absorbed through the skin by standing barefoot in the dirt. They are generated by the things I mentioned earlier. If you're in an environment that is rich in negative ions, you will inhale them whether you...
  8. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    The mind is indeed a very powerful thing. Standing in dirt barefoot... not so much...
  9. G

    Severe Tinnitus Has to Be One of the Most Mentally Challenging Conditions

    You describe it as a high pitch squeal. You should be able to find masking sounds that although they won't make the noise disappear, will cause the noise to blend in with the masking sound. Masking isn't so much therapy as it is a way to temporarily lower your perception of the tinnitus sound by...
  10. G

    Severe Tinnitus Has to Be One of the Most Mentally Challenging Conditions

    There are websites that sell the audio files but you can make them yourself for free very easily. What it is is just white noise with your tinnitus frequency notched out with a very narrow filter so only that frequency or frequencies are removed. You then listen to this audio at a relatively low...
  11. G

    Severe Tinnitus Has to Be One of the Most Mentally Challenging Conditions

    Mine has seemed to vary in severity. Yesterday was particularly bad but today hasn't been all that bad. I'd recommend trying as many things as you can including masking sounds like crickets, white noise or another color noise that's closer to the pitch of your tinnitus but is less annoying...
  12. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    If only tinnitus could be cured by being barefoot...
  13. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    Sure, placebo effect. It's not harmful but it's also not a real treatment. Negative ions are in the air. Standing barefoot in dirt doesn't do anything. If someone wants to test whether ions will help them, go outside in the rain. Go stand near a waterfall. Go to the beach (barefoot or not). A...
  14. G

    Can Earthing Help Tinnitus?

    Not to sound skeptical, but... This sounds no different than healing crystals and other "alternative medicine" which amounts to placebo effect and treatments for which the efficacy of has not been established. Magnetic socks, anything promoted by Dr. Oz, etc... Modern version of witch doctoring...
  15. G


    Not sure if that should be a blanket recommendation. THC, Mirtazapine, and Clonazepam have improved my quality of life greatly because of the way they have either reduced the volume of my tinnitus or reduced the anxiety it causes or helped me sleep in spite of the constant eeeeeeeeeeeee that...