Recent content by hartje5

  1. hartje5

    Need Some Positivity

    Hi everyone, I have been off the board for quite a while. Unfortunately I have not turned the corner yet. I am still deeply depressed and my heart condition has worsened. I have heart failure. Tinnitus is still very present. Some days more than others. So here I am. I lost my job and home all...
  2. hartje5

    An Open Letter to Myself

    Thanks for you story. What you write is so true.
  3. hartje5

    Lexapro for Severe Depression After Tinnitus

    @Florida John I managed to taper the Xanax. Tinnitus did not get any worse, hyperacusis has gone away. I'm still on Mirtazapine. It makes me sleep and eat, but doesn't do much for depression. This last month tinnitus is much more quiet than it has been in 11 month. Still very anxious but at...
  4. hartje5

    Hormonal Related Tinnitus

    My T. started three day before my menstrual cycle. From a 1 to a 10. In one night. Definitely hormone related.
  5. hartje5

    Can Aspirin Cause Permanent Tinnitus?

    I know of one person who had a very bad T. reaction to asprin. His T. got a lot quieter after about 6 month. Now he still has a sound but absolutely not as loud as it was before.
  6. hartje5

    Abnormal MRI/CT Scan

    I hope you get more clarity soon. It's hard to not know. These days I'm using a 'mantra' that helps me al lot: What is, is. What will be, will be. I say this over and over to myself to stop anxious thoughts and catastrophic ideas.
  7. hartje5

    Abnormal MRI/CT Scan

    @Natalie Roberts Natalie, how are you doing now? Been thinking about you.
  8. hartje5

    My Perspective on 3 Years of Tinnitus

    Thanks for sharing Luke. You're story gives me hope and that is all I need for now.
  9. hartje5

    What's Your Recipe for Tinnitus?

    Here's how you cook tinnitus: - work in a call centre and have a beep in your ears every night when you're in bed; - wait a couple of years; - get a heart condition, preferably a rhythm problem; - have mild tinnitus and forget to mention you have it to anyone; - have an MRI have tinnitus for...
  10. hartje5

    Current Situation: My Tinnitus Has Improved Greatly in the Past 2 Weeks

    Happy for you Mario! My tinnitus has gone done in volume the last three weeks too. I'm still keeping my breath as I do not want to jinx myself. I had a terrible spike (hormones), quit my medication (candesartan) and after that things got more quiet. Fingers crossed! Unfortunately I'm still very...
  11. hartje5

    Abnormal MRI/CT Scan

    @Natalie Roberts How are you doing now Natalie. You've been on my mind. Have you had any news yet?
  12. hartje5

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Hope you feel better soon Glynis. You are a such a positive and courage woman. My thoughts are with you. xxx
  13. hartje5

    Abnormal MRI/CT Scan

    Hi Nathalie, I would advise you to try to stay as calm as you can. Don't look far ahead. Take things one day at a time. I know what it is like to have terrifying health issues and what helps me is not to think too far ahead. Try not to play out scenario's in your head because the reality is...
  14. hartje5

    Oh My God — I Hear Silence!

  15. hartje5

    Temporary Relief

    Same here. Some days are worse, on those days the dentist drill comes along.