Recent content by Harvest King

  1. Harvest King

    Severe Tinnitus Seemingly from Using NeoRhythm PEMF Device

    Have a look at this - Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves both hearing function and tinnitus perception in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients I am involved in research into tinnitus and what actually causes it. I have found whilst researching, that there are many...
  2. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    If you read my previous posts you will see what I mean, 4th of April and before. Yes it comes from the brain caused in effect by the brain's neuro-plasticity but it also affects the cilia . . . . a complicated interaction called neuro sensory response. There is no one answer but a combination...
  3. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Electro-acupuncture? Was this done by someone adding a mild electro magnetic imput? If so, I have NOT recommended it. Even using TMS (Trans cranial Magnetic Stimulation) is not recommended. This is used for those with depression but can cause tinnitus. Trials have been carried out using TMS...
  4. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Halsy, Neurogenic tinnitus by it's nature involuntary. I disagree with the theory that T is a result of diminished neuroplasticity. I believe it's the opposite. As the article states damaged hair cells contribute to both hearing loss and tinnitus but it's not the complete picture. It also...
  5. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Kako si No yet, but working on it out of necessity. Why do you ask? I did say it was complicated. I'm writing a draft thesis.
  6. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Valeri, I've been researching tinnitus for the past 4 years . . . Neuroscience+. What most people have is neurogenic tinnitus ( controlled by the nervous system). Many things aggravate it, whatever the initial cause . . . even if the cause has dissipated, it continues. It can't be...
  7. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Are you talking homeostatic plasticity or hebbian plasticity? Alue, Both . . . . . . . Integrating hebbian and homeostatic plasticity . . . . . . and more. Neurons regulate their own excitability relative to network activity but when this activity remains constant (hyperactive) the neurons...
  8. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    The human body is made up of 11 elements - oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Basically an electromagnetic chemistry set. We have muscle nerves and like any electrical circuit it needs to run it's course and expel the...
  9. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Try This -
  10. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Yes . . . . . Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation E-Book: Dry Needling Techniques 1st Edition, Kindle Edition by Yun-tao Ma (Author)
  11. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    I prefer NOT to add electrical impulses . . . the brain does that already. I recently had dry needling treatment on my lower back. The muscles store electricity when they tighten up. The brain increases the neurotransmissions to get a response (neurosensory response) and this causes more...
  12. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    Thanks for mentioning it but yes, I have heard of Aderazid. It is a NMDA receptor blocker which reduces the neurosensory response. The dorsal cochlear nucleus becomes hyperactive and the NMDA receptor blocker lowers the hyperactivity.
  13. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    LOL . . . I would like to but I have to earn a living . . . . I do 2D and 3D design and this innovation in construction will pay the bills so to speak. Although I am male . . . . I can also multitask and I will continue my research. I actually know what the mechanism is that creates tinnitus...
  14. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    The latter . . . and then some. I have been attempting find the time and funds to become a mature age undergraduate. I am in the process designing an item which will lower the cost of concrete post-tension construction, then I'll move to the Neurosciences. In the mean time I will continue my...
  15. Harvest King

    No Hope Left — Warning Negative Post

    No . . .Sorry GregCA it isn't. The specific meaning of neurogenic is " caused or controlled by or arising in the nervous system." All senses are an inherent part of the nervous system ("controlled by or arising"). Using the word "caused" . . . well this is where we get into trouble. It may...